Popped over to see Kay today ^^ Lucky for me, Sexy, Claxton and Moose also had the same idea, so we had a lovely day having a bitch and general catchup. We all brough our cars, so add those to the cars already on Kay's drive and you had a total of 9. Awesomes...
I must say that Claxton makes me laugh SO MUCH! We were watching the music channels and Robbie and Gary Barlow's song came on. Claxton said the video made it look like they were having a gay relationship. That was it, I was off, and it kinda set the tone for the rest of the day, as naturally we talked about sex. A lot. As is usual for us, much to the collective horror of David and Dan if they're around. We have discussed in the past that the assumption about men is incorrect - they hardly ever talk about sex, whereas we rarely talk about anything else. ^____________^
The main point was that we wouldn't be able to see each other for ages, as most of us were going to uni, yet Claxton and Kay we're going for various reasons. They were talking of meeting up and having sex (obviously O_O) and crying about missing us all. I had to take it one step further by saying that they will be crying about missing us WHILE having sex, which really did set the bar quite low for the day. Bloody funny though.
We popped over to maccy Ds to see David, as he was gay and working. Men can multitask, it seems. (Sorry David! I know you're not gay!) Claxton actually died when the cashier told us there was no icecream. She was fine when Kay told her there was vienetta at home. We all were. It's easy being greedy ^^ David couldn't come and see us either, cause he is a bender. Or it may not have been his fault. I'm not sure.
On the way back to the car, a van started driving towards us. We were in the middle of the road, but it took us AAAAAAAGES to realise we had to move out of his way. He had Bon Jovi's Livin' On Your Mum (Or A Prayer. Whatever) blaring out of his window. Sexy and I just looked at each other before screaming 'WE GOTTA HOOOOOOOOOOLD OOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN TO WHAT WE'VE GOT! IT DOESN'T MAKE A DIFFERENCE IF WE'RE NAKED OR NOT!!' I am aware that those aren't the real words, but my mum taught me the joke words, and I taught everyone else and it stuck. Bugger off with your judgement. (tee hee Judgement JUDGEMENT?!?!?)
We got back and nommed Maccy Ds, which seems to be the only thing I'm eating at the moment. Ahhhh, I'm a student already ^^ Sexy added loads of sprinkles to her vienetta, but then she decided the icre cream just slowed her down, so she ate them straight from the tin. She's a cool one (Y) I practically poured choclate sauce straight down my throat, which obviously would have been very attractive ot all viewing, thank god Kay was preoccupied and didn't have the camera out. We played Buzz Quiz again, which Claxton failed at as she brought the guinea pig upstairs with her and he kept eating her hair.
I won the movie quiz! There was a question about Amadeus - naturally I aced it. It was easy though. "Which composer's life was the focus of the film" Any doofus would know that Amadeus was his name. Well, it wasn't, but that's what many people think. Don't judge me because I'm sad enough to know loads about him! Half way through the game Claxton got a phone call from her mum saying she was locked out, so she had to leave to let her in. I remember thinking 'haha! glad everyone has their own key at mine'
We all left at the same time, Even Kay and James to pick up her sisters from school. The school we had all previously attended - it's weird to think we won't ever be going back there! Apart from to collect our certificates, but we can forget that. It doesn't count. We had a convoy of cars, which was the awesomes! (and is pictured) I am in the lead, in my stupid flower car, With Moose Behind and Sexy following her. In their nice, normal-looking cars, obviously. Then some random, which ruins it slightly.
I got home and Tim came STORMING over to my car screaming 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!' 'I'm parking my car and going inside, what the hell did you think I was doing?' Turns out he'd been locked out of the house for an hour. Like it was my problem! Ah well, I nommed some salmon then settled down to write the blog. This is at about half 6. I got in to a conversation with David on msn. SExy got added. Then Claxton. Then Kay. Then finally Moose. It was IMMENSE! It is now half past midnight, and the conversation is finally over. 6 hours of constant bitching and hilarities. We are hilariously bitchy! It's great!
Obviously because I had to keep up with the conversation, the blog got abandoned until completion of the convo. It really was epic. Also had to keep convos with Martin and Graham going also, as well as Josh on Fb chat, so I literally couldn't click away for more than a second. Gracie was also sending me a load of songs, so It killed me that I couldn't sort them in different folders. Ah well. She made me listen to one song and I fell completely in love. It's Korean, and I've listened to it 117 times tonight. O_______________O
My mum made me cry tonight. In the past when we've talked about me leaving, she's joked and laughed about it etc, saying she'l relish how quiet it'll be and how she'll love not having to hear me scream at Chris all the time. I always knew that she'd miss me, but she never showed it so I never really thought about it. I showed her a list of all the things I'm doing Freshers Week, including a welcome party on the day I move in. She went to work and complained about how I won't miss her (which is blatantly not true) but she'll miss me loads. She then hugged me and said "You're my little girl, and now you're leaving me. I wish I could turn back time to when you were born and just do it all again. I will miss you so much."
I'm crying as I'm writing this. I am genuinely sobbing. What she said has only just really hit me. I won't get to spend much time with her in my last few days, as I'm working or she is. It almost makes me not want to go. I'm gonna hate that first separation. Don't get me wrong, I'm fiercely independent, but we're so close. It's going to be so difficult... :(
Oh god, I've gone all glum again... On a plus, I'm finding out more about what happened on that night out in Derby. FML.
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