Friday, 1 October 2010

DAMNIT! I Just Banged My TIT!

That wasn't me that said that, that was Phil on his quest for pizza at 1 in the morning. He walked in to the door. The poor Dominos guy - I was on the floor in the hallway I was laughing so hard. Couldn't really of any help vis a vis paying and/or holding the pizzas.

Amy rang at 10 asking about getting the bus - where does she get it from? This caused me to panic and prepare to throw my phone at the wall, rip my pjs off and run in to the shower, all the while with the Benny Hill theme playing in the background. I knew we didn't have lectures, but I thought I might be missing something important. She must have heard my worry, as she said "Go back to sleep now, fool, You aren't needed today! :)" Ah... literally load off my back, albeit that had JUST been put there, mind.

Up and 'at 'em' so to speak at the grand old time of half 1. Super noodles, not cooked properly, obviously, ¬¬ for brekkie nom nom nom ^_^ Looking outside the weather was GORGEOUS - if you are a duck. The amount of rain falling at a constant rate was almost unreal. Although Hayley and I still walked in to town, grumbling the entire way of course. I needed to go to the cash machine before tonight and Hayley said she would come with because she needed to do phone things. Turns out she could have done it online, and I found a tenner in my purse on the way home. Bugger. Basically, we fail. Did buy nice Primark things and Hayley stopped me spending £30 on the Lion King DVD, thank god...

Went bowling with Liss as it turns out it was free, but not before I somehow managed to fall asleep for half an hour. I woke up with Stephen Fry's face pressed up against my own, which is a terrifying sight to be quite honest, whether you are male or not (As the case may be) and even if it is not really him and just a picture. His book is the awesomes - I heart him lotsies. It's the same as when I read his novels - I can hear him say the words as he writes them. Ahhh, I love love love love... Yeah, I think I'll stop now.

Somehow I won both bowling games we played, coming up from behind (oooh hello there!) both times, which caused Liss to threaten to leave me there. It was rather hilarious when we arrived at the alley - for some reason she almost parked in the middle of the road, thinking it was a space, which was a bit lol. It only took us 12 minutes to get there, as I wasn't directing and she took her sat nav. A sat nav that actually got lost. O_O

Lissi rang as we were on the way back asking me to pop to sainsburys with her, so I old her I'd meet her in the car park. I knew she would be in the car park when we got back. I was aware of this fact. It was still a shock, however, when she walked up the car as I was talking to Liss and appeared at the window. It did scare me rather shitless tbh!

Lissi, Hayley and I lounged around in the kitchen for ages, just chatting, painting nails etc. I was reading out of the Halls Handbook - Lissi said I'd be a good mum. Not sure how to take that one haha... We were supposed to be ready by half 8 for the taxi. When I said "oh, it's 8 o'clock" Hayley ran off, while Lissi and I just sauntered to our rooms. I actually had to slow myself down while I was getting ready so I wouldn't be sitting around for donkies. I am a bloke, clearly, despite the knockers and the fact that I was wearing a dress.

Tip top night overall I must say - although my feet are broken. This is the first night out in ages where I have worn heels, purely because all the other nights have been themed and have required flats. I spent most of the night screaming inwardly at the hideous pain. Diana Vickers came onstage. UGhhhh... Now, I am not a fan, but I'm all for giving people a chance and being polite, so I wasn't one of the people who booed her onstage. Although I must say her banter between songs was the definition of naff "I'm just going to have some water , here I go..." Just drink the bloody water then, love, you don't need to tell us about it. We are infact able to SEE that you are drinking your water. We are watching you on a stage. Infront of us. And are not blind. Sent Lissi a text regarding Vicker's 'interesting' choice of trousers - we settled on them being a soiled long nappy... The claw came out, but at least she was wearing shoes. To give her credit though, she did sound rather good live.

We started out near the front, but after some guy spent the entire set elbowing my boob (on purpose) then punching me in the face trying to get infront of me - yeah, dream on mate, it ain't gonna happen. I may be delicate because I am female (moi? Delicate? pfft...) Eventually I did get bored though, and Hayley, Abi and myself headed outside, shortly joined by Lissi Becki and James. We went to the silent disco thing - it was so weird! But absolutely hilarious :) At one point Lissi trod on a worm and got a bit scared as it was BLOODY ENORMOUS and reminded her of a snake (which she is terrified of). It's ok though - James picked it up and threw it at me, so it was all good. How pleasant ¬¬.

On the way out I physically got stuck in the mud. My heels sank and I actually couldn' get out. At all. Fuck. We were all heading home - Phil from Abi's flat and his girlfriend Sophie were also getting the taxi with us. A taxi that Abi, who was a leetel beet drunk, had booked. We waited about 15 minutes then I called them up. The taxi was never booked. Woops... By this point we were all freezing and basically throwing ourselves at any taxi that came along. I very nearly got run over by the taxi that actually turned out to be ours.

As Hayley and I were heading back to the flat (her to go to bed and me to get changed and get moneys) a group of guys went 'oi oi! how was the ball?' 'Wooo' came the reply from me. 'It was crap, wasn't it?' '...yeah tbh.' I think I was just sore footed and grumpy. Luckily they'd gone when I walked round to Abi and Phils' to eat pizza. I was in my pjs and slippers, so was v happy they'd gone. We spent ages chatting and it was wellll good. At one point we got really confused as someone had buzzed so we thought the pizza was there - it was just that same group messing around and someone else had ordered a pizza. Phil looked like he could have twisted someone's head off.

As we were munching, Abi and I were sat looking out of the window and these 2 blokes looked up and started to hit on us. I played along, as I'm a skank like that, until I realised they were foreign. I just went " and you don't speak English, so I will be leaving now." I need to stop talking to randomers - on the way in to town with Hayley on the Where's Wally Night I made a tit of myself. Again. For some reason the conversation made me screech "Basically, I'm a slag" and this random bloke on a bench went "Oh, I bet you're not" "Wouldn't YOU like to find out? ;)" Keep in mind he was about in his late 30s, sat on a bench in the middle of the night. Drunk. On a wednesday. Near student housing. The words 'massive' and 'pervert' appear to be marching in the direction of the blog at this moment in time.

As promised - the night at the ACademy (SU Bar) ended with Hayley pressed in to my chest. The end :)

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