Thursday, 27 January 2011

Oh How I Love Being On Top ;)

Yes, I do like being on top... of a bunk bed. Ha at you! Dirty, dirty people!

So yeah. I actually almost didn't want to come back to uni. At all. This was confirmed on the morning of the 23rd Jan, when I had to say goodbye to Adam for the last time in about 2 months. For about 2 months. Holy Christ I cried so much... Got in to the flat (after hilarities at Jadey's and stuffs) my mum left, crying of course and setting me off, and so I spent about an hour just sobbing in to Derek :(
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ EMO ANGST SECTION^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Ahhhh, emo angst section over. So yes - I'm going to miss Adam rather a lot while I am here, but I guess it makes me look forward to seeing him again even more than usual. The worst bit? I have gone from having sex almost every day, several times a day for the past month or so to practically becoming a nun. Fuck me. (please. oh GOD PLEASE!!!!!!) We all became civilisation nuns come Wednesday - Course trip to Hartington Hall, to play what was basically a big game of Cluedo.

I believe in a previous blog I mentioned that I would be stuck with that bitch that I don't like AT ALL? Well, I should have my own show - she was in my fucking team. But, as team leader who was voted in due to my capability to win every competition I have entered since uni started, I got to tell her what to do. Not that that mattered to her though - essentially, when we reached the crime scene she just flipped me the V and fucked off.

It was SO fun! REally. The lack of signal was good in a way, as no one got distracted, but MY GOD did I miss Adam. And so - Mr man has been stabbed and found unconscious. Our job was to search the crime scene for clues and I got to boss actual police officers around ^_^ Hours of sitting around later (and making an AMAZING balloon model of the Hoff) we ate what was meant to be food. It hit 6pm, and we started drinking. It was the only thing to do that didn't make us all want to rip off our own skin just so we had something to do. We weren't as bad as the lecturers - they started drinking at 4. How responsible. I know we're adults, but you are meant to be looking after us!

At 8 most of us could be found rammed in to the smallest game room pissed out of our brains or at least getting there. Time for a quiz! General knowledge (having failed EPICALLY at the forensics quiz. We aren't doing forensics, thank Christ.) but still came second. Long story short we won - 99/100 isn't a bad score methinks.

And of course, on the second day, after all our initial evidence had been thrown away by the fucking cleaners, we were the only team to collect all the evidence sheets and guess the murderer correctly. We won. Again. I am awesome. But this post is not.

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