Thursday, 7 October 2010

I'll give him something to wank over!

That I will - he is only human, of course ^_^

There is something wrong with you when you dream about dying and wake up smiling. Seriously. Yes - here comes another dream. For the last 5 days or so Ive been having the same dream, well apart from that dream about the chickens, which had Lissi in absolute stitches. I keep ending up in this odd house (with different people each time) and everyone has a set colour - mine is green, of course ^_^ And so - last night there was this weird virus thing, and myself and a group of people spent AGES saving a load o kids and people and hiding out in this old bus waiting to be rescued (stay with me, peoples, I spared details if I've alreay told you to save boredom, but here it comes). Aaaaanyways, we were hiding out in this old bus and a helicopter arrived across the way and a group of people, mostly children of course, set off to be rescued. They got caught up in a bunch of the zombie...things - kinda like zombies from th Dawn of the Dead remake i.e. really fast O_O For some reason there were skittles EVERYWHERE! I was represented by the blueberry skittle - I don't know either! And people were becoming infected/trying to get back in to the bus (which for some reason had turned in to an old lorry.) I managed to block the bus door shut, but some stupid arse climbed in to the lorry cabin and let some infected old bitch in. I gave in, and quietly slipped away after my neck was ripped open. What a lovely end ¬¬

It doesn't end there though - I awoke in that strange house again. Yet again, I walked downstairs naked (I've done this every time I've 'visited' this 'house') Before yet again putting a towel around myself (My uni towel, oddly). My mum was there this time, and was upset, but told me not to worry - I was still of this world (???) And the first thing I asked was whether I had to go to uni that day, fearing failure. She set off in a 4x4 full of people (including the random old bitch that ripped my throat out) to tell them I wouldn't be in. Ever again. O_O I tried to get on facebook, of course, and couldn't type a message. Adam was there for some reason, and could still see me - he needed to go to Claire's accessories for a new necklace. O______________O Yeah, I know. Well, actually I don't. All I know is that it's rather gay. And not in a 'my laptop has broken - how gay' sort of way. I mean a 'OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE MEN!' kinda gay. We went to uni campus, which for some reason was LGGS and I was carrying a load of bags - when crossing a road a group of girls panicked. They 'saw' me - not physically me, but an outline. Not a load of bags hovvering in mid air though, obviously. Twats. And Alan Rickman was inside dressed as Snape - I poked him for a bit cause he couldn't see me, but then he learned. I'd poke him (bothering Snape tee hee) until he got pissed off and yelled, but as only he could see me he looked like a knob. This bit is extremely odd - I love Alan Rickman!

The worse part? All these people were writing all these messages for me on facebook - RIP, I'll miss you, sob sob etc and I couldn't write back. I really wanted them to know how much they all meant to me, and I couldn't even do that. My mum got back and could no longer see me, and I felt like leaving Earth. It was actually an awful dream looking back - weird, but awful. Oddly, when my alarm went off and I snoozed it, I went straight back to that house. Dear God, I hope I don't end up there. It's limbo - that's the only way it can be described.

Up and at 'em to make sarnies (OMFG) and a bimble to uni with Alex, Amy and Sallie. To our absolute horror, poor Lisa was stood with Fagface. Who would not stop going on about her FUCKING FRIED EGG PICTURE OF FRIED EGGS IN THE SHAPE OF A PENIS THAT ISN'T EVEN HERS FRIED EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahem. We waited outside the lecture hall for bloody ages as 2 people were sat in there, so we thought they were having a lecture just before ours. Turns out they were our new classmates and so we all looked like twats. Physically fell asleep, yet again, but this time sitting completely upright, so I looked like a total wanker. After the break I was feeling awake and refreshed, and mega excited to see a video of the execution of Ted Bundy! Theeennnnnn there was a powercut - the entire campus was plunged in to darkness. Thank God we weren't in the lift - I would have died. Not from plunging several floors below, but from having a major spazz attack and smashing my head on the wall.

During the break we spent ages discussing horror films/murderers etc and the subject of the Human Centipede came up (as did our lunch after we'd watched the trailer) A bunch of us are going to Lisa's in order to watch it now, of course. Cause we're all sick like that ^_^ Got home ealry and found a new printer! Wooo! But with no usb cable - no cable, no actual printing ¬¬ Bugger.

Helped out Lissi and Beckie in le kitchen (who was not well, bless her!) and had a whale of a time, followed by lovely meal. Sweet and sour meatballs, which were nom and it was a really nice evening. Beckie's stories of her flatmate that just stays in and wanks all the time were horrifying, but as the title says, I'd give him something to wank over! Beckie bought some popcorn and we had so much delight watching it pop. At some point we ended up throwing things out of the window on to the open window of the flat below - including wet tissues and teabags O__O Twas bloody hilarious though - then Lissi and I walked Beckie back. Me wearing my slippers, looking extremely sexy/cool, naturally... After breaking in to several blocks at Sir Peter Hilton (not breaking in as such, just wandering around trying to find people) and Beckie getting in to the tumbledryer - which was epic lol! We wandered home, down a road that I have now learned to be called Stab Alley O___________________O

After loitering for a bit I came back and skyped my mum and then my Sexy Jexy, which was loverly ^_________^ Then popped over to Abi's for more drinking times. Yet again got a little tipsy and Katy got completely rat arsed. Twas a good night, which ended with Abi, Am and myself all sat in the kitchen singing disney songs and discussing Rasputin. As I was leaving their flat I saw Liss struggling to load her car up in order to go home so I had a chattage with her for a bit. Inerstingly, some of the guys from monday night live here and now I am suddenly seeing them EVERYWHERE! Do the fucking off thing, please!

Ahhhh no lectures tomorrow - win! But also - no flatmates tomorrow - boo! I am all on my lonesomes tomorrow night :( Oh, won't that be just stimulating...

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