Well, here he is in all his glory! My 3rd tattoo! I love this one the most. And so - I had to trekk PAST Salamander in order to get some cash, battling Big Issue bokes left right and centre. Jade rang arranging to meet in a different place, but unfotunately that call wasn't long enough to take me past him. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Scrooge. I usually buy the Big Issue, but on this particular day I would rather spend all the money that I haven't got on having an owl forever drawn on my skin than help a homeless man buy food. Hush. Its quite unnerving when you arrive for your tattoo appointment and have to loitre out in the rain for 10 minutes because your tattooist is having a good ol' chin wag with the old Bill O_O.
I want my naffing tattoo! But as you can see, it is there and the line work is perfect ^_^ He'd been going for half an hour (corrrr!) and I was sat there thinking, and wincing of course, 'Oooh, he must be almost done by now XD' ...."Right, I'll start on the actual owl now!" What the hell?!? And Jesus, did his head hurt (bahahaha! I'm full of it today. Ooops, there's another one and no- *SMACK*) the closer he got to my neck, the more I wanted to scream. The owl is ever so sexy though. Pottered around town at high speed after getting chips at Wetherspoons to get our strength up (Jade had a cheeky one done too) to get crisps, cock porn and sweeties and a cheap horror film for a girly night in. This is the title.
We LOVE the remake of The Hills Have Eyes. I bought the original, which is possibly one of the funniest horror movies ever made - at one point, one of the blokes that we were meant to like (you know, one of the family the weirdos were trying to eat) was running dramatically over rocks and desert. This was made in to a hysterical image when I listened closely to the music. It was basically the theme to Captain Planet. RETROOOOOOOOOOOOO :)
Mega enjoyed uni - youth crime appears to be my fortay, so I don't know if I should be worried about that or not. Wandered in to town at about 9 to hand in CVs to clubs. Yay at possible night shifts ¬¬. I got in only to instantly receive a text from my Daddy, who was stood outside my door ^^ I love my Daddy. He lives in Scottland now, having officially sold his Derbyshire home (bastard :P) but popped down to go to the dentist (poor bloke) and stopped by. Spent most of the time discussing Christian, my youngest brother and who is the only one of the 3 of us who is not on the straight and narrow. I managed to tell him many things that had been bothering me. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him that I've found Kevin, but yet again, I couldn't do it. Adam will be pissed off with me ahaha. I can't do it. I'm not strong enough.
God, that bit was depressing. Now, to end on a high... Hmmm... While handing in a CV at th cinema, I turned, gave my thanks, and promptly tripped over my boots and fell on my arse. Yes, I am hirable. PLEASE!
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