Sunday, 28 August 2011

Countdown and Life Changes

O hayou gozaimasu, kon nichiwa, konbanwa, oyasuninasai... That's right, where ever you are and whatever time you may be reading this - good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night! Mattete kurete arigatou! It's been a while, hasn't it? So, as I said just now - thanks for waiting!

As you may or may not be able to tell, my Japanese study is coming on in leaps and bounds - I can read a little kanji, and my katamara and hiragana is beginning to get a bit on the 'awesome' side. Demo, I have little confidence when it comes to writing kanji (which makes a surreal change) ano, daijoubu, I'm trying to improve! (Iu wa yasuku okonau wa katashi!! www) So watch this space.

So... The sun is actually out for once and my hayfever has actually screamed 'MWAHAHAHA' and attacked with a vengence. Hidoi kao shiteru. ¬______¬ (I look awful) and it's almost time for my return to the wonderful world of UNIVERSITY! Waku waku suru!! I've missed it, to be sure to be sure. Kotoshi koso ii hito ni meguriaemasu youni ;) Hehehe...

I've made a list of essentials I need to purchase for next year, like a new double duvet, paper, The Lion King on DVD... Baka...

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Pet Shop of Horrors

Everyone has pet hates, right? Here are some of mine. I doubt you will disagree with me on them. Of course, they mainly span around the two things I hate most in my life - people of the road, and my job.

1. The Expectant Hand

I know everyone has dealt with The Expectant Hand. What is it? Well, has anyone asked you to pass them something? The Expectant Hand appears in most occasions after this - as soon as you consent to passing said asked for item, a hand from the asker just WAITS in limbo for you to hand over the item. I HATE it! Just be bloody patient - I said I'd pass you the damn thing, so I will. I didn't just say I would so that I could actually NOT pass you what you wanted and watch your face crumple with sadness. This is something I get at work a lot. To deal with The Expectant Hand is simple - simply look down at it, then take longer to do whatever it is you're doing before handing it to them. The Hand soon gets tired of hanging around and buggers off.

2. Your/You're They're/there/their too/to - uh, WHA????

People not being able to use the correct spelling of these certain words. Seriously. How is it difficult?!?! For example - You're is obviously 'you' and 'are' combined. You can SEE IT! I learned this in primary school for Christ's sake. The worst one is when people write "Your such a twat". What? I'm a 'such a twat' belonging to someone? I thought as such. Fools.

3. Wet socks.

Just Ew. The worst feeling EVER. I have a new puppy that pees EVERYWHERE and the other day I accidentally trod in a puddle of it and did a massive scream. Not at the fact that I'd trodden in urine and it was gross, but because I had obtained wet socks.

4. Road Hogs

Just generally people driving like knobs. Mainly, those that overtake A LOT. 60 mph not fast enough for you? Or those that overtake 38768 cars at once (Obviously they lack a penis). Wheel spinning out of drive thru is a good one too - I'm not impressed. You're just making a lot of noise. The ABSOLUTE worst are the people that overtake you, then immediately turn off the road. WHAT THE HELL?!?!? I could understand if your wife was in labour and I was blocking the way to hospital but if you're just impatient... What the hell is the matter with you?!?!?!?

5. Get Your Own Book

People reading over my shoulder. Just bugger off. I know what I'm doing must be SUPER interesting but seriously - I will stop doing it for just long enough to punch you in the face before continuing again.

6. Sticky Hands

Do NOT touch me with them, and I will not touch you with mine. You are gross.

7. Throat clearing

I may just not be listening to you fullstop. Clearing your throat is just going to make me ignore you more. I guarantee it.

8. Slow - people moving? I dunno, I CAN'T TELL!!!!

Wandering down the street in a huge, wide MASS going at -2 mph, driving along at 40 in a 60 zone, getting to the speaker box at the KFC Drive Thru and taking a minute to READ the menu. Everything in this day and age is made so we can live faster and get things done quicker. This means, we need to sodding well catch up first!!!