Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Over Haulin' My Ass Off.

That I am. Soon to follow will be picatoors of meine neues hair colour, as well as my new hair cut, complete with its fringey goodness. Yes, I have a fringe again. I haven't had a fringe since I cut all my hair off (well, bobbed it) in year 9, so it has been a while.

Also, have purchased a fitness DVD and will be joining the gym. "But why?!" I hear the masses cry! Well, It is because I is a wobbly fat fuck teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebh. Did some of the good ol' fitness DVD earlier and spent most of my time on the floor trying to catch my breath. No, it wasn't a particularly difficult work out, it was due to the fact that the man leadin the routine was actually the campest man on the planet. My mum was rolling on the floor with me (Holy fuck that sounded better in my head). Laughing, that is. Oh please.

It is a good thing I am doing all this too - I sat down on the sofa in the den earlier and broke part of the wooden frame O_O. Sweet Jesus, I've actually broken a piece of furniture with my arse. The prospect of using running equipment is horrifying as running is sooooo painful for me. Care to guess? I'll give you a hint (or, the answer in other words) - my boobs. All 38GG of them. There is no sports bra big enough. FML.

I now have a grand total of 5 Blue nose animals. I am addicted. They are so FUCKING CUTE! Adam says I can be sweet when I want to be - give me a kitten or a puppy or something, and I actually act like my sex for once. It's true.

Aaaand to end yet another 'Fuck, it's 2 in the morning and I start work at 9 shit shit shit!' shitty post, a story:

A while back, Jadey and I went through a phase of loving Diddy Dick and Dom (you know, who live in the cupboard. They've lived there all their lives and never been discovered? Oh, forget it.) The best moment? Dick screaming "It's CLEANSING MILK!". This caused us to say it constantly. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAanyways. I was sat in the doctor's waiting room the other day, happily not watching the TV as it is CBBC and I is mature and that :P I was occasionally tutting and rolling my eyes to show my maturity. That is, until Diddy Dick and Dom came on. I turned to watch it. The first episode? CLEANSING MILK! There was so much noise in the waiting room caused my myself roaring with laughter, that I could actually feel the atmosphere in the room shift ever so slightly when I was thankfully called for my appointment a mere minute later. And everyone else lived happily ever after, whereas I looked like a twat.


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