Monday, 13 December 2010

The Rocky Road To Dublin

Now, am I feeling particularly clever tonight? Is this what can be used to described the so-called 'relationship' I have with my real father? Or is it simply a song I cannot stop singing. People who know me well enough will know that the second option is a more realistic choice. This would also be the correct choice. Oh Leah, have you really been that stuck for ideas for blog titles? Think yourself lucky - it could have been the other song I can't stop singing.... *clears throat* I aaaaam Gaaa-aaato! I ha-ave metal joints if! You can beat me up, you'll earn 15 silver points!
The odd punctuation is so I am able to remember the tune in months to come. Well, not the tune, the timing then...

For some reason, instead of doing my assignments, yet again, I find myself watching someone play Resident Evil 2. Goddamn, I want it to be Friday NOW so I can go home and play it myself! Lest you forget, I should have been born male. This is also judging by my lazy, slobbish behaviour over the weekend - I skipped and went to stay with my cousins again ^_^ I always have a WHALE of a time when I go round, and this visit wazs no different.

I also got a lot of Xmas shopping done, and felt a little sad as this is the first year in ages that I have not done my shopping with Mazi in Ptown :( I have now done a bit more online - bye bye £150 ¬¬ I have no where near finished either, and this saddens me. You know what saddens me even more? My body officially hates me and has begun another rampage to make me go to the doctors. I don't understand why I seem to get so many ailments. For one, I could be a hypocondriach (or however the fuck it's spelled) or there could be a serious underlying issue. This new addition scares me, it really does, as I can't think of anything that it could be.

All that aside, tomorrow is secret santa, Dave has cancelled his lecture so I have time to go to town to get a fuck off sized suitcase and hand in some CVs (don't get me started. Overall it's just easier to say that my mother told me to. This is true.) and I go home on Friday. This makes me happy and excited - don't get me wrong, I love it here, but I neeeeeeeeed a break for a bit!

I might do some assignment now - only 1 1/2 to go! But knowing me,I won't. Ugh.

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