Ok - so, I went home, had an absolutely wonderful weekend with my man (he made me a lemon cheesecake. Holy Hell, was it ever good!) and was lovely til I had to leave again. I was feeling positive. We found a house eventually, which made me even more positive.
I then discovered I had no money and no means to make money. I have never fallen that low before. I cried in the bank. To the manager. Ugh.
Buhuuuuut things are moving on up again ^^ I had a job interview at Pride Park football stadium on tuesday, and while at the cinema with Jade and co I got an email telling me I got the job :) Still looking for more work though ahaha.
My Mr is gonna come and visit soon, and my room and clothes are tidy and fresh. 've lost about 10lbs and am firming up nicely. Yeah. Things are good.
woop cheesecake! i love it!