That I am ;) Jade and Myself hasing a picatoor session before the bus arrived. She is drunk. I am not. ¬¬
I had the weirdest dream last night. I'm sorry, I know that everyone else around me begins to start dreaming as soon as those words are mentioned. But it was odd. Having a cock (teehee) around the chickens is hard (lolz =3) as he will fuck them and then they tend to sit on the eggs, giving little things time to start growing, so back at home there have been times when I've cracked eggs open to find red spots, foetuses and, most hideously, a fully developed little chick. O___________O Anyways, I dreamt I cracked open a store-bought egg here (in to a flask, for some reason. I was gonna scramble eggs by shaking it, methinks.) to find a full chick. My hideous vomiting noises and cries of "omg girls don't come and look DON'T COME AND LOOK" were unnecessary - as I was putting the thing in the BIN (I originally typed 'bed' - what the actual FUCK am I on???) I found it was breathing, and so blowing on its face made it wake up. I ended up keeping it in a matchbox coated in clingfilm in order to keep it warm. My reasonings? If I can block off all the air in there, eventually its breathing will warm the box up. Surprisingly it worked! Until I took it round to Aunty Sam's house and Juno, Bonnie and Buble ate it. Oh...
I was meant to being going in to town with Hayley this morning/arvie. About half 12. Yeahhhhh - I woke up at quarter past. By woke up I mean I got out of bed and bimbled around the kitchen for a bit. I made a fry up for myself! ^_^ Mega proud! ... Even if it was just scrambly egg (which was heartbreaking as it was those lovely little eggs from when Lissi's mates came over) basgetty hoops (Don't ask. Tis another one of those word things of mine XD) and toast (Only cause Lissi needed help finishing off her bread) So my claim of cooking a fry up was a complete lie, basically. It was bloody nom though! Also did ALL the washing up - I felt so proud of myself. Then I actually finished tidying my room! I swear there's something wrong with me today!
Even worse? I did some uni work! Well, I tried. I couldn't get on to the bloody website where my work is listed all the time. So cue a mass panic/sort out of previous notes. After a trip to Sainsburys to buy foods - nom nom 30p choccyyyyy! AND BREAD!!! I love bread! And FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISH FIIIIIIIIIINGEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRS!!!!!!!! We were stood outside and the homeless guy normally seen on Saddler Gate was sat by the cash machine (Why sit there and ask for change? People are going to cash machines to probably get money out so that they themselves can get change!) and I was like 'Awwww mannnn, gonna have a fish finger sarnie tonight!' It was like I was gloating - "Ha! enjoy your bread and cheese IF YOU'RE LUCKY!!" I'm going to hell...
Literally RAN to Sallie's to borrow a text book we have to read tomorrow. A textbook I own. A textbook that is in my room. In Lincolnshire. ¬¬ then popped in to town to get some clothes back from Jade, who was not there. So basically, I had a lovely walk in to town. To do nothing. Which was sooooo much fun. ¬¬ The number of bloody times I've been up and down those bloody stairs today is unreal! I did get something out of it though, as I was saying to Lissi earlier: "You know that poster with the dog on it I said I was going to steal?" "Yeah?" "I stole it :)"
I was being antisocial/tired in my room noming some rice pudding when Vetty invited me downstairs to play pool. Can't really say no to that, can I? Despite being absolutely shit at it. As predicted, Vetty was winning for aaaaaaaaaaaaages then I suddenly overtook and only had to pot the black ball. After knocking it around the table for a bit Vetty eventually potted her last ball and potted the black extremely quickly. Bugger. A couple of girls were watchin Hitch in there at the time, so we just plonked our arses down and joined them, talking loudly of course ^_^
Had a mega good time with Lissi once I popped back upstairs - I had to fake tan her back. She took her bra off ;) oooer missus! We chatted for ages about all sorts - the people loudly having sex that I heard, the weird lesbian lady, James' extremely high singing voice (but also extremely in tune! Singing voice) and my impression of my old rape alarm. Originally it was a very shrill alarm, doing its job etc. I used to set it off on purpose just to scare the shit out of random men walking past me, and eventually it began to ran out of juice. It went from a shrill alarm to a sultry purr - the sort of noise that would encourage a rapist rather than deter them. *Purrrrr* "Oh, you like that, don't you, you dirty bitch?" She also told me of her nomtastic sticky toffee pudding she had tonight. Well, I had rice pudding, which is just as posh and exotic. We then watched the Midnight Beasts = rofl. And some kid having a major spazz attack cause his mum had cancelled jis World of Warcraft. Just rofl.
Hayley wouldn't let me draw on Ben's face while he slept.. :( Even if it was with Noel's army face paint. They eventually teetered off, both wearing extremely tight new shoes. I'm feeling some blisters are going to present themselves soon. Ohhhh dearrr. So yes. I am here now reading my books for tomorrow (Well, obviously not NOW now - I am blogging) watching Alan Carr. And I am bored shitless... Ah well - last lecture tomorrow then the weekend!!! Woooo~!
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