Thursday, 1 March 2012

How will YOU get famous?

So, as I was listening to the very sexy voice as the eternally sexy Jim Morrison (who is probably not really dead, but is now probably a very fat, ugly alcoholic living in a cave somewhere. No! Please be dead! Stay beautiful forever! Wait, what was I talking about??) er... *AHEM* and he was telling me about strange people and how they are, well, strange. I was struck by some of the lyrics - "When you're strange, people remember your name."

That is a very true statement, especially in today's society. If you ask anyone who discovered America they will normally respond correctly (Columbus, if you're a bit thick) but if you then go on to ask his nationality, they will normally quip "AMERICAN!" Myself included when I was A LOT younger. He was Spanish. You get kudos points if you've answered correctly so far. However, if you were to ask a group of people about the lives of 'BRANGELINA' they could tell you the location of every single one of Angelina's tattoos, the nationality of each of their kids and even what Pitt's doing with his facial hair at the moment.

My point? I'm not so sure any more, but I think it's something along the lines of celebrity culture being STUPID! We worship these people for doing nothing more than entertaining us, or shocking us with how many cocks they can get in to their body at any one time, and their are even some of them that are better than others at this and so they fall easily in to the pecking order that the media has set up for them. For some reason, we want to BE them - we want to live their lives (lives that even though they have enough money to solve World poverty at least 20 times over they feel the need to complain incessantly about it).

Gone are the days when people actually had to have talent to be remembered, like the many inventors and geniuses that many people today don't know exist because they have been removed from the mainstream by 'better' things. Let's use Mozart as an example. I love the work of Mozart, his musical compositions are breathtaking and there is nothing quite like it. I had a conversation with someone about our favourite music, and I happened to mention that I loved Mozart. "Who the fuck's that?" came the uncultured reply. "A composer and a genius. You should listen to his work, it's breathtaking!" I said through gritted teeth and suppressing a supreme urge to introduce my fist to their face for a quick buggering. "EUGH! Like, classical shit? Why the fuck would you listen to that!? You should listen to real music, like DUBSTEP!" It was at this point that my memory gets a little hazy. I may have killed them in cold blood and eaten their remains, or could have simply walked off without another word, tears in my eyes and formulating a suicide plan for later that night.

With a culture based solely on the internet, it seems like almost anyone can get famous these days, such as the 'Numa Numa Guy' and Star Wars Kid, who got famous for being fat and doing funny things with their body and face, and of course, people like Chris Crocker, famous for putting on eyeliner and sobbing about Britney Spears being bullied. He is now a celebrity in his own right (PAH!) simply for doing something extremely odd but mildly entertaining.

I guess it can't be helped. What The Doors said was true - people do remember your name when you're strange, myself included. Except in my case it's a somewhat amusing nickname from a time when I got beyond drunk, ate fish food and vomited all over a house full of strangers. I am now friends with those strangers and they do remember my name. If I was Christened 'Fish food', that is. ¬_¬

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