Monday, 18 October 2010

Grope Me With Your Magic Fingers ;)

Said to the tune of 'Hit me with your rhythm stick, hit me, hit me' you understand. Good, I'm glad we're on the same level here. And so, here we go! After snoozing my alarm once again for roughly half an hour (I actually set my alarm half an hour ealier to allow me to do this. Ah! Not just a pretty face eh? :P) I eventually emerged from my 'bed' i.e. slab of conrete where the sheet had come off AGAIN! I really do thrash around! What the hell do I do alone in bed at night? - hush. That was not for you to answer. Anyways - opened window in prep for shower and got naked(steady on lads...) AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaand then the fire alarm went off again. Fuck off. Just no. I am not going outside in nothing but a towel. I got in the shower instead. I was not going to be late for work AND naked outside for no good reason all in one day.

Although I did use the fire alarm as an excuse when I forgot my work file that my mum spent ages trying to secure from Lynn. "We need it back when you come back! When you work hereyou will need IT! BRING IT BACK WITH YOU FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!!!" "Ooook... I WILL FUCKING BRING IT BACK THEN! IT'S NOT LIKE I WANT TO KEEP IT!!!!" I am such a geek - looking at all my training test scores etc I got mainly 100%. My lowest score was 98% Wiiiiin. I don't know whether I should be proud. :/

My main job for the day was to ensure I was either not working or finishing early on the 29th so as I can go bum Mr Mcintyre. The rota had been done. 12-8 on the 29th. FML. But all was not lost! This is me we're talking about - I'm an A* Grade actress peoples! ^__________^ "Oh Caroline! I just found out I have an important tutorial on the 29th, so could I please be gone by about 4at the latest?" "... But I've done the rota already and-" "Oh, but this is reallyyyyy important for my course! I'm so sorry but I need to goooo!" Long story short - I finish at 4 and Michael is needed for my course. Why? Does he comment about capital punishment at all? "Isn't it hilarious how a murderer is murdered as a form of punishment??! Where is the line here?!"

That delicious burn on my arm has gone black, and people kept asking about it. Seriously - how else could I have got a burn working with boiling hot equipment? The mind boggles. Someone else asked if the tattoo on my neck was a squirrel AGAIN! It doesn't even look like a squirrel~! Smashed my target by 500 squiddies again and also smashed my back on the low ceiling. Goddamn it... I really am out of practice though. Absolutely shattered by the ed of the day. Although I did enjoy scaring the shit out of Lewis from the street party by calling him by his full name. Face = priceless.

Took my phone back to demonstrate how shit it was being already vis a vis 'here is a text message... *throws in to inbox* haha! find it if you can!' and 'I am charging... NOT!!!! Hahahaa Loser!' ¬¬ The verdict? The bloke didn't see anything wrong with it, as typically it started charging properly and storing messages properly JUST before I walked in to the shop. You little bastard.

Came back and spent most of the evening cackling at Harry Hill. My God! And chatting to Adam of course ^_^ p.s. just ask me out please! I won't say no! XD Am I hinting too much? Wait - hint? Good one, Leah. DO IIIIIIIIIIT!!! XD XD XD I might stop soon...

More chattings in le kitchen with Lissi and Hayley, which I love doing ^_^ Then the Inbetweeners with Laura. Ahhhh what an 'interesting' ending to the series. An ending that had us all cringing and Lissi cowering by my leg. An ending that made me go "WHAT THE HELL DID CARLEY SAY THEN?!?" ~Afterwards. I just got my magic fingers out to give Lissi a massage (i originally typed 'message' - I got my fingers out to give Lissi a message. Tht does not sound wrong in the slightest.) We then did the washing up. Laura's because she's still ill, our own for obvious reasons and Hayley's because.. just because (and Laura just because actually) W go out of our way to exclude t'other one from as much stuff as possible. Her stuff got left. Of course.

She has been on the phone for the past 3758 hours or so it seems, but at mdnight her cnversation must have been bloody hilarious judging by the amount of cackling she did. Fucking Christ! As I said to Lissi (over facebook. I am lazy) it sounded like she had just poisoned Snow White's apple or broken Cinderella's naff glass slipper! Do the shutting up thing... Please. On a brighter note - done all me reading for tomorrow! Well, last week so have probably forgotten. Nevermind. It means I can go to bed earlier tonight. Or not. Bugger.

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