Saturday, 9 October 2010

Would That Complete Pillock Please Stand Up?

Oooft! Here I am! *Waves hand a lot* Yeah, that would deffo be me. Although not last night/this morning, at 3 to be exact. Knowing that all my flatmates were away over night, I knew they would not need to get in to the flat at 3 in the morning and so whoever was pressing the buzzer repeatedly got ignored. Much to their dismay - I could hear them through the window complaining loudly about not getting to play the hilarious joke. I like this game too - you buzz someone's flat, then run away, litening to the 'hello? HELLO?!?' coming from the speaker. But yeah, I heard what they were up to, so they had to go without. So sorry. :P

It kinda perked me up, seeing as my temperature had shot through the roof but all sweat was cold. Damnit! I felt so ill! And if I remember corrctly, last nights blog took twice as long to write than usual cause I made a typo, like, every word I typed. I thought it was the keyboard, but my typing is fine today and so it must have been my illness/general ability to fail at everything causing it.

Got woken up by a phone call at half 1 from dad saying he had a cable for my printer! Win! As he was outside, I quickly popped my dressing gown on - 'Hey, it's saturday! No one will be around!' So - no makeup, no bra, bed head, slippers, pjs... trotted downstairs to find.... a group of 30 people and their parents were all stood waiting to enter the accomodation. That's right - I'd bimbled straight in to a mass of possible students on an open day. Well, that's an impression to make!

Spend day in pjs because as my fave mug says (bought for me by Jem from Disneyland. It features a picture of Grumpy. She got it as she said it fits me oh so well) 'I don't do perky!' making notes and doing reading stuffs - how funsss. That Howett certainly knows how to write a gripping book. Not. ¬¬ Ughhhh when do we get to the murder and rape and stuff?

Hayley came back with her mate, who was unfotunate enough to meet me for the first time when I couldn't look any more hideous. Following another Skype conversation with my mother I have decided to do that sleeping thing, which unfortunately will mean turning pokemon off. Thank fuck - Mistey is such a whiney bitch!

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