Sunday, 12 February 2012

I'll Be Back

Lately, I have been watching A LOT of films that demonstrate my immense status as a geek/the wrong sex. Namely, the Star Wars films (No, I am not named after Princess fucking Leia. My name on my birth certificate is 'Leiah'! Pronounced 'Lee-ah'. It's the Irish spelling!) the Terminator films (well, the first 2. The others cannot be considered Terminator films, as they are, um, shite. To be blunt.) Predator, and the Jurassic Park films. And it got me thinking - yeah, don't be too shocked, I do think on occasion. Why are these films considered films for geeks? Or for guys? What is it within the 2 sexes that makes them geared towards liking a certain genre of film?

I once asked a man if he enjoyed 'The Notebook' in front of a group of his friends, which of course, was a mistake, as when he replied 'why yes, Leah, I very much enjoyed The Notebook' his friends literally roared with laughter and screamed 'GAYBOYYYYYYYYYY' at him for I think most of the following week. When I said the same film was 'alright' to the same group of men, but that I preferred horror or action films, I got several immense back slaps and hand shakes for being 'awesome' (which I am, of course, but that point is going off topic a bit). What is it that makes it so men must enjoy graphically violent, explosion-filled, horrific shooters or comedies, crammed with aliens, monsters and cowboys, where women are stuck with cartoons and romantic films that are all EXACTLY THE SAME!? (I'm sorry. I bloody HATE romance films!!)

I think you can blame it on Testosterone - the MAN gene! I like to call it the 'Peacock Gene' personally, seeing as it causes men to strut about at all times acting butch and avoiding showing any emotion other than anger or mild annoyance. I'm glad women don't have as much of it. Women walking around thrusting their chests out at all times is a sure-fire way for someone to lose an eye.

I grew up watching The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, and I can't remember a time when A Fist Full Of Dollars or a James Bond film wasn't on in the background. Batman was my hero and dinosaurs were the coolest things to have ever walked on Earth! I started playing video games as soon as I was old enough to hold a controller and would love nothing more than climbing trees or digging holes whenever I got to outside. I know that parents obviously raise their children, and have a lot of say on what they watch or do, but my mum and dad were always very in to letting their kids liking what they wanted to like, so it was all me! Am I a boy? Methinks my chest doth protest that claim, but I think you know what I'm getting at!

This attitude that I had as a child hasn't ever left me - I think I'm finally getting round to admitting that I am a geek. Come on, I have a 3ft tall wall scroll of Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII on my wall (Who scares me SHITLESS if I ever wake up in the middle of the night). I have a shirt with a Tonberry on it. No one knows what the frig a Tonberry is. I have a stuffed moogle. There is no normality in that.

I'm not so sure on the point of this post any more O_________O BUT embrace your geekiness! There's nothing wrong with it!

Comments on the topic of 'Jar Jar Binks - WTF!??!' All opinions welcome. Unless your opinion is something other than 'he's an annoying wanker and totally pointless.' in which case your opinion is wrong. I'm kidding :P

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