For all you nonbelievers, the Greater Mind in the title is myself. It refers to the fact that both myself and My mother had the great idea of collecting empty boxes from our workplaces to enable me to physically move all my shit to uni without even talking to each other about it. She came back with 3 boxes, I came back with about 14. I win.
I got woken up by my phone making noise at 9 o'clock this morning and initially thought 'Oh what a tit, I set my alarm by accident' but then I realised that it was Bump the Elephant and not Four Ways Farm (I just keep getting cooler and cooler, don't I?). It turns out it was work, so I ignored them. I knew it would just be asking me to go in to work earlier, and I really couldn't be arsed. In 3 hours they rang my mobile 12 times and the house phone (which G had hidden so he wouldn't be woken up after working the night shift) 5 times. WHAT. THE. HELL?!?!
You ever had that craving for a certain food and known that you have some, so you look forawrd to eating it? I had that with cheese and onion pasties. When I eventually bimbled in to the kitchen to eat my treat, the boys had already eaten them all, along with a bag of crisps each, 3 slices of beans on toast/cheese and an ice cream and apple. Each. :( I had to make do with bread, as I didn't want ANYTHING but a pasty...
I had a shower purely because I had nothing better to do. That is how bored/upset I was.Wandering around the house in a towel for ages wasn't the best idea, especially since it fell down while I was talking to G. I genuinely don't think I could have got any redder than I did. A lobster would have come on to me had there been one sat next to me at the time. And I had to tell Chris that he shouldn't be surprised if I pushed him down the stairs one of these days. He is SUCH a wanker!
Eventually went in to work, to a hellish shift, naturally, purely because it went SOOOOOO SLOW! I actually felt the seconds ticking away. It was awful. To pass the time Charlie and myself played dares again and Jade made some plans for some leaving dos for me - one last night on the town, an Ann Summers party (where I can drink) and Charlie is gonna have a BBQ at her house. I like her house - I can spill things without feeling guilty.
After work I popped over to maccy Ds to buy everyone still on shift a hot drink, as our machine that was working fine got taken in for repairs. And also because I'm so nice, obviously. It was also because I wanted some liquid gold to drink. NOMMMMMMMMMM Still Fanta OMFG it is orgasmic. I turned a corner rather sharply on the way home and spilt it all over the floor. Heartbreaking...
I came home to find mum and Chris engaged in a verbal battle. Tim was watching, so I grabbed a bag of [eanut m&ms and joined him ^^ Chris really needs to learn that his mother is the boss of him. And also that he is a complete tosser. I then ordered my Fresher's wristband, that got me mega excited and watched Spirit again.It is one of my fave movies, and I have watched it 9 times in the past 2 nights/evenings. I'm not even joking. Tomorrow should be good - Sexy is having a shin dig, although I do have to work 6-9. I complained about today's shift being short? This one takes the piss.
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Monday, 30 August 2010
Return Of The Living Dead
I know there isn't a zombie film with this title yet, but it's only a matter of time to be quite honest. I definitely think that's it's lucky I can still stand after today. The word 'Hideous' screams itself from my body at every chance it gets. Ugh... I've only been back one day and I'm already shattered... Although starting back on a 9 hour shift, the hell shift, on a bank holiday and with bugger all stock is not exactly a nice ease back in to the working world. I wish I was on holiday again already - It was weird hearing my alarm again. (The Four Ways Farm intro, as I am truely a cool kid ^^)
I may complain about it, but I really did enjoy today - I was missed, which is lovely, although they could tell I was back in the store. Literally 10 minutes in to my shift I dropped a Krushem on the floor. ¬_¬ Twat. I also got to hand in my notice, of sorts, which was SUCH a wonderful feeling. It'l be a while after I get in to the swing of uni life before I will start getting shifts at my new store, and I think a part of me will wish to be working. It gives me something to do, I guess...
Got attacked by a wasp again, of course, while I was trying to sort out my till (that crashed, obviously) and It's frenzied attack (It buzzed RIGHT in my face) caused me to drop a drink in a customer's car and go EVERYWHERE! I think the only reason why the woman didn't stab me with something is because she too was spazzing out about the bloody wasp.
The random blokes who luuuuurve me came in again (They are yummy scrumbos and always call me 'Princess', which is lovely) and demanded more hugging. I got a bit scared though when all 5 joined in at once and their hands started doing a bit of exploring. The poor old biddy in the car behind theirs kept giving me pitying looks as I kept catching her eye to try and ask for help. Her husband blared his horn to try and get them to hurry on, but it was no use... It isn't nice to hear someone complain about being wet when you pull away from a hug. Especially a guy. Um, no more hugs for you.
My darling Tanny was in, and she, Hayley, Mr Alex, C Hole and myself very much enjoyed making William squirm by constantly talking about sex and my new pressie to myself. I once told Tanny about an article I'd seen in a magazine for a vibrator that cost £1000 (seriously!!!) because it had real diamond and gold in it (hmm, a diamond encrusted vibrator. Niiiice. Not...) and that was the start of our inappropriate conversations for years to come. 'No' was the word of the day, and we managed to have entire conversations just by saying it, which was hilarious.
Obviously, this was all while I had an enormous queue of people and very little stock to work with, but people were in quite good foolings today so I remained in a good mood. It was just nice to get to see everyone again after a long time, and I suppose I'd better get it all done in the next few weeks. :) Doing a shite shift tomorrow - 4 til 9. That isn't even a shift!!! Bollocking hell...
I may complain about it, but I really did enjoy today - I was missed, which is lovely, although they could tell I was back in the store. Literally 10 minutes in to my shift I dropped a Krushem on the floor. ¬_¬ Twat. I also got to hand in my notice, of sorts, which was SUCH a wonderful feeling. It'l be a while after I get in to the swing of uni life before I will start getting shifts at my new store, and I think a part of me will wish to be working. It gives me something to do, I guess...
Got attacked by a wasp again, of course, while I was trying to sort out my till (that crashed, obviously) and It's frenzied attack (It buzzed RIGHT in my face) caused me to drop a drink in a customer's car and go EVERYWHERE! I think the only reason why the woman didn't stab me with something is because she too was spazzing out about the bloody wasp.
The random blokes who luuuuurve me came in again (They are yummy scrumbos and always call me 'Princess', which is lovely) and demanded more hugging. I got a bit scared though when all 5 joined in at once and their hands started doing a bit of exploring. The poor old biddy in the car behind theirs kept giving me pitying looks as I kept catching her eye to try and ask for help. Her husband blared his horn to try and get them to hurry on, but it was no use... It isn't nice to hear someone complain about being wet when you pull away from a hug. Especially a guy. Um, no more hugs for you.
My darling Tanny was in, and she, Hayley, Mr Alex, C Hole and myself very much enjoyed making William squirm by constantly talking about sex and my new pressie to myself. I once told Tanny about an article I'd seen in a magazine for a vibrator that cost £1000 (seriously!!!) because it had real diamond and gold in it (hmm, a diamond encrusted vibrator. Niiiice. Not...) and that was the start of our inappropriate conversations for years to come. 'No' was the word of the day, and we managed to have entire conversations just by saying it, which was hilarious.
Obviously, this was all while I had an enormous queue of people and very little stock to work with, but people were in quite good foolings today so I remained in a good mood. It was just nice to get to see everyone again after a long time, and I suppose I'd better get it all done in the next few weeks. :) Doing a shite shift tomorrow - 4 til 9. That isn't even a shift!!! Bollocking hell...
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Ok, so today was an epic day of epic epicness to say the least. But first, a little background info:
My mother is the middle child of 3, she has an older sister and a younger brother. My middle name is in remembrance of an aunt who died in her childhood (For all those who are thick/I've never told, My middle name is Rachel)
My mum and aunt haven't spoken properly in years. I've been acting as a sort of 'go between' for about 4 years or so. Time constraints and difference lifestyles made it difficult for them to keep in touch.
My aunt came over today to patch things up, which was wonderful. Jade came with her, but Grace was ill and Ben a knob (not really, he was just busy working :P) and the day truely was epic.
I never laugh harder than when I'm with my family. As I have mentioned before, we all have the same sense of humour and as I rediscovered today, all the women have the same laugh. Although I should say cackle - we did A LOT of cackling today. In jokes between my mum and aunt that Jade and I also know, in jokes between me and Jade, me and my aunt etc etc. The laughs just never stopped. We gossiped, planned and remembered the old times, mine and Jade's funniest moment of the day was a memory from my gret grandmother's funeral, as awful as it sounds.
My great grandmother died about 11 years ago, the day after my birthday. I was just saying to mum the other day how I never really remember her or spending time with her before we visited her in hospital once she became ill, which is so sad. Yet another member of my family gone and whom I never really knew :( At the funeral, my granddad (a very heavy smoker at the time) had a very pronounced cough and retch in which he would attempt to breathe more easily. Even as a young child I remember that cough - it sounded like he was trying to bring his lungs up for a look. The famous cough ended with an 'arrrrrh' at the end. My mother, ever the comedian, turned to my aunt during my great grandmother's funeral after Bub (that's his name. I know...) had finished coughing and simply said "He said 'I'm next'". That was it. Once my aunt told the story again it took us all about 10 minutes to finally stop laughing. The only thing that made us laugh more was watching the penguin fall over in March of the Penguins, which naturally we watched about 385794875 times or so.
The bloke Jade had troubles with while I was visiting, keeps calling her. He (whom I've dubbed 'Prince Ali', as his name is As-if Ali ^^) despite my aunt asking him to stop. He called again while we were chatting and I picked up. As you can imagine, it was an awesome phone conversation. Although when I exploded at him he thought I was my aunt, and I had no choice but to go along with it. The best part that had Jade screaming with laughter was his constant 'You need to calm down' being countered by my 'And you need to fuck off'.
It was a wonderful day, and with promises of more visits and keeping in touch, everyone left on a high ^^. Although for some reason the visit got me thinking about Rachel. It's so sad that she died so young and I can't help but wonder if she would be like the rest of her siblings had she survived to adulthood. I've been thinking about her a lot lately, and I didn't know why. I spoke to my mum about it and it's coming up for the anniversary of her death, which is kinda spooky. I dunno, this is getting a bit deep for me, heheh. I'm not really capable of serious conversation - this, I get from my mother, along with a wonderful talent for randomly stopping a conversation and switching to a completely different topic.
I go back to work tomorrow. Part of me has missed it, but an even bigger part of me thinks 'OMG ONLY 3 MORE WEEKS OF THIS SHIT HOLE AND I CAN FINALLY LEAVE!!!!' although it's like the store has prepared for my return. Nothing says 'Welcome back!' like a busy bank holiday day and bugger all stock. Oh glee.... Be prepared for the usual rantings tomorrow, I guess.
My mother is the middle child of 3, she has an older sister and a younger brother. My middle name is in remembrance of an aunt who died in her childhood (For all those who are thick/I've never told, My middle name is Rachel)
My mum and aunt haven't spoken properly in years. I've been acting as a sort of 'go between' for about 4 years or so. Time constraints and difference lifestyles made it difficult for them to keep in touch.
My aunt came over today to patch things up, which was wonderful. Jade came with her, but Grace was ill and Ben a knob (not really, he was just busy working :P) and the day truely was epic.
I never laugh harder than when I'm with my family. As I have mentioned before, we all have the same sense of humour and as I rediscovered today, all the women have the same laugh. Although I should say cackle - we did A LOT of cackling today. In jokes between my mum and aunt that Jade and I also know, in jokes between me and Jade, me and my aunt etc etc. The laughs just never stopped. We gossiped, planned and remembered the old times, mine and Jade's funniest moment of the day was a memory from my gret grandmother's funeral, as awful as it sounds.
My great grandmother died about 11 years ago, the day after my birthday. I was just saying to mum the other day how I never really remember her or spending time with her before we visited her in hospital once she became ill, which is so sad. Yet another member of my family gone and whom I never really knew :( At the funeral, my granddad (a very heavy smoker at the time) had a very pronounced cough and retch in which he would attempt to breathe more easily. Even as a young child I remember that cough - it sounded like he was trying to bring his lungs up for a look. The famous cough ended with an 'arrrrrh' at the end. My mother, ever the comedian, turned to my aunt during my great grandmother's funeral after Bub (that's his name. I know...) had finished coughing and simply said "He said 'I'm next'". That was it. Once my aunt told the story again it took us all about 10 minutes to finally stop laughing. The only thing that made us laugh more was watching the penguin fall over in March of the Penguins, which naturally we watched about 385794875 times or so.
The bloke Jade had troubles with while I was visiting, keeps calling her. He (whom I've dubbed 'Prince Ali', as his name is As-if Ali ^^) despite my aunt asking him to stop. He called again while we were chatting and I picked up. As you can imagine, it was an awesome phone conversation. Although when I exploded at him he thought I was my aunt, and I had no choice but to go along with it. The best part that had Jade screaming with laughter was his constant 'You need to calm down' being countered by my 'And you need to fuck off'.
It was a wonderful day, and with promises of more visits and keeping in touch, everyone left on a high ^^. Although for some reason the visit got me thinking about Rachel. It's so sad that she died so young and I can't help but wonder if she would be like the rest of her siblings had she survived to adulthood. I've been thinking about her a lot lately, and I didn't know why. I spoke to my mum about it and it's coming up for the anniversary of her death, which is kinda spooky. I dunno, this is getting a bit deep for me, heheh. I'm not really capable of serious conversation - this, I get from my mother, along with a wonderful talent for randomly stopping a conversation and switching to a completely different topic.
I go back to work tomorrow. Part of me has missed it, but an even bigger part of me thinks 'OMG ONLY 3 MORE WEEKS OF THIS SHIT HOLE AND I CAN FINALLY LEAVE!!!!' although it's like the store has prepared for my return. Nothing says 'Welcome back!' like a busy bank holiday day and bugger all stock. Oh glee.... Be prepared for the usual rantings tomorrow, I guess.
Newcastle - Just a Few Piccies

Kay FINALLY uploaded about 130 pics today, so here is a little taster of the trip.
Top pic is myself concentrating on my Maccy D's on the way home with Lu, Kay and Myself, Sexy Lu and Myself enjoying a bit of fun at night ;) i.e. nicking duvets. A group shot of the 4 of us out to get the bus to the shops (this is important as we got on the wrong bus first time. haha) and finally, a solo shot of myself FINALLY in some pjs!
Job well done, methinks ;)
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Social... Bumble Bee Buzz Buzz ^^
Yes, I am aware that the saying is 'socail butterfly', but butterflies don't buzz, do they? No. So shush. But anyway - 4 and a half hour trip home today, so up niiiiiiiiiiace and early, but with my lower limbs missing due to them freezing off in the middle of the night. We popped over to see the Angel of the North, and I commented that he had huge feet, so we got excited and giggly for about 5 seconds until SExy pointed out that it was a woman due to the presence of boobs bigger than even mine...
I then nipped up the road to visit David and his family, who were bbqing it up in a field near my house. I had a lovely time chatting to them all about my plans for later that night, much to David's horror. I drove a tractor too and managed to not crash i. Even though there was nothing to crash in to. It was so cool! Although I struggled a bit with the clutch, as it took a lot to push it down. I dug a very deep hole for myself afterwards by commenting that I struggled with the CRUTCH because it was hard. I then asked if they would like to join me in the hole...
Popping up to Lynn I discovered that my dim headlight is now completely gone, so I spent the journey shitting myself about being pulled over again, which was fuelled by the cop car RIIIIIGHT up my arse the entire way there. Gettting lost on the way to Sarah's was fun, especially when I saw Jadeles driving the other way and us both almost running over the same cat.
ANN SUMMERS PARTY BOIIIIIIIII! Oh. My. God. It was awesome! I won the first game of the night - I took my bra off from under my top and cardy before everyone else, so I scarred everyone with the hideous lack of braness and then couldn't get the damn thing on again :/ and I failed at ripping the shape of a penis out of a piece of paper behind my back, but never mind. Won some lovely lubes and karma sutra cookie cutters on the raffle. And a little pressie for myself, if you catch my meaning haha. Jade and I fell in love with a certain vibrator when we were in the store while I was visting. Make the link.
Had a little bonding sesh with mum and G, during which mum and G both spazzed about my new toy, mum nicked my catalogue and ate my chocolate penis ( :( ) We discussed Porn and laughing about programmes from the Sex Ed show. I then concluded the night by putting one of G's socks over Chelsea's head. Don't ask. It was hilarious, and obvously isn't on par with that woman who put a cat in a bin. ¬¬
Anyways, gonna go to bed now, got more bum love coming my way tomorrow in the form of my cousins coming to visit ^^
I then nipped up the road to visit David and his family, who were bbqing it up in a field near my house. I had a lovely time chatting to them all about my plans for later that night, much to David's horror. I drove a tractor too and managed to not crash i. Even though there was nothing to crash in to. It was so cool! Although I struggled a bit with the clutch, as it took a lot to push it down. I dug a very deep hole for myself afterwards by commenting that I struggled with the CRUTCH because it was hard. I then asked if they would like to join me in the hole...
Popping up to Lynn I discovered that my dim headlight is now completely gone, so I spent the journey shitting myself about being pulled over again, which was fuelled by the cop car RIIIIIGHT up my arse the entire way there. Gettting lost on the way to Sarah's was fun, especially when I saw Jadeles driving the other way and us both almost running over the same cat.
ANN SUMMERS PARTY BOIIIIIIIII! Oh. My. God. It was awesome! I won the first game of the night - I took my bra off from under my top and cardy before everyone else, so I scarred everyone with the hideous lack of braness and then couldn't get the damn thing on again :/ and I failed at ripping the shape of a penis out of a piece of paper behind my back, but never mind. Won some lovely lubes and karma sutra cookie cutters on the raffle. And a little pressie for myself, if you catch my meaning haha. Jade and I fell in love with a certain vibrator when we were in the store while I was visting. Make the link.
Had a little bonding sesh with mum and G, during which mum and G both spazzed about my new toy, mum nicked my catalogue and ate my chocolate penis ( :( ) We discussed Porn and laughing about programmes from the Sex Ed show. I then concluded the night by putting one of G's socks over Chelsea's head. Don't ask. It was hilarious, and obvously isn't on par with that woman who put a cat in a bin. ¬¬
Anyways, gonna go to bed now, got more bum love coming my way tomorrow in the form of my cousins coming to visit ^^
Friday, 27 August 2010
It's the Final Countdown (Doo Doo Doo Doo...)
Kay just made me CACKLE soo hard at her 'song' about myself and David (¬_¬) "You want to loooove him, you want t-" and then burped. What a pleasant girly. :) Although bloody hilarious, naturally ^^ and Lu just came and thrust a picture of a topless Taylor Lautner in my face. CORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Had a lovely dream about him last night actually, before I spent half the night puking :/ Just in time for a 4 hour long car trip tomorrow, glee...
Following Sexy's hysterical silent fall on to me last night while I was happily lying tucked up in bed, scaring the life out of me, we eventually woke up at about 11 or so. Another lazy day, attempting to pack etc. Naturally I just rammed all my stuff in my suitcase as fast as I could as soon as I woke up and went on the wii with Sexy. The girlies are still packing now. Tools ^^
So yeah, it's odd to be going now. I attempted to enrol on my course earlier, but some of the questions scared me so I gave up and am going to wait for my mummy to help me. I suppose I won't be doing that any more soon :( I've also been chatting to some people from my course on facebook (it has its practical uses) and getting to know them a bit before we go. They've been helping me out a lot with Fresher's fornight too - there's sooo much going on! It sounds so awesome! Is it dorky that I'm looking forward to the trip to Ikea almost as much as a trip to Alton Towers? I thought so. I don't get it - I bloody love ikea!!! Won't be able to lug too much in to my room though - A) it's rather small and B) it's on the 3rd floor ¬_¬
Early night tonight, or at least an attempt at one. Also have made a few plans for tomorrow night once I get home - David is having a little shin dig in the field behind the church about a 5 minute walk from my house (which is weird. Nothing ever happens near where I live!) and maybe an Ann Summers party (OH.MY.GOD!!!)
On another note, I just watched 1 lizard rape another in their pool. I also went to jail on monopoly and Lu visited me. I asked her if she brought cookies with her. We then remembered we were meant to do some baking. Fail. Of the epic variety.
Finally - Martin likes cheese more than me. :(
Following Sexy's hysterical silent fall on to me last night while I was happily lying tucked up in bed, scaring the life out of me, we eventually woke up at about 11 or so. Another lazy day, attempting to pack etc. Naturally I just rammed all my stuff in my suitcase as fast as I could as soon as I woke up and went on the wii with Sexy. The girlies are still packing now. Tools ^^
So yeah, it's odd to be going now. I attempted to enrol on my course earlier, but some of the questions scared me so I gave up and am going to wait for my mummy to help me. I suppose I won't be doing that any more soon :( I've also been chatting to some people from my course on facebook (it has its practical uses) and getting to know them a bit before we go. They've been helping me out a lot with Fresher's fornight too - there's sooo much going on! It sounds so awesome! Is it dorky that I'm looking forward to the trip to Ikea almost as much as a trip to Alton Towers? I thought so. I don't get it - I bloody love ikea!!! Won't be able to lug too much in to my room though - A) it's rather small and B) it's on the 3rd floor ¬_¬
Early night tonight, or at least an attempt at one. Also have made a few plans for tomorrow night once I get home - David is having a little shin dig in the field behind the church about a 5 minute walk from my house (which is weird. Nothing ever happens near where I live!) and maybe an Ann Summers party (OH.MY.GOD!!!)
On another note, I just watched 1 lizard rape another in their pool. I also went to jail on monopoly and Lu visited me. I asked her if she brought cookies with her. We then remembered we were meant to do some baking. Fail. Of the epic variety.
Finally - Martin likes cheese more than me. :(
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Ooooer Missus
Ever checked your bank balance and seen it in the minus? I have - hideous, isn't it... Thank GOD for my overdraft ^^ soooo after spending about 2 hours we shoulod have been sleeping cackling about nicking the duvets and talking about unis, we finally went to sleep
Naturally, I was last to wake up, because I am a lazy shit. We we3nt shopping again - I only spent a few moneys on some new earrings and some hair stuff. I don't want to cut it, as it is so much nicer long but I want to start putting iot up[ more to show off my tattoo. Sexy has been plaiting my hair over the last few days, which looks awesome.
But yes, it's been another lovely day. It's nice uhp here - although I must admit that the accent is getting slightly annoying. Abnd they have NO DRESS SENSE most of the time. some people I have seen out and about and wondered why the even left the house wearing thoser 'clothes'.
Also saw another poster for 'BLAH BLAH Vs The universe' or whatever the hell iot is, featuring that bloke from Year One that I didn't realise was a bloke until Jack Black said 'Hey, get off his penis' ¬¬ To be fair, he isn't against the universe, he's taking on 7 blokes over some girl who isn't that special. No scratch that, she has pink hair and no personality. Yeah, soooo worth fighting over...
Soooo because I am so ace, I unlocked a few more levels on mario cart, coming first in all 8 races I'll have you know ^^ and then Sexy and myself continued tyo unlock more levels and characters. Naturally, I failed at monopoly once more. I have never in my LIFE won a game of monopoly, virtual or not.
I can imagine that this week has been similar to what uni life will be like - Eating crap, drinking, sleeping whenever I want. Although without the sharing bed senario, or knowing the people I'm sharing a house with for several years prior to living in a house together. And big containers of lizards and things. And cleaners. And lack of studying (though, knowing me, that is exactly what it is going to be like anyway)
CAn't believe it it already my last day here tomorrow, I;'ve had an absolute blast! I spoke to Timmy today and everyone is missing me and Chris has trashed my room. He can bloody well clean it up or I will break his other leg. On a brighter note, I haven't eaten ALL my pick and mix sweets yet (nandos is extremely filling) so I get to enjoy some on the way home on saturday. 4 Hour trip hoome. Ouch.... At least the train was marginly more stimulating than travelling by car.
I really am greatful that Kay's aunt let us stay in her frankly GORGEOUS house for a week and eat all her food. And obviously am greatful to Kay for inviting me and for Sexy and Lu for making the stay a wonderfully hilarious experience ^^
Naturally, I was last to wake up, because I am a lazy shit. We we3nt shopping again - I only spent a few moneys on some new earrings and some hair stuff. I don't want to cut it, as it is so much nicer long but I want to start putting iot up[ more to show off my tattoo. Sexy has been plaiting my hair over the last few days, which looks awesome.
But yes, it's been another lovely day. It's nice uhp here - although I must admit that the accent is getting slightly annoying. Abnd they have NO DRESS SENSE most of the time. some people I have seen out and about and wondered why the even left the house wearing thoser 'clothes'.
Also saw another poster for 'BLAH BLAH Vs The universe' or whatever the hell iot is, featuring that bloke from Year One that I didn't realise was a bloke until Jack Black said 'Hey, get off his penis' ¬¬ To be fair, he isn't against the universe, he's taking on 7 blokes over some girl who isn't that special. No scratch that, she has pink hair and no personality. Yeah, soooo worth fighting over...
Soooo because I am so ace, I unlocked a few more levels on mario cart, coming first in all 8 races I'll have you know ^^ and then Sexy and myself continued tyo unlock more levels and characters. Naturally, I failed at monopoly once more. I have never in my LIFE won a game of monopoly, virtual or not.
I can imagine that this week has been similar to what uni life will be like - Eating crap, drinking, sleeping whenever I want. Although without the sharing bed senario, or knowing the people I'm sharing a house with for several years prior to living in a house together. And big containers of lizards and things. And cleaners. And lack of studying (though, knowing me, that is exactly what it is going to be like anyway)
CAn't believe it it already my last day here tomorrow, I;'ve had an absolute blast! I spoke to Timmy today and everyone is missing me and Chris has trashed my room. He can bloody well clean it up or I will break his other leg. On a brighter note, I haven't eaten ALL my pick and mix sweets yet (nandos is extremely filling) so I get to enjoy some on the way home on saturday. 4 Hour trip hoome. Ouch.... At least the train was marginly more stimulating than travelling by car.
I really am greatful that Kay's aunt let us stay in her frankly GORGEOUS house for a week and eat all her food. And obviously am greatful to Kay for inviting me and for Sexy and Lu for making the stay a wonderfully hilarious experience ^^
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Strawberries and Cream ^^
Here we are on Day, like, 5 of my search to remember SOMETHING that haapened on friday night. So far I have a few embarassing moments and stupidities, sore lips and a few hideous photos on that delightful thing we call facebook. I am not helping matters by pumping myself frull of more and more alcohol. I was reading a magazine today that said that a person's fertility can be affected by their drinking habits. I read it whilst drinking a glass of wine ^^
So yeah, I'm a leeetle bit tipsy right now. I has my very own bottle of 'Sidekick', which is kinda like corkies, which is kinda like v strong alcoholic milkshakes. NOM NOM NOM! So todfay was our rest day - our rest day from resting and shopping that is. After moving moine and Sexy's matress in to Lu and Kay's room we got bugger all sleep but many hilarious photos, some of which may get posted on here when we get back home, despite the constant source of computing and internet.
We finally rose at about 11 and had lunch about 2 hours later when we were all dressed. ,When I say dressed, I mean when we had showered, put makeup on and put our pjs back on. Monopoly was played once again. I lost amazingly several times. Ahhhh shite. And had some more gaming on the wii - I'm much better at that, tradition video games, you can STUFF your stupid animated board games.
It's nice to know that I'm being missed at home, even if it is just by Ponyo, who has started pining for me again. He was made to sleep with his dad last night. I know how bad that souinds as a sentence, but it's true. Made to sleep in trhe same hut that is, ahaha. David misses me, well, all of us too. WE MISS YOU TOO!!
Robin Hood men in tights is hilarious!! I laugh3ed hysterically for about 10 minutes at an abbot accidentally walking in to the camera. Simple things eh? Anyways, more gaming is happening atm, although I've attatched myself to some REALLY GOOD crime magazines. I heart murder, it seems. Tomorrow we arte going back to the Metro Centre, purely to attack primark again and so that both Kay and Lu camn buy the same book I bought the other day and that they have both had a go at reading., But I haven't. WOOOO PARTY GAMES!!!
So yeah, I'm a leeetle bit tipsy right now. I has my very own bottle of 'Sidekick', which is kinda like corkies, which is kinda like v strong alcoholic milkshakes. NOM NOM NOM! So todfay was our rest day - our rest day from resting and shopping that is. After moving moine and Sexy's matress in to Lu and Kay's room we got bugger all sleep but many hilarious photos, some of which may get posted on here when we get back home, despite the constant source of computing and internet.
We finally rose at about 11 and had lunch about 2 hours later when we were all dressed. ,When I say dressed, I mean when we had showered, put makeup on and put our pjs back on. Monopoly was played once again. I lost amazingly several times. Ahhhh shite. And had some more gaming on the wii - I'm much better at that, tradition video games, you can STUFF your stupid animated board games.
It's nice to know that I'm being missed at home, even if it is just by Ponyo, who has started pining for me again. He was made to sleep with his dad last night. I know how bad that souinds as a sentence, but it's true. Made to sleep in trhe same hut that is, ahaha. David misses me, well, all of us too. WE MISS YOU TOO!!
Robin Hood men in tights is hilarious!! I laugh3ed hysterically for about 10 minutes at an abbot accidentally walking in to the camera. Simple things eh? Anyways, more gaming is happening atm, although I've attatched myself to some REALLY GOOD crime magazines. I heart murder, it seems. Tomorrow we arte going back to the Metro Centre, purely to attack primark again and so that both Kay and Lu camn buy the same book I bought the other day and that they have both had a go at reading., But I haven't. WOOOO PARTY GAMES!!!
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Dah Dee Dah Dah Dah Dah Dum...
In case you were unsure, the title is from the song 'Saturday Night' and is what myself and Kay just danced around the living room to in our pjs. Well. I'm in pjs. She's normal and isn't in pjs at half 3 in the afternoon.
Soooo... last night we ate foods and played more games, then attempted to watch 2012, but found it hilarious more than anything else and then left all the stuff to be cleared up, so we fail at being tidy. Sexy and myself stayed up watching hairspray, which is the awesomes tbh ^^
She bforgot that I make, er... 'noises' in my sleep, so our sharing a bed may have gi8ven the others the wrong idea, if you catch my meaning. Waking up asnd hearing Sexy chatting up the birds and lizards is rather worrying. Waking up at seeing a mental hospital across the road is even more worrying, especially when there is an alarm going off that's making Sexy cry 'She's in HERE! Come and get her!!'
Niiiice and early start and about an hour bus rider to the Metro CEntre. I did a skinny shop, as I have very little money, so I typically bought what I usually do - Clothes, Books and DVDs. I got new pjs ^^ Whjich everyone will be pleased to know are NOT shorts and have trousers for the bottom and a vest that doesn't allow my boobs to spill out too much! They have owls on them. AWE-SOMES!!! Kay and myself bought Sexy a You Me at 6 poster, cause she luuuuurves them
We are now trying on all our purchases (mine not so many - pjs, socks, shoes, towels and A jumper dress) and some crime books. Now for some gaming on the PS3. I FINALLY GET TO PLAY ON ONE!!!!
Soooo... last night we ate foods and played more games, then attempted to watch 2012, but found it hilarious more than anything else and then left all the stuff to be cleared up, so we fail at being tidy. Sexy and myself stayed up watching hairspray, which is the awesomes tbh ^^
She bforgot that I make, er... 'noises' in my sleep, so our sharing a bed may have gi8ven the others the wrong idea, if you catch my meaning. Waking up asnd hearing Sexy chatting up the birds and lizards is rather worrying. Waking up at seeing a mental hospital across the road is even more worrying, especially when there is an alarm going off that's making Sexy cry 'She's in HERE! Come and get her!!'
Niiiice and early start and about an hour bus rider to the Metro CEntre. I did a skinny shop, as I have very little money, so I typically bought what I usually do - Clothes, Books and DVDs. I got new pjs ^^ Whjich everyone will be pleased to know are NOT shorts and have trousers for the bottom and a vest that doesn't allow my boobs to spill out too much! They have owls on them. AWE-SOMES!!! Kay and myself bought Sexy a You Me at 6 poster, cause she luuuuurves them
We are now trying on all our purchases (mine not so many - pjs, socks, shoes, towels and A jumper dress) and some crime books. Now for some gaming on the PS3. I FINALLY GET TO PLAY ON ONE!!!!
Monday, 23 August 2010
It's Raining Again
A 'lovely' early start after some wii gaming fun the night before left me wanting more more more (sleep that is. I am so so tired for some reason!) It was POURING with rain, which would make train travel even more fun.
Naturally the train was delayed and so we were very worried about missing the second train. I did a bit of swanning on the train, which was embarassing. Also found out more of what I did on friday night. Oh. My. God. I AM such a tit tbh. Some of these things I will nevber be able to live down. Never mind.
Kay screamed at us from the exit barriers as we pulled up in the station, but Sexy looked severely unimpressed. What a lovely greeting haha. The taxi driver made me laugh (inwardly of course, I didn't want to nark him off) just by speaking in his usual accent. All I could hear was 'I've broken me leg Im off to E & E' from Michael Mcintyre's Live and Laughing.
Am sharing a room with Sexy. Not just a room, but also a bed. OOOOOOOMG. Must learn to control self haha. Kay and Sexy made cakes for us, and Sexy and myuself fail at cooking microwave popcorn. Uni = I am going to starve to death/ live on pot noodles and smash.
Am currently sat on one of 2 computers which is fun because we keep writing messages to each other on facebook. We are immensely cool like that. Kay is sat enjoying a Christmas catalogue and looking at interior things that she will never buy. We are currently waiting for the wii to be set up, after having a load of goes on the ps2. I won the Buzz Movie Quiz, but failed at everything else. Kay has just shown me some edible chalk, which is infact sherbert so isn't edible chalk at all. False advertisement. I also fell in love with a chair that is actually a jewellery box. Fail. If today is anything to go by, this is going to be ab absolutely amazing week!!
Naturally the train was delayed and so we were very worried about missing the second train. I did a bit of swanning on the train, which was embarassing. Also found out more of what I did on friday night. Oh. My. God. I AM such a tit tbh. Some of these things I will nevber be able to live down. Never mind.
Kay screamed at us from the exit barriers as we pulled up in the station, but Sexy looked severely unimpressed. What a lovely greeting haha. The taxi driver made me laugh (inwardly of course, I didn't want to nark him off) just by speaking in his usual accent. All I could hear was 'I've broken me leg Im off to E & E' from Michael Mcintyre's Live and Laughing.
Am sharing a room with Sexy. Not just a room, but also a bed. OOOOOOOMG. Must learn to control self haha. Kay and Sexy made cakes for us, and Sexy and myuself fail at cooking microwave popcorn. Uni = I am going to starve to death/ live on pot noodles and smash.
Am currently sat on one of 2 computers which is fun because we keep writing messages to each other on facebook. We are immensely cool like that. Kay is sat enjoying a Christmas catalogue and looking at interior things that she will never buy. We are currently waiting for the wii to be set up, after having a load of goes on the ps2. I won the Buzz Movie Quiz, but failed at everything else. Kay has just shown me some edible chalk, which is infact sherbert so isn't edible chalk at all. False advertisement. I also fell in love with a chair that is actually a jewellery box. Fail. If today is anything to go by, this is going to be ab absolutely amazing week!!
Sunday, 22 August 2010
This is The Dawning Of The Age...
My mother and I spent the day cleaning out my new room. There are only 3 rooms in my house, and the boys share one. There's no point in my room lying empty when I leave home to go to uni, so Tim is moving in. I originally planned to just put all my stuff in to storage and sleep on the sofa when I come home, but mum bought a caravan!
My room is a caravan. It was shite when it first arrived - It had been sitting in a barn for 6 years and was coated in dirt and hideously dirty inside, so we scrubbed a bit and it came up clean! I have a little table... thing in the middle of the room, and I finally found a use for the wrapping paper David got me - I covered the table top in it and laminated it ^^ I has an incredibly sexy moomin table, that no person in the world will have as well!
We popped to get some carpet, which looks soooo amazing! Will also be weird - used to having wooden flooring for the past 5 years. I am mega happy about this - I can lock it so I don't need to worry about the boys using my DVD collection as their own personal librus (from the Latin, meaning 'SHHHHH')
Have packed a smaller bag in order to be able to take it on the train. Tonight I'm staying at Moosey's house so we can get up early to get the train to Newcastle to meet up with Kay and Sexy who are already up there for our girly holiday. Now for some tacos and to wait for her to get her ass here from work ^^
My room is a caravan. It was shite when it first arrived - It had been sitting in a barn for 6 years and was coated in dirt and hideously dirty inside, so we scrubbed a bit and it came up clean! I have a little table... thing in the middle of the room, and I finally found a use for the wrapping paper David got me - I covered the table top in it and laminated it ^^ I has an incredibly sexy moomin table, that no person in the world will have as well!
We popped to get some carpet, which looks soooo amazing! Will also be weird - used to having wooden flooring for the past 5 years. I am mega happy about this - I can lock it so I don't need to worry about the boys using my DVD collection as their own personal librus (from the Latin, meaning 'SHHHHH')
Have packed a smaller bag in order to be able to take it on the train. Tonight I'm staying at Moosey's house so we can get up early to get the train to Newcastle to meet up with Kay and Sexy who are already up there for our girly holiday. Now for some tacos and to wait for her to get her ass here from work ^^
Saturday, 21 August 2010
This morning I woke up with literally no clue where I was and wondering where half my earrings had gone and why there was an earring shoved in my nose. Sign of a good night ^^
Friday brought the day of my bumming in celebration of getting in to uni. After a bit of gaming (Gitaroo Man and Dance Stage) we had some pre drinkies. Jade's friend Josh came to pick us up and made us teeter around asda in clubbing clothes in order to buy more drinkies.
Our first port of call was a pub, where I met more of Jade's friends and made some more of my own. Matty, who is a wonderfully camp man, bought me a load of pitchers, so we were all pretty pissed before we even went to the clubs.
Somehow I got in to Bluenote and enjoyed several zombies and hulks and had a bit of a boogy. All the time wondering where a funny set of steps would lead. Turns out it was the entrance/exit as we soon went down them in an attempt to get in to Mosh. Tit.
Again, I wasn't turned away, even though I was physically being held up by Josh at this point. I had still yet to buy any of my own drinks - Matty kept treating me to ?Jager shots and I knocked back at least 5 of the damn things and spilt another 3 down my top. At that point I was concentrating on watching the Pokemon movie playing. I actually screamed 'This place is FUCKING FANTASTIC!!!!!' When I saw what was playing. They must have played it several times, either that or I was so wasted that when we were leaving later I forgot the rules of time and space.
At this point a blatantly twatty guy dressed in a sailor suit would NOT leave me alone! CONSTANTLY coming over "You alright?" "Yes, though I'd be even better if you FUCKED OFF!" He looked like one of the Village People. He was also gay, so I have no idea why he wouldn't leave me alone. I'm blatantly not male - either that or I haver serious moob issues...
Apparantly we got back at about 5. I spent about 2 hours stood outside talking to Josh and attacking him with my lips ^^ Apparantly, s'all good since I had my tongue pierced. He had to carry me in to the house in the end, so it's a good thing he's about 6" + tall and build like a bull (major woof woof material ^^) when he took me upstairs we found Jade rolling around on the bed shouting 'WTF!? You're NOT Garry?????????????????' down the phone and attempting to brush her teeth too.
Everyone left at about 11 today but I stayed til 1 as I was still drunk when I woke up and was in no fit state to drive. As I was leaving the heavens opened and some random woman approached me and asked if something was mine. I didn't really hear her, but said yes anyway an then she presented me with this Mickey Mouse pillow that don't own. I took it so I didn't look like a complete twat.
I went to my Grandparents' again with the boys to watch old videos of us, which were hilarious. Highlights included naked footage of a 5 year old me dancing manically on the landing, a 5 year old me telling my mum that the hamster had just 'Buggered off and left her children', Tim at 2 screaming hysterically at aforementioned hamster children (The damn thing was pregnant when I got it), My dad zooming in on my mum's arse and boobs. She then pulls her trousers down. It was a lovely end to the video... Chris was surprised to see her tattoo. It's not like it would just wash off!
My new room is here! It's very dirty, Inside and out, so me and mum are gonna do some major cleaning work and renovation. I has a table top thing that I am gonna cover in my Moomin wrapping paper from DAvid and laminate. should be AWESOMES!!!!
Friday brought the day of my bumming in celebration of getting in to uni. After a bit of gaming (Gitaroo Man and Dance Stage) we had some pre drinkies. Jade's friend Josh came to pick us up and made us teeter around asda in clubbing clothes in order to buy more drinkies.
Our first port of call was a pub, where I met more of Jade's friends and made some more of my own. Matty, who is a wonderfully camp man, bought me a load of pitchers, so we were all pretty pissed before we even went to the clubs.
Somehow I got in to Bluenote and enjoyed several zombies and hulks and had a bit of a boogy. All the time wondering where a funny set of steps would lead. Turns out it was the entrance/exit as we soon went down them in an attempt to get in to Mosh. Tit.
Again, I wasn't turned away, even though I was physically being held up by Josh at this point. I had still yet to buy any of my own drinks - Matty kept treating me to ?Jager shots and I knocked back at least 5 of the damn things and spilt another 3 down my top. At that point I was concentrating on watching the Pokemon movie playing. I actually screamed 'This place is FUCKING FANTASTIC!!!!!' When I saw what was playing. They must have played it several times, either that or I was so wasted that when we were leaving later I forgot the rules of time and space.
At this point a blatantly twatty guy dressed in a sailor suit would NOT leave me alone! CONSTANTLY coming over "You alright?" "Yes, though I'd be even better if you FUCKED OFF!" He looked like one of the Village People. He was also gay, so I have no idea why he wouldn't leave me alone. I'm blatantly not male - either that or I haver serious moob issues...
Apparantly we got back at about 5. I spent about 2 hours stood outside talking to Josh and attacking him with my lips ^^ Apparantly, s'all good since I had my tongue pierced. He had to carry me in to the house in the end, so it's a good thing he's about 6" + tall and build like a bull (major woof woof material ^^) when he took me upstairs we found Jade rolling around on the bed shouting 'WTF!? You're NOT Garry?????????????????' down the phone and attempting to brush her teeth too.
Everyone left at about 11 today but I stayed til 1 as I was still drunk when I woke up and was in no fit state to drive. As I was leaving the heavens opened and some random woman approached me and asked if something was mine. I didn't really hear her, but said yes anyway an then she presented me with this Mickey Mouse pillow that don't own. I took it so I didn't look like a complete twat.
I went to my Grandparents' again with the boys to watch old videos of us, which were hilarious. Highlights included naked footage of a 5 year old me dancing manically on the landing, a 5 year old me telling my mum that the hamster had just 'Buggered off and left her children', Tim at 2 screaming hysterically at aforementioned hamster children (The damn thing was pregnant when I got it), My dad zooming in on my mum's arse and boobs. She then pulls her trousers down. It was a lovely end to the video... Chris was surprised to see her tattoo. It's not like it would just wash off!
My new room is here! It's very dirty, Inside and out, so me and mum are gonna do some major cleaning work and renovation. I has a table top thing that I am gonna cover in my Moomin wrapping paper from DAvid and laminate. should be AWESOMES!!!!
Thursday, 19 August 2010
The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life ^^

Champers for the gang! Front L-R: Sexy, myself, Becca, Kay, Moose. David and Stephen bringing up the rear (har har)
Up at the hideous time of 6 in order to drive back home to collect my Results. I left at half 6 but got to school at about 10ish despite it only being about 2 hours away, due to hideous amounts of traffic and my needing to pull over about 6 times in order to upchuck. Yeah, I was a little bit nervous.
Got there and wandered unsteadily in to the hall past loads of people on the phone with massive grins on their faces. I'm surprised I didn't throw up on then. A very loooong chat with one of my teachers.
"soooooooooooooo, you're going in for crime and justice in Derby uni, and need BCC, correct?"
"Um yes."
"Does that include General Studies?"
"unfortunately not :("
"Well, you got a B in Psychology" (Same mark as AS) "a C in Biology" (same as AS, which surprised me, as I really thought I would plummet to a U in Blodge ¬¬) "and an A in Drama, so well done!" (I went up, and actually got several 100% modules, so I was on course for an A*)
OMG I AM GOING TO UNI!!!! I actually can't believe it! Went to Kay's for a bit afterwards for a bit of a break from driving and also because Kay has a nack for throwing nice dos. David brought some champers, which was nommy.
I gota bit hacked off when I went on ucas track - I was naturally extremely happy to see 'unconditional offer' next to Derby uni, but I saw that it had been updated on the 15th, which means that for the last 4 days I have been in a complete thrombo whereas if I had been able to get on to track (without my Ucas personal ID, cause I fail) I'd have known in advance and my mum's constant 'whatever you get I will love you' comments wouldn't have worried me so much. I swear she was saying them through gritted teeth anyway haha.
We played Buzz Quiz, and I failed epically, even on a team with Stephen, though I wasn't the worst one. A picture of a dog appeared on the screen, Becca cried 'That's a dog!' and David selected the answer 'ferret'. Becca thinks that Alpacas leave the room when they get angry and Dani, Lucy and Myself all went through times of 'omg noooo I meant the other answer' only for the answer we selected to be correct.
I had the task of phoning GRummar aka The Big Head and my mum's mum to tell her the news, and she ate all my credit because she kept 'letting me go' then going on about her holiday she hasn't been on some more. Having a drinky poo (i.e. a glass) and dad went mad due to me taking tim to le cinema in an hour. A GLASS! Bloody hell, it was like I was attacking his vodka by the way he kept going on about it!
Saw Toy Story 3 again, and it was just as good as the first time. I would like to say that I didn't cry at all this time, but I would be lying - I bawled like a baby yet again. Spanish Buzz's dancing = lol and I still LOVE Tom Hanks' voice!! Ohhhhhh his voice... On problem that I also noticed last time though - why the hell would Andy keep the stupid green aliens that had virtually nothing to do with the rest of the gang and are clearly retarded. I know they were in the film so they could take part in the ending (haha, no spoilers here) but seriously, in reality they would have been the first toys to go. Bo Peep should have been kept... unless she broke.... sniffle...
Bring on tomorrow. I'm getting a bumming from Jadey and a piss up in Derby, all of the bars I will soon be frquenting!!! Yay!
I Luff Ya Deep Down ^^

That I do, and it is one of the quotes along with 'Well!' that we spent the entire night repeating, and also 'wa-ah'. God it's just too funny! 'll tell you what isn't funny though - Dad's internet 'connection'. It occasionally just fucks off! It's soooooo annoying!
But yes, the gaming was soooo hilarious. We played Soul CAlibur 2 and fell in love with Valdo and his mincy walk and river dance moves, and spent the time just throwing ourselves off the edge of the ring to make for an amusing slow mo replay. Time Splitters was sooo funny - my name was Charbs, so naturally seeing 'First kill by Charbs' or 'Killed by Charbs' was utterly hilarious. Playing virus also made us laugh so hard as we soon got bored and spent the time stampeding in to a rotating fan to kill ourselves. In slow motion.
After a bit of bonding with my aunt over boobs, Jade and myself set off to get our tattoos, and were late, in keeping with family tradition. The albeit lovely tattoo artist was a bit dim - he said he was going to do my tattoo free hand. Um, dude? You don't have to have it for life. I'm not gonna have a tattoo crossed out and with the actual tattoo next to it. It's a good thing I made him draw it out first - I ended up correcting it about 5 times. I now have the symbol for 'Capricorn' on the back of my neck. It wasn't that painful, though Jade pissed herself laughing as she watched my face change from a grin to an expression of extreme pain and mouth 'FUCKING HELL'
The heavens opened in spectacular fashion when we got out, and true to my usual form I was wearing very few clothes, so I was going to get soaked. As we made our way down a sheltered bit, a blatantly drunk bloke comes tripping over and says 'Ello DARLING! You enetering a wet t shirt competition? I bet you'd win :) :) :) :) :) :)' I just replied 'Um, I bet I will' and scuttled off. We had fun in a furniture store, cause we're cool ^^
I took Tim to see Knight and Day, so I had to endure Tom Cruise's smarmy head oozing around the screen. Thank god it wasn't in 3D, or I would have to have killed someone. The film altogether wasn't too bad, although the ending was incredibly SHITE. ^^
My mum informs me that Ponyo has been sent to live with his dad, Brian, and his 'wife' who has 2 new chicks of her own :/ so I had a spazz attack, as last time he was put in there with the others, they played the lovely game of 'let's attack the new boy!' and she also informs me that she's finally bought my new bedroom - my own little caravan. I'm so excited! I hope I can move out though to get use of it - if tomorrow goes all ok. I just threw up. This is going to be sooooo much funs. Ughhhhhhhhhh...
The picture is my new tattoo. Note the hideous redness against the pale skin. And the freezing cold temperature o the day...
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Fucking LOL
This is a conversation between me and some random trying it on with Jadey. I am she wolf and he is t'other one: says:
U her fella
She wolf says:
infact I am
so please bugger off says:
Sorry didn't realise she was taken
She wolf says:
or I will have to deck you
well, she is
so if you don't stop talking to her says:
lol u couldn't deck me
She wolf says:
I will take steps to prevent you from doing so
oh but I could says:
U shud ask why she added me
She wolf says:
alcohol does terrible things to a person says:
Right I'm off anyway I don't wanna taken girl
She wolf says:
by the way, you may call me a fella
But I am infact female
so you have been trying it on with a lesbian
hahaha says:
Lol that's cool u def couldn't deck me then - sorry to intrude on ur lesbian antics
Bye x
She wolf says:
oh you'd be surprised
thank you ;) says:
U her fella
She wolf says:
infact I am
so please bugger off says:
Sorry didn't realise she was taken
She wolf says:
or I will have to deck you
well, she is
so if you don't stop talking to her says:
lol u couldn't deck me
She wolf says:
I will take steps to prevent you from doing so
oh but I could says:
U shud ask why she added me
She wolf says:
alcohol does terrible things to a person says:
Right I'm off anyway I don't wanna taken girl
She wolf says:
by the way, you may call me a fella
But I am infact female
so you have been trying it on with a lesbian
hahaha says:
Lol that's cool u def couldn't deck me then - sorry to intrude on ur lesbian antics
Bye x
She wolf says:
oh you'd be surprised
thank you ;)
Bowling Queen? Um YES! ^^
This morning I was woken by Tim crashing in to the room followed by my dad screaming "WHY can't you take Tim bowling with him?" Even though Tim did no want to come and Ben to be organised it anyway. Trying not to be true to my Family's tradition of being late to our own funerals, I set off in a decent time. I was 30 mins early, much to Ben's hilarity and also annoyance. I got to meet his girlfriend, Shona, who is absolutely lovely and hilarious.
So then we went bowling, and the journey there was naturally hilarious, with my big smarmy head sat right in the middle in the back of the car blocking Ben's view of behind and He and Jade doing hilarious impressions of Japanese porn and us all very loudly crying 'I can't see you, but I bet you're all wearing SMASHING BLOUSES!!!'
I didn't get my hopes up vis a vis the bowling as I fail. I won the first game and came er... 2nd in the 2nd game ^^ Monsters Inc was just starting as we arrived, and we were there so long we watched all the trailers at the beginning, twice and the entire film and credits. Jade and myself were in absolute stitches the entire time, screaming about 'JUDGEMENT' being affected by the jagerbombs we purchased and putting our taywahs in each other's charbs.
Being dance machine stars, we decided to have a play, despite the fact that our judgement was very much slightly impaired. And the machine didn't work properly, so we had to do furious stamping to try and get it to register that we were even on it. We failed, though some random guys passing by very much enjoyed my jumping around. Pervs.
We are now currently sat with a couple of bottle o' booze and some funny/scary films - Death at a Funeral = lol and The Children is still just as weird. A gaming night is still to commence. Fucking YES!!
So then we went bowling, and the journey there was naturally hilarious, with my big smarmy head sat right in the middle in the back of the car blocking Ben's view of behind and He and Jade doing hilarious impressions of Japanese porn and us all very loudly crying 'I can't see you, but I bet you're all wearing SMASHING BLOUSES!!!'
I didn't get my hopes up vis a vis the bowling as I fail. I won the first game and came er... 2nd in the 2nd game ^^ Monsters Inc was just starting as we arrived, and we were there so long we watched all the trailers at the beginning, twice and the entire film and credits. Jade and myself were in absolute stitches the entire time, screaming about 'JUDGEMENT' being affected by the jagerbombs we purchased and putting our taywahs in each other's charbs.
Being dance machine stars, we decided to have a play, despite the fact that our judgement was very much slightly impaired. And the machine didn't work properly, so we had to do furious stamping to try and get it to register that we were even on it. We failed, though some random guys passing by very much enjoyed my jumping around. Pervs.
We are now currently sat with a couple of bottle o' booze and some funny/scary films - Death at a Funeral = lol and The Children is still just as weird. A gaming night is still to commence. Fucking YES!!
Monday, 16 August 2010
The Little Vase Is Not My Lover
Ok, so I ended up staying the night at my cousins' house in order to be able to has a few drinks and watch a few decent horror films. Despite the fact that I had no toothbrush and no clean undies. And no pjs. Finding something to wear in bed was going to prove difficult, seeing as I wear an 18 on top (no prizes for guessing why) and a 12 on the bottom, whereas Jade is a tiny 8 all over. Finding ironic pjs with elephant on the front in size 12-14 = win.
We were up until about 4 in the morning trying to watch Drag me to Hell, but got majorly distracted by our constant repeating of 'King Curtis' quotes and had to watch the video clip on youtube. Also had to watch the Deliverence Banjo dueling scene over and over again due to me constantly playing my imaginary banjo.
After sleeping through the alarm that was set for some reason several times, I had a lovely bonding session with my Aunt over wasp faces. We had to stun a wasp to see the extra little head that comes out when it writhes around. Since we are both pathetic when it comes to wasps, we ended up smacking one so hard we killed it straight away and completely defeated the object of that exercise. I set off back in to Derby to meet Tim with Grace in tow as Jade had a job interview.
I bought Gracie pops luncheon and a load of expensive drinky things cause I'm so nice and she spent all her money on a horror film and then Jadie joined us. We had a massive urge to get a piercing, so we headed to the parlour, only to get distracted by a sign '2 for £20' on certain tattoo designs. Our tattoos are booked for wednesday.... We then headed over to Ann Summers and spent AGES checking out the over 18 section (obviously just Jade and Myself, much to Tim's disappointment) and we both fell completely in love with a certain vibrator and tasted the different lubes. OH. MY. GOD. PINA COLADA!! Also got completely insulted by some stupid machine that told me I was so sexual I was practically asleep. Jade was 'HOT HOT HOT'. Fucking waste of 20p...
I had the job of picking Chris up from Granny and Grandpa's house after dropping Jade and Grace off. I got hopelessly lost on the way there, despite visiting soooo many times in my childhood. As I said before and as I said to Tim on the way (after biting his head off when he gave me the wrong directions) it was soooo weird driving there. It was kinda sad visiting them - they are very very old and are both incredibly ill. I cried while I was there, they were both so frail and my nan has basically reached the stage when she can no longer remember who I am. It's heartbreaking. I know they aren't my biological grandparents, but even now I see them as such.
Had a lovely evening bonding with Dad over Dragon's Den - he was surprised by how much I got in to it. We were yeling at the tv, something I haven't done with him since I supported a football team, so it has been about 11 years or so. I also accidentally drank my stepmother's entire bottle of malibu. I say accidentally, but I enjoyed every momemt of purposely drinking that stuff. Malibu and coke and Malibu and lemonade nom nom nom ^^
Sex Drive is a funny film. That's about all. Although Dad doesn't like it. At all. Bring on tomorrow - so much more fun to come!!
We were up until about 4 in the morning trying to watch Drag me to Hell, but got majorly distracted by our constant repeating of 'King Curtis' quotes and had to watch the video clip on youtube. Also had to watch the Deliverence Banjo dueling scene over and over again due to me constantly playing my imaginary banjo.
After sleeping through the alarm that was set for some reason several times, I had a lovely bonding session with my Aunt over wasp faces. We had to stun a wasp to see the extra little head that comes out when it writhes around. Since we are both pathetic when it comes to wasps, we ended up smacking one so hard we killed it straight away and completely defeated the object of that exercise. I set off back in to Derby to meet Tim with Grace in tow as Jade had a job interview.
I bought Gracie pops luncheon and a load of expensive drinky things cause I'm so nice and she spent all her money on a horror film and then Jadie joined us. We had a massive urge to get a piercing, so we headed to the parlour, only to get distracted by a sign '2 for £20' on certain tattoo designs. Our tattoos are booked for wednesday.... We then headed over to Ann Summers and spent AGES checking out the over 18 section (obviously just Jade and Myself, much to Tim's disappointment) and we both fell completely in love with a certain vibrator and tasted the different lubes. OH. MY. GOD. PINA COLADA!! Also got completely insulted by some stupid machine that told me I was so sexual I was practically asleep. Jade was 'HOT HOT HOT'. Fucking waste of 20p...
I had the job of picking Chris up from Granny and Grandpa's house after dropping Jade and Grace off. I got hopelessly lost on the way there, despite visiting soooo many times in my childhood. As I said before and as I said to Tim on the way (after biting his head off when he gave me the wrong directions) it was soooo weird driving there. It was kinda sad visiting them - they are very very old and are both incredibly ill. I cried while I was there, they were both so frail and my nan has basically reached the stage when she can no longer remember who I am. It's heartbreaking. I know they aren't my biological grandparents, but even now I see them as such.
Had a lovely evening bonding with Dad over Dragon's Den - he was surprised by how much I got in to it. We were yeling at the tv, something I haven't done with him since I supported a football team, so it has been about 11 years or so. I also accidentally drank my stepmother's entire bottle of malibu. I say accidentally, but I enjoyed every momemt of purposely drinking that stuff. Malibu and coke and Malibu and lemonade nom nom nom ^^
Sex Drive is a funny film. That's about all. Although Dad doesn't like it. At all. Bring on tomorrow - so much more fun to come!!
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Hello, Person I Don't Know - Do You Have Any Cheese in A can?
Ahahaha lol (Y) - currently sat in the living at my dearest cousins' house, having an immense time and drinking rather a lot of wine.
The day started off rather... er... interestingly. While sitting and waiting for Jade to come and meet me in town I got chatting to some random drunk guy. When I say I got chatting to some random drunk guy, I mean the random drunk guy started shouting a conversation at me on the other side of the square, before joining me on my own bench and touching my thigh. Um... bugger off? Jade rang my phone so without even answering I screamed "OMG It's an EMERGENCY!" Turns out it actually was, and a very interesting series of events occurred during which my ability to become a human shield became very useful.
Once everything had calmed down a little, the usual hilarities unfolded, such as:
"Hello Person I don't know ^^"
*Walking up to an automatic door for disabled people, which remains shut* "What a GOOD automatic door! I have to automatically open it myself!"
"I basically have a plate of salt, with some chips on it."
"Imagine if you had to use that shit automatic door and you were in a wheelchair. It's on a slope and you want to be able to hurtle down the slope and then continue to hurtle outside."
"Well, as I was sat waiting for you I was waiting people on that ride and thinking 'Hmm, that looks shite' and watching some random fat bitch enjoying a banana waaaaaaay too much."
" I'm sorry that had to happen" "Why the hell are you sorry? It's not like you had a go at yourself in the middle of town"
*walks up stairs* "Right, it's better up here... Ooooh! Where's the food court?"
"I just spent 15 years trying to pay the fucking parking tickets. I put money in, it spat that out, so I tried to insert a note and it basically said 'I do not WANT your fucking note!' so I basically screamed at it 'FINE! HAVE THE FUCKING COINS AGAIN!!!!!"
"These drinks aren't free! They're water!!!"
And then returning to her house (following a hilarious journey home, naturally) and many more funnies:
Jeremy Kyle caption : You have a police record, and a pregnant psycho ex-girlfriend. Stay away from my daughter - says lesbian mother
Discovery that the entire Noble family enjoys bumming other members of their family
Ian EH? a bag of peanuts!
A very long discussion about where the used condom ended up "Do you want to write a book or something? The adventures of the condom" "I put it in a bin bag" "What, a whole bin bag just for one condom???"
"You put your Taywah in her charbs??" "God, that bloke is such a charb"
"you're having an apple at this time of night?" "You don't seem to mind Jade having one" "Jade's gonna be up for a few more hours whereas Grace will go to bed in a minute and store it all as fat. Have an apple if you want, I'm not going to judge you"
"Bacon is good for me!"
"Definitely, no cheese in a can" *huuuge growl*
"When the man comes around"
Disco of the Dead ^^ Council House of the Dead - "they just film a normal council house for a day" "OMG we ran out of cheese in a can!!!!!"
I want you to MASTURBATE!
Feel my COME!!!
*Ashe hissing*
"It hadn't been used in a long time and simply forgot how to work"
"You just kicked a toddler, you're going to be a WONDERFUL mother"
Laughing at Christian's facebook statuses and attempting to translate them in to understandable English.
This is purely so my cousins can read this, and so I can write these up in a facebook note later ^^ If this is going to be what it's like when I go to uni then OMG it's going to be awesome!!
The day started off rather... er... interestingly. While sitting and waiting for Jade to come and meet me in town I got chatting to some random drunk guy. When I say I got chatting to some random drunk guy, I mean the random drunk guy started shouting a conversation at me on the other side of the square, before joining me on my own bench and touching my thigh. Um... bugger off? Jade rang my phone so without even answering I screamed "OMG It's an EMERGENCY!" Turns out it actually was, and a very interesting series of events occurred during which my ability to become a human shield became very useful.
Once everything had calmed down a little, the usual hilarities unfolded, such as:
"Hello Person I don't know ^^"
*Walking up to an automatic door for disabled people, which remains shut* "What a GOOD automatic door! I have to automatically open it myself!"
"I basically have a plate of salt, with some chips on it."
"Imagine if you had to use that shit automatic door and you were in a wheelchair. It's on a slope and you want to be able to hurtle down the slope and then continue to hurtle outside."
"Well, as I was sat waiting for you I was waiting people on that ride and thinking 'Hmm, that looks shite' and watching some random fat bitch enjoying a banana waaaaaaay too much."
" I'm sorry that had to happen" "Why the hell are you sorry? It's not like you had a go at yourself in the middle of town"
*walks up stairs* "Right, it's better up here... Ooooh! Where's the food court?"
"I just spent 15 years trying to pay the fucking parking tickets. I put money in, it spat that out, so I tried to insert a note and it basically said 'I do not WANT your fucking note!' so I basically screamed at it 'FINE! HAVE THE FUCKING COINS AGAIN!!!!!"
"These drinks aren't free! They're water!!!"
And then returning to her house (following a hilarious journey home, naturally) and many more funnies:
Jeremy Kyle caption : You have a police record, and a pregnant psycho ex-girlfriend. Stay away from my daughter - says lesbian mother
Discovery that the entire Noble family enjoys bumming other members of their family
Ian EH? a bag of peanuts!
A very long discussion about where the used condom ended up "Do you want to write a book or something? The adventures of the condom" "I put it in a bin bag" "What, a whole bin bag just for one condom???"
"You put your Taywah in her charbs??" "God, that bloke is such a charb"
"you're having an apple at this time of night?" "You don't seem to mind Jade having one" "Jade's gonna be up for a few more hours whereas Grace will go to bed in a minute and store it all as fat. Have an apple if you want, I'm not going to judge you"
"Bacon is good for me!"
"Definitely, no cheese in a can" *huuuge growl*
"When the man comes around"
Disco of the Dead ^^ Council House of the Dead - "they just film a normal council house for a day" "OMG we ran out of cheese in a can!!!!!"
I want you to MASTURBATE!
Feel my COME!!!
*Ashe hissing*
"It hadn't been used in a long time and simply forgot how to work"
"You just kicked a toddler, you're going to be a WONDERFUL mother"
Laughing at Christian's facebook statuses and attempting to translate them in to understandable English.
This is purely so my cousins can read this, and so I can write these up in a facebook note later ^^ If this is going to be what it's like when I go to uni then OMG it's going to be awesome!!
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Now That I Am Home....
There's a strange feeling that comes with returning to the town you grew up in, but as an adult. Driving around all the old roads that seem so strange yet also so familiar... Driving is the main difference - I managed to survive the hour and a half long drive to Derbyshire. I love it here. I really hope I get in to uni, as Im coming here.
I decided on a uni in Derby cause I knew it well, and I would get to see my dad, whom I never see. Today he told me he was moving to ~Scotland and selling hs house come September. Charming. As soon as I plan to return he buggers off. We had a lovely bonding session over Tenacious D and Glamour, which doesn' sound odd at all.
But yeah, am now sat in his uber posh living room nomming salmon and wine while watching Young, Dumb and Living off Mum. God, those people are disgusting. It makes me feel happy to be me - I may be lazy, but at least I don't demand my mother to do everything for me. Not that I would be able to - if I tried to make her do something for me she would just tell me to fuck off.
I'm very much looking forward to this week, minus Thursday obviously. Am uber popular also - i.e. I am actually doing things everyday. I never get to see my cousins, so I am organisng to do something everyday.
Busy busy busy ^^ And Am also expecting hilarities. KWEHHHHHH!!!
I decided on a uni in Derby cause I knew it well, and I would get to see my dad, whom I never see. Today he told me he was moving to ~Scotland and selling hs house come September. Charming. As soon as I plan to return he buggers off. We had a lovely bonding session over Tenacious D and Glamour, which doesn' sound odd at all.
But yeah, am now sat in his uber posh living room nomming salmon and wine while watching Young, Dumb and Living off Mum. God, those people are disgusting. It makes me feel happy to be me - I may be lazy, but at least I don't demand my mother to do everything for me. Not that I would be able to - if I tried to make her do something for me she would just tell me to fuck off.
I'm very much looking forward to this week, minus Thursday obviously. Am uber popular also - i.e. I am actually doing things everyday. I never get to see my cousins, so I am organisng to do something everyday.
Busy busy busy ^^ And Am also expecting hilarities. KWEHHHHHH!!!
Friday, 13 August 2010
Ok, What Just Happened?
Was woken at 7 by a phonecall from my grandmother. I was trying to get ready for work, and G came in to see me in my work trousers and bra, which must have been terrifying for him. I had to swap roles again today. I had to drop G off at the hospital to fetch the only other working car apart from mine to take Chris BACK to the hospital to change his cast. It's pink. What a puff.
Friday the 13th - the day of bad luck. That is certainly true in my case. I don't particularly remember much of what happened today. Although I do remember several heavy containers falling on my head at work and knocking me out. And I also remember being sick when I came to. And fainting again. And bimbling around like a dosy bumblebee for hours. And not seeing where I was going. Excellent - one mild concussion please, just on its own, no drink. I still don't feel right.
Work was hideous, trying not to wander in to a fryer or anything. I was glad to go home, but felt hideous driving home and felt so tired I had to drive at about 30 mph. and the road to my house was shut, which was also fun.
The ghost fear has been completely blown out of the water - after all, a ghost can't harm me. Plus, it's kinda cool. It has been replaced by genuine fear. For several early mornings now some randoms have been coming on to my drive and walking up the path to the front door. Dunno why :/ The front door is right next to my room. I cannot wait to move out. We live sooo far away from civilisation, it is obvious they have driven out this way specifically for our house. Shiiiiiit.
Ah well - up earlty tomorrow to embark on my holiday! ^^ I might have to pack first though. I suck at packing. Maybe in the morning, then.
Friday the 13th - the day of bad luck. That is certainly true in my case. I don't particularly remember much of what happened today. Although I do remember several heavy containers falling on my head at work and knocking me out. And I also remember being sick when I came to. And fainting again. And bimbling around like a dosy bumblebee for hours. And not seeing where I was going. Excellent - one mild concussion please, just on its own, no drink. I still don't feel right.
Work was hideous, trying not to wander in to a fryer or anything. I was glad to go home, but felt hideous driving home and felt so tired I had to drive at about 30 mph. and the road to my house was shut, which was also fun.
The ghost fear has been completely blown out of the water - after all, a ghost can't harm me. Plus, it's kinda cool. It has been replaced by genuine fear. For several early mornings now some randoms have been coming on to my drive and walking up the path to the front door. Dunno why :/ The front door is right next to my room. I cannot wait to move out. We live sooo far away from civilisation, it is obvious they have driven out this way specifically for our house. Shiiiiiit.
Ah well - up earlty tomorrow to embark on my holiday! ^^ I might have to pack first though. I suck at packing. Maybe in the morning, then.
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Too Posh To Be A Rapper, But 'Gangsta' is fine ^^
I woke up from a hideous dream - We got our A Level results (Actually getting them a week today. I feel sick already.) And they were all posted on a big board/ being read out over a speaker system. All my friends got awesome results, whereas I got 2 Cs and 2 Gs. You can't even get Gs but I somehow managaed it. And the news headline on radio 1 was 'less people will get in to Uni this September. Clearly this is something that is going to be bothering me a lot more than I thought it would.
Work was... Um.... The usual I guess. The tills crashed, naturally. I had my break 2 hours in to an 8 hour shift (soooo not fun) and the wonderful bloke from yesterday (The BBQ sauce bloke) this time complaining about the salsa in his salsa twister that I hadn't even given him. I heart my job so much sometimes. Although had fun messing about with Hay-Hole and C-Hole, and talking 'gangsta' times with Emma ^^
As it was Timmy's buffdee today, he went in to town with friendies, and I had the lovely task of picking them all up afterwards. It was rather fun driving home with the roof down and the volume up full and us all screaming along to 'Billionnaire'
Sam, his best mate, bought him a pair of inflatable cocks for 'cock fighting' and as I was sat eating buffdee cake with Mum and G they came in, Tim wearing his mankini also, and started grappling with them. I have never seent the dogs look so scared - Chelsea leapt on to the sofa and hid her face behind a cushion an d Pippin was chased from the room, While Sid was unfased, even when he was hit round the face with it. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
Now chatting on msn (kwehhh ^^) and forcing the boys to watch Dead End. I have been kicked out of my bed on to the wooden floor next to it, while they are in my bed together. I have a piano keyboard in my back and a 15 year old's elbow in my thigh. Last shift tomorrow. YAY!
Work was... Um.... The usual I guess. The tills crashed, naturally. I had my break 2 hours in to an 8 hour shift (soooo not fun) and the wonderful bloke from yesterday (The BBQ sauce bloke) this time complaining about the salsa in his salsa twister that I hadn't even given him. I heart my job so much sometimes. Although had fun messing about with Hay-Hole and C-Hole, and talking 'gangsta' times with Emma ^^
As it was Timmy's buffdee today, he went in to town with friendies, and I had the lovely task of picking them all up afterwards. It was rather fun driving home with the roof down and the volume up full and us all screaming along to 'Billionnaire'
Sam, his best mate, bought him a pair of inflatable cocks for 'cock fighting' and as I was sat eating buffdee cake with Mum and G they came in, Tim wearing his mankini also, and started grappling with them. I have never seent the dogs look so scared - Chelsea leapt on to the sofa and hid her face behind a cushion an d Pippin was chased from the room, While Sid was unfased, even when he was hit round the face with it. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
Now chatting on msn (kwehhh ^^) and forcing the boys to watch Dead End. I have been kicked out of my bed on to the wooden floor next to it, while they are in my bed together. I have a piano keyboard in my back and a 15 year old's elbow in my thigh. Last shift tomorrow. YAY!
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Stretched to the Limit...Literally.
Aha, work again. Back to the usual sort of blog then, I see. Am tired now as worked 12-8 otherwise known as the shit shift. Oh well, only 2 more shifts until another 2 weeks off. Officially filed for my holiday pay, and didn't get hopes up having been told that I may have used them all up (don't see how, personally, seeing as I only used about 20 just last week) but had looooooads left, so was all good. Although it turns out I never booked the time off work (I DID!!) but my boss gave me the time off 'seeing as I always do them more than enough favours' - About bloody time, too!
We disscussed the situation with the cop that pulled me over this morning. Verdict = he's a twat. Everyone thought I got stopped because he may have thought I'd stolen my car. If I was to steal a car, I would steal a decent-looking one, I.e. not my clown car. And everyone pointed out that I never maintain eye contact with a person. Great, am hideously rude even subconsciously.
Had a lovely arguement with some absolute TOSSER about dips and the fact I couldn't give or sell him one. He came back twice to yell some more. And then phoned up to yell some more. And complain about me being rude. My boss called him a liar and put the phone down on him. Ahaha - it pays to be good at your job.
My mum just came in and scared the hell out of me. I really love the paranormal, and believe hugely in ghosts and have always wanted to see one etc etc. Although the things happening in the house at the moment have been hideous. I've heard someone running frantically up the stairs while home alone (I'm in the downstairs room and the stairs are right by my bed. Timmy had someone knock on his door really heavily 3 times at 5 in the morning and then run downstairs (Thank FUCK I slept through it) And just this morning, as mum was downstairs and G was in bed, he heard heavy breathing for about 2 minutes then a loud slam on the floor that mum heard downstairs. Excellent, I will not be sleeping at all tonight. But still - haunted house! Knowing my luck, bugger all will happen to me/ orrr the scariest thing ever.
Time to bury myself in Titanic....Oh God I love this film. But not Leo. Billy Zane ftw ^^
We disscussed the situation with the cop that pulled me over this morning. Verdict = he's a twat. Everyone thought I got stopped because he may have thought I'd stolen my car. If I was to steal a car, I would steal a decent-looking one, I.e. not my clown car. And everyone pointed out that I never maintain eye contact with a person. Great, am hideously rude even subconsciously.
Had a lovely arguement with some absolute TOSSER about dips and the fact I couldn't give or sell him one. He came back twice to yell some more. And then phoned up to yell some more. And complain about me being rude. My boss called him a liar and put the phone down on him. Ahaha - it pays to be good at your job.
My mum just came in and scared the hell out of me. I really love the paranormal, and believe hugely in ghosts and have always wanted to see one etc etc. Although the things happening in the house at the moment have been hideous. I've heard someone running frantically up the stairs while home alone (I'm in the downstairs room and the stairs are right by my bed. Timmy had someone knock on his door really heavily 3 times at 5 in the morning and then run downstairs (Thank FUCK I slept through it) And just this morning, as mum was downstairs and G was in bed, he heard heavy breathing for about 2 minutes then a loud slam on the floor that mum heard downstairs. Excellent, I will not be sleeping at all tonight. But still - haunted house! Knowing my luck, bugger all will happen to me/ orrr the scariest thing ever.
Time to bury myself in Titanic....Oh God I love this film. But not Leo. Billy Zane ftw ^^
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
The Internet IS For Porn!

David, myself and GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARY COLEMAN! (Or Delroy Atkinson, the actor that played Gaaaaaaaaaaaaary Coleman. KWEEEEEEEEEH!!!)
After bothering Kay for a bit and kicking ass at the Disney game again, but failing epically at the music quiz myself and David headed to LONDON! I wanted to go to the Forbidden Planet Store, which is my idea of Heaven, but we got lost for ages and we were basically stood right next to it the entire time.
I've been bragging a bit lately about growing up a bit "oooh, I've thrown out all me pokemon stuff and loadsa childish things etc etc" but then I literally went "OMG MOOMIN KEYRINGS!!" David bought me Moomin wrapping paper, which was awesome, but then I felt bad so I bought him a meerkat, which defeated the point of me not spending all my money. And Fullmetal Alchemist 23 is now mine nom nom nom ^^
Avenue Q was AMAZING! To put it quite simply. I haven't laughed that hard in a while, and I laugh a lot. I was a bit dubious about Gary Coleman being played by a man, as I am used to him being played by a girl, but he was THE BEST PERFORMER EVER! During the Internet is for Porn I was literally screaming with laughter and was crying so hard due to is v. sexual moves and girating hips. It was the best! I had a picture taken with him and his autograph, so very very happy (and it's an autograph I will beable to keep. The only other autographs I've got have been on my boobs.)
I would have got home 15 earlier after dropping DAivd home were it not for the lonely cop who decided to pull me over. Granted, I had a headlight out but he still breathilised me (100% clear, obviously) as my eyes looked 'slightly red' and I kept not looking at him. I was not looking at him because I am very intimidated by cops, unlike most of the youth of today. All I could think was 'Shit, if only I'd gone the usual way home he wouldn't have been able to find me' but noooooo, I fail. I must admit - I did flirt a bit, because I was petrified he would find something wrong. And because I'm a massive tart, obviously.
Monday, 9 August 2010
My Neighbour Totoro ^^
Tonani no Totoro. Which in English translates as 'My Neighbour Totoro'. I drew this in about an hour while waiting to go to work. It's oil pastel. I like it.
And a sexual shot of us by the boat, naturally before Chris broke his leg.
Arriving to work to a cheer of 'BOOBS! YESSS!' shows just how lovely my work environment is sometimes, although none of the other girls get it, just me. Matty Boy noticed weight loss (he's been off for 6 weeks) so got a little ego boost ^^ and although D is lovely, he has no respect for personal space. I was sat eating some chips and he came and sat on my lap, then chewed with his mouth open. Pleasant. Why aren't all men like that? Oh yeah, cause it's gross.
Work wasn't as hideous as I thought, although it turns out that I was originally on 5-12, but I had 30 hours so my shift got split to give someone 28 hours. Yet one worker was allowed her 45 hours without a hitch. I may complain about this - where's my MONEY?
We finished before 12 (I nearly fainted. We NEVER finish before 12) but I'm so nice I stuck around with my shiftrunner so she wouldn't be attacked or anything by the smack heads using the b and q carpark to 'hang'. How cool. It's mainly because I would never forgive myself if I'd have buggered off and something had happened, but a part of me would want to be there if it did to kick ass/be all hard. Again, I really think I am the wrong sex.
And I forgot - I touched the toasted twister machine. That machine is hot enough to melt a glove on to skin in less than a second. Trust me, I know.
Today I am going to see Avenue Q. I may not sleep tonight. Although there is no one interesting online so I probably will after all. Tit.
Back To Reality
Today's post comes a little earlier than usual, due to the fact that I return to work tonight. At 8. Until close. That isn't even a shift!! Never mind, it is more money and whatever. Ugh...
I was up until half 2 this morning having a hilarious conversation with my cousin about sexy things. I can't wait for the weekend ^^ and talking to that blokey again (kweeeh) I literally could have stayed online all morning, but my face is basically the bags under my eyes and a nose so I thought I would be best to do that sleeping thing. I was woken at half 12 by 'MUUUUUUM!!! TIM WON'T HELP ME! I NEED HELP!' *sigh..... The next few weeks are going to be extremely trying.
He put 'Something Special' on in the living room, so naturally I was in hysterics. God, I'm going to hell. Although I think that a child pointing in the opposite direction to everyone else and big bimbling Justin saying 'yes! That's RIGHT' isn't exactly the best thing for me to see and not laugh hysterically.
Am sat watching Shrek, thank god for my extensive DVD library. My room looks really barron at the moment. It's really weird. I'd try and buy things for uni but I don't want to tempt fate. At the moment I am still stuck doing the same old thing... Better than being dead, I suppose
I was up until half 2 this morning having a hilarious conversation with my cousin about sexy things. I can't wait for the weekend ^^ and talking to that blokey again (kweeeh) I literally could have stayed online all morning, but my face is basically the bags under my eyes and a nose so I thought I would be best to do that sleeping thing. I was woken at half 12 by 'MUUUUUUM!!! TIM WON'T HELP ME! I NEED HELP!' *sigh..... The next few weeks are going to be extremely trying.
He put 'Something Special' on in the living room, so naturally I was in hysterics. God, I'm going to hell. Although I think that a child pointing in the opposite direction to everyone else and big bimbling Justin saying 'yes! That's RIGHT' isn't exactly the best thing for me to see and not laugh hysterically.
Am sat watching Shrek, thank god for my extensive DVD library. My room looks really barron at the moment. It's really weird. I'd try and buy things for uni but I don't want to tempt fate. At the moment I am still stuck doing the same old thing... Better than being dead, I suppose
Sunday, 8 August 2010
But Tonight, I'm Cleaning Out My.... Entire Sodding Room
Mum came home briefly telling of Christian finally being able to come home once the pysio had seen him. The psysio that they couldn't get hold of. Due to an influx of laying, I had to use up some eggs. I made fried eggs, scrambled, poached and eggy bread. I'm kinda sick of eggs - as are the new chicks, who have hatched ^^ They are the cutes.
I decided to clear out my room and attempt to get rid of useless shite in time for uni. I tend to haude things. A lot. I managed to get rid of 6 bin bags, 5 recycling bags and 5 bags for charity shops and I still have loads of stuff. Lots of books have gone :( and old art work. And £300 worth of magazines. That was heartbreaking.
I have the delightful task of hauling all the bags to a charity shop tomorrow. The bags are soooooo heavy! The amount of dust was unreal and I have very little piggy eyes now due to constant sneezing.
Chris came home, with great difficulty. It's gonna be tough until he gets used to moving around. Tim was a twat though - he came down to go on the puter leaving Chris alone upstairs, so here I am on his very uncomfortable bedroom floor keeping him company and watching Family Guy. He loved his pressie - a personalised painting with family Guy characters. I am the awesomes.
I decided to clear out my room and attempt to get rid of useless shite in time for uni. I tend to haude things. A lot. I managed to get rid of 6 bin bags, 5 recycling bags and 5 bags for charity shops and I still have loads of stuff. Lots of books have gone :( and old art work. And £300 worth of magazines. That was heartbreaking.
I have the delightful task of hauling all the bags to a charity shop tomorrow. The bags are soooooo heavy! The amount of dust was unreal and I have very little piggy eyes now due to constant sneezing.
Chris came home, with great difficulty. It's gonna be tough until he gets used to moving around. Tim was a twat though - he came down to go on the puter leaving Chris alone upstairs, so here I am on his very uncomfortable bedroom floor keeping him company and watching Family Guy. He loved his pressie - a personalised painting with family Guy characters. I am the awesomes.
Saturday, 7 August 2010
It was Fun While It Lasted...
Today was another lazy day for me, and I got very excited by my mum's wish to play on the wii with me when I was up and dressed. I never got up and dressed because mum raced out of the house taking my car in order to take Christy to hospital. The stupid bugger has broken his ankle and had to have an operation to sort the alignment of his bones out. So I never got to play the wii as she was there all day :(
I can't go anywhere as she has my car, so it really is a good thing I wasn't working today. I spent the day in my 'pjs' chatting to the only interesting person I've met on that stupid website. By interesting, I mean he makes me laugh and actually talks to me about intersting things and doesn't have conversations with me that go 'hi' 'hello' 'u k' 'yes thanks you?' 'im gd' 'glad to hear it' *end of conversation* and also he didn't say "wanna meet up?" in his first email and hasn't asked if he can come on my tits. S'all good.
Although joining that website has made me notice A) how mind-numbingly BORING some people can be on there (not him. He was fantastic conversation) and b) how entirely FUCK UGLY some men are (again, not him ^^)
I put Ponyo outide for a bit today so he could enjoy the grass. He was terrified by the sound of the other chickens and was scared shitless of the rain, so he's gonna be buggered when he has to live out there all the time. As I was holding him, he fell asleep in my hands like old times, but then he slowly woke up and turned his head towards mine. I just had time to say "Aw, hello cutie ^^" before he pecked my nose and pulled my nose stud out and started to eat it. I haven't moved that fast in ages.
I'm going to paint Christy a picture to make him feel better as I have lots of paints I never got to use on the Art A Level course and also I am sooooo bored!
I can't go anywhere as she has my car, so it really is a good thing I wasn't working today. I spent the day in my 'pjs' chatting to the only interesting person I've met on that stupid website. By interesting, I mean he makes me laugh and actually talks to me about intersting things and doesn't have conversations with me that go 'hi' 'hello' 'u k' 'yes thanks you?' 'im gd' 'glad to hear it' *end of conversation* and also he didn't say "wanna meet up?" in his first email and hasn't asked if he can come on my tits. S'all good.
Although joining that website has made me notice A) how mind-numbingly BORING some people can be on there (not him. He was fantastic conversation) and b) how entirely FUCK UGLY some men are (again, not him ^^)
I put Ponyo outide for a bit today so he could enjoy the grass. He was terrified by the sound of the other chickens and was scared shitless of the rain, so he's gonna be buggered when he has to live out there all the time. As I was holding him, he fell asleep in my hands like old times, but then he slowly woke up and turned his head towards mine. I just had time to say "Aw, hello cutie ^^" before he pecked my nose and pulled my nose stud out and started to eat it. I haven't moved that fast in ages.
I'm going to paint Christy a picture to make him feel better as I have lots of paints I never got to use on the Art A Level course and also I am sooooo bored!
Friday, 6 August 2010
Everyone is a Yorkshireman At Heart ^^
Today was the day I organised a little get together for my bestest buddies ^^ We needed a decent catch up, and it really was a lovely day.
I dragged Stephen from his slumber and ourselves and Kay trotted off to Tescos to buy more food then bothered everyone at KFC for Krushems. I love KFC, blatantly. Ugh... I then had a convoy of cars behind me through Lynn, with Kay, Law and Claxton all counting on me to take them somewhere nice ^^ An ambulance pulling out of the hospital nearly caused us to have an accident - I went past before its sirens started, but Law quickly darted across. Some absolute TOSSER decided to dart across the miniroundabout in front of me to avoid said ambulance, causing me to emergency stop and Law to almost join me and Stephen in my car. As I was saying afterwards, if we'd have had a crash, we could have literally driven a few meters away and gone 'Yes, I have no head. May I see a doctor?'
I took them to Bawsey, a beautiful set of old quarrys that have been filled in to create beautiful lakes and woodland. It was gorgeous and the weather was wonderful. We chose a spot at the top of a slope near a cliff edge just above the lake, which was rather stupid seeing as Kay had brought the massive blow up ball from Skeggy and it was bond to go over the edge. Which it did and ended up snagging on a bush and popping.
Stupidly, Claxton and Joe had eaten before coming, so they didn't eat much, but we had loadssssssss of food, and it was nice just mucking around and chatting. We then went for a walk in the woods and most of the girlies got stuck somewhere in some way, apart from me and Becky, and so we are blatantly very manly. And our mini camp kept getting invaded by a very wet little dog, whose name was Ryan and whose owners really didn't give a toss about.
We also enjoyed watching some tossers on the other side of the lake attempting to climb down the cliff face and getting completely stuck, which was hilarious. After David got there and Kay left, we decided to head to Hunni, aka the Seaside ^^
I was leader again, and we had a fab time going on a few rides and hitting the arcades and chippies ^^ We had also been talking in a Yorkshire accent all day, thanks to Law and Stephen. I've been doing it so long now I feel like I should be a yorkshireman. Yes, a man, naturally.
It really was a fab day, and the weather held out until we were driving home, which was awesome. Everyone had a lovely time - I sure can organise a good get together!
I dragged Stephen from his slumber and ourselves and Kay trotted off to Tescos to buy more food then bothered everyone at KFC for Krushems. I love KFC, blatantly. Ugh... I then had a convoy of cars behind me through Lynn, with Kay, Law and Claxton all counting on me to take them somewhere nice ^^ An ambulance pulling out of the hospital nearly caused us to have an accident - I went past before its sirens started, but Law quickly darted across. Some absolute TOSSER decided to dart across the miniroundabout in front of me to avoid said ambulance, causing me to emergency stop and Law to almost join me and Stephen in my car. As I was saying afterwards, if we'd have had a crash, we could have literally driven a few meters away and gone 'Yes, I have no head. May I see a doctor?'
I took them to Bawsey, a beautiful set of old quarrys that have been filled in to create beautiful lakes and woodland. It was gorgeous and the weather was wonderful. We chose a spot at the top of a slope near a cliff edge just above the lake, which was rather stupid seeing as Kay had brought the massive blow up ball from Skeggy and it was bond to go over the edge. Which it did and ended up snagging on a bush and popping.
Stupidly, Claxton and Joe had eaten before coming, so they didn't eat much, but we had loadssssssss of food, and it was nice just mucking around and chatting. We then went for a walk in the woods and most of the girlies got stuck somewhere in some way, apart from me and Becky, and so we are blatantly very manly. And our mini camp kept getting invaded by a very wet little dog, whose name was Ryan and whose owners really didn't give a toss about.
We also enjoyed watching some tossers on the other side of the lake attempting to climb down the cliff face and getting completely stuck, which was hilarious. After David got there and Kay left, we decided to head to Hunni, aka the Seaside ^^
I was leader again, and we had a fab time going on a few rides and hitting the arcades and chippies ^^ We had also been talking in a Yorkshire accent all day, thanks to Law and Stephen. I've been doing it so long now I feel like I should be a yorkshireman. Yes, a man, naturally.
It really was a fab day, and the weather held out until we were driving home, which was awesome. Everyone had a lovely time - I sure can organise a good get together!
The Rise Of Chuckles ^^
This is meant to be yesterday's blog, but due to sheer tiredness and getting in at 2 this morning, I thought I might post it now instead. Today's blog will follow this, so all my loyal readers (if you actually exist. Or maybe you're like Ordinary Boys fans - you don't exist.)
Soooo, today was the day of my first London visit! After waking Claxton at some unGodly hour in order for her to be an absolute star and save us bout £80 on some attractions and Tim was an arse and had used all the ink up in our printer so we lacked the voucher. So Claxton to the rescue!!! We arrived in Lynn and parked ages away from the station to save money, but only left 5 minutes to get the damn train. I'm pretty fast when I want to be, so I stampeded through town at high speed, throwing old women and chilren out of the way as I passed. When I arrived at the station in time, the train was delayed. Fucking typical.
The train ride was hilarious, until some hideous bloke wearing extremely short, tight trousers sat opposite me. First he crossed his legs and crushed my own against Tim, which was lovely of him, and then he opened his legs to a hideously wide distance and trod ALL OVER MY BAG full with my digital camera, DS, phone etc. AND broke the handle. Twat. Then some cheeky bitch stood behind me and started reading my Heat magazine *does song* and my texts over my shoulder. Bint. So I started 'texting' Tim saying 'I bought a lovely magazine that myself and some random are currently enjoying. Is that nosey bitch still reading? Fuck off and buy your own!' - she moved away after that ^^
I made friends with the 'Zombie' while we were waiting to go in to the Tower Bridge Experience. He greeted me by standing very close to me while I was facing the other way and screeching in my ear. Charming. The tour itself was hilarious - a world of actors from different London eras. They called on a 'leader' by the name of Brownlow to take part in a few of the little sketches. The woman at the beginning chose Tim, who is usually an actor but was about as animated as a bit of wood and was blatantly not listening to the poor actors trying to get something back from him.
Mum got chosen by an actor too, an actor who unfortunately started talking to her about poo, so naturally we were both in absolute stitches. I had to bite my hand the entire time he was talking - I felt that screeching with laughter would ruin the atmosphere he was trying to create. I was still doing it as we were leaving the room, to which the bloke cried 'Are you alright, Chuckles?' a name which the lovely Martin (whose Blogtastic blog is just that, so check it out) used to call me, so that slightly made my day.
I then had to lead a conga line of about 30 people through a pitch black 'tomb' full of hanging things and actors jumping out etc. I'm not easily scared, but put me in a dark room with things making me jump and I WILL scream - and I had to deal with it all first, so people would hear me and know what was coming. Chris, who is scared of his own shadow, was holding on to my shoulders. I got out with wet patches and claw indents on the damn things from him holding on so tightly. The line suddenly became about 50 people - how the actual hell?? I was doing fine until I popped in to a room with a MASSIVE clown model moving, which was bad enough, but then there was an actual clown sat in the corner laughing hysterically and 'shooting' me with jets of air. That is my worst nightmare - a bloody clown shooting me. A fear of clowns is rather embarassing, but I actually cried when I got out of the room. David knows all about this - when a clown toy appeared on the screen during Toy Story 3 I leapt out of my seat and made his day. Tit.
I then bought basically EVERYTHING on offer in Candem Market! Totoro, Deathnote... it was Japan crazy! I actually turned in to an anime character - i did some weird sort of high-pitched gasp and grabbed my face and wiggled a lot. I swear you could see the sparkles coming from my eyes ^^ I spent a lot of money. Never mind. I have a Totoro to hang in my car, so I'm good XD
Finally, we paid about £40 for a ghost/history walk, though we were 'walking' so fast it was more of a ghost run, and yet it still took 2 hours. My poor 'feet'. They were more like bloody padding at the bottom of snapped twigs by the end o the night. I mentioned the price because there was a couple on the walk too, about 30-40 years old, who would NOT stop kissing and sucking and fondling and stroking and groping and squeezing... at one point, the bloke was BITING her boobs. WHILE she was telling the entire group a story. Ultimately, we had just paid £40 to watch a middle aged couple fuck, which distracted from the history a bit. They were slow in catching up as we moved on "were are those two?" asked our lovely Irish tourguide "They're coming" replied the whole group. "Quite literally" replied myself and my mother.
When told a story about a serial killer, just after Jack the Ripper, our ex-actor tourguide posed a question. A question that only 3 people had ever got correct in 11 years of the walk, 2 of them being 12 year old boys. If we answered correctly, we were simply brilliant. We had 2 minutes to guess as much as we could - "As Mr Murderer Blokey stood at the gallows, his last words were interrupted by the trapdoor opening. What 3 words did he say?" I instantly said "I am Jack". I got it right. I am a 12 year old boy. And simply brilliant wooo!
Soooo, today was the day of my first London visit! After waking Claxton at some unGodly hour in order for her to be an absolute star and save us bout £80 on some attractions and Tim was an arse and had used all the ink up in our printer so we lacked the voucher. So Claxton to the rescue!!! We arrived in Lynn and parked ages away from the station to save money, but only left 5 minutes to get the damn train. I'm pretty fast when I want to be, so I stampeded through town at high speed, throwing old women and chilren out of the way as I passed. When I arrived at the station in time, the train was delayed. Fucking typical.
The train ride was hilarious, until some hideous bloke wearing extremely short, tight trousers sat opposite me. First he crossed his legs and crushed my own against Tim, which was lovely of him, and then he opened his legs to a hideously wide distance and trod ALL OVER MY BAG full with my digital camera, DS, phone etc. AND broke the handle. Twat. Then some cheeky bitch stood behind me and started reading my Heat magazine *does song* and my texts over my shoulder. Bint. So I started 'texting' Tim saying 'I bought a lovely magazine that myself and some random are currently enjoying. Is that nosey bitch still reading? Fuck off and buy your own!' - she moved away after that ^^
I made friends with the 'Zombie' while we were waiting to go in to the Tower Bridge Experience. He greeted me by standing very close to me while I was facing the other way and screeching in my ear. Charming. The tour itself was hilarious - a world of actors from different London eras. They called on a 'leader' by the name of Brownlow to take part in a few of the little sketches. The woman at the beginning chose Tim, who is usually an actor but was about as animated as a bit of wood and was blatantly not listening to the poor actors trying to get something back from him.
Mum got chosen by an actor too, an actor who unfortunately started talking to her about poo, so naturally we were both in absolute stitches. I had to bite my hand the entire time he was talking - I felt that screeching with laughter would ruin the atmosphere he was trying to create. I was still doing it as we were leaving the room, to which the bloke cried 'Are you alright, Chuckles?' a name which the lovely Martin (whose Blogtastic blog is just that, so check it out) used to call me, so that slightly made my day.
I then had to lead a conga line of about 30 people through a pitch black 'tomb' full of hanging things and actors jumping out etc. I'm not easily scared, but put me in a dark room with things making me jump and I WILL scream - and I had to deal with it all first, so people would hear me and know what was coming. Chris, who is scared of his own shadow, was holding on to my shoulders. I got out with wet patches and claw indents on the damn things from him holding on so tightly. The line suddenly became about 50 people - how the actual hell?? I was doing fine until I popped in to a room with a MASSIVE clown model moving, which was bad enough, but then there was an actual clown sat in the corner laughing hysterically and 'shooting' me with jets of air. That is my worst nightmare - a bloody clown shooting me. A fear of clowns is rather embarassing, but I actually cried when I got out of the room. David knows all about this - when a clown toy appeared on the screen during Toy Story 3 I leapt out of my seat and made his day. Tit.
I then bought basically EVERYTHING on offer in Candem Market! Totoro, Deathnote... it was Japan crazy! I actually turned in to an anime character - i did some weird sort of high-pitched gasp and grabbed my face and wiggled a lot. I swear you could see the sparkles coming from my eyes ^^ I spent a lot of money. Never mind. I have a Totoro to hang in my car, so I'm good XD
Finally, we paid about £40 for a ghost/history walk, though we were 'walking' so fast it was more of a ghost run, and yet it still took 2 hours. My poor 'feet'. They were more like bloody padding at the bottom of snapped twigs by the end o the night. I mentioned the price because there was a couple on the walk too, about 30-40 years old, who would NOT stop kissing and sucking and fondling and stroking and groping and squeezing... at one point, the bloke was BITING her boobs. WHILE she was telling the entire group a story. Ultimately, we had just paid £40 to watch a middle aged couple fuck, which distracted from the history a bit. They were slow in catching up as we moved on "were are those two?" asked our lovely Irish tourguide "They're coming" replied the whole group. "Quite literally" replied myself and my mother.
When told a story about a serial killer, just after Jack the Ripper, our ex-actor tourguide posed a question. A question that only 3 people had ever got correct in 11 years of the walk, 2 of them being 12 year old boys. If we answered correctly, we were simply brilliant. We had 2 minutes to guess as much as we could - "As Mr Murderer Blokey stood at the gallows, his last words were interrupted by the trapdoor opening. What 3 words did he say?" I instantly said "I am Jack". I got it right. I am a 12 year old boy. And simply brilliant wooo!
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
I MISS YOUR PENIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
More on that story later ^^ Today was a lovely day - another lazy one compared to the normal hell of all work and no play. Today I went to see my Kaybeckylou, who I haven't seen since Skeggy, so I bimbled over to have a catch up.
I was late, naturally, as my mum offered me a cheese toastie as I walked out the door. I can't refuse a cheese toastie, because it's toasted cheese. And also nom. ^^ It also took me ages to get away from my laptop due to that site I joned yesterday - it's slightly addictive tbh :/ So many posts already, which is slightly daunting tbh. Ah well
Sooooo we had a lovely bitch for literally an hour as soon as I walked through the door, which was hilarious, and we tried to talk more about the holiday we are going on, but got distracted by the Road to Eldorado being mentioned (or Elroroda as Kay called it :P) and had to go and watch it. We can say it all word for word, because we are cool kids.
Me being me got bored after the funny bit, so we played the BIG buzz quiz, and I kicked Kay's ass every time ^^ I played as Cleopatra, who was extremely sexual when I was in the lead (crying 'yes yes YES' and going down is not exactly normal behaviour, even for a fictional representation of an Ancient Egyptian woman) Her deadpan 'I am GREAT' made me lauigh. A lot.
We then played the disney quiz game, which I aced, again ^^ I really do act about 5 instead of 18. And male, obviously.
Just spent a hilarious evening chatting to Kay, a horny Claxton and Sexy (who is on holiday). True to our usual form, it was extremely sexually orientated and utterly hilarious. I miss being altogether as a gang, hence why I organised a picnic on friday (although Sexy obviously won't be there. Bitch :P) I ORGANISED IT!!! Wooo! And people think it is a good idea - well proud :') most people invited apart from Sexy can come, as well as a few others, so there's about 16 or so going, which should be good I'm taking them to one of my fave spots, where I spent a lot of time with my ex, unfortunately. It's lovely there - lots of beautiful lakes etc. I just hope the weather will be good ^^
Early to bed for once, as am heading off to LAHDAHN early tomorrow morning! Wooooooot!!
I was late, naturally, as my mum offered me a cheese toastie as I walked out the door. I can't refuse a cheese toastie, because it's toasted cheese. And also nom. ^^ It also took me ages to get away from my laptop due to that site I joned yesterday - it's slightly addictive tbh :/ So many posts already, which is slightly daunting tbh. Ah well
Sooooo we had a lovely bitch for literally an hour as soon as I walked through the door, which was hilarious, and we tried to talk more about the holiday we are going on, but got distracted by the Road to Eldorado being mentioned (or Elroroda as Kay called it :P) and had to go and watch it. We can say it all word for word, because we are cool kids.
Me being me got bored after the funny bit, so we played the BIG buzz quiz, and I kicked Kay's ass every time ^^ I played as Cleopatra, who was extremely sexual when I was in the lead (crying 'yes yes YES' and going down is not exactly normal behaviour, even for a fictional representation of an Ancient Egyptian woman) Her deadpan 'I am GREAT' made me lauigh. A lot.
We then played the disney quiz game, which I aced, again ^^ I really do act about 5 instead of 18. And male, obviously.
Just spent a hilarious evening chatting to Kay, a horny Claxton and Sexy (who is on holiday). True to our usual form, it was extremely sexually orientated and utterly hilarious. I miss being altogether as a gang, hence why I organised a picnic on friday (although Sexy obviously won't be there. Bitch :P) I ORGANISED IT!!! Wooo! And people think it is a good idea - well proud :') most people invited apart from Sexy can come, as well as a few others, so there's about 16 or so going, which should be good I'm taking them to one of my fave spots, where I spent a lot of time with my ex, unfortunately. It's lovely there - lots of beautiful lakes etc. I just hope the weather will be good ^^
Early to bed for once, as am heading off to LAHDAHN early tomorrow morning! Wooooooot!!
Plenty Of Fish In The Sea
Due to sheer boredom last night, and my cousin egging me on saying it would be hilarious, I signed up to one of those online dating profile things, just to see if I would get any interest (I could do with an ego boost)
Within 5 minutes of posting my profile, I had 34 views, 17 emails and 4 IMs. This morning I woke up to about 50 more unread emails and many many more views. Most of them are local, but the problem? Over half of them are over 30. F. M. L.
Who's got it? Leah's got it! ^^ Since this was just a test I'm not gonna take it any further - I'm careful when it comes to doing things online. Some of the younger men are YUMMO personified.
My mention of 'I like COD' on my profile earnt me several 'Omg you are PERFECT!!!' haha
I swear I should be a guy though...
Within 5 minutes of posting my profile, I had 34 views, 17 emails and 4 IMs. This morning I woke up to about 50 more unread emails and many many more views. Most of them are local, but the problem? Over half of them are over 30. F. M. L.
Who's got it? Leah's got it! ^^ Since this was just a test I'm not gonna take it any further - I'm careful when it comes to doing things online. Some of the younger men are YUMMO personified.
My mention of 'I like COD' on my profile earnt me several 'Omg you are PERFECT!!!' haha
I swear I should be a guy though...
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Who Was The Forgotten War Between? I've Forgotten.
Even though an Imperial war museum is hardly the setting for hilarities, it really is when you have a family like mine. I was in my element, especially in the hands on touchy feely part of the displays. I like getting my hands involved ;) It was me and G basically sprouting endless amounts of info about the displays, you didn't even need the boards. He specialises in aircraft and I'm more land warfare and the trenches and the Blitz ^^
He kept testing Tim, which was hilarious. He kept pointing at a certain type of jeep (that had an unfortunate name, tbh) and Tim kept screaming "That's a WILLY!!" by the end of the day, Mum and myself were pointing at anything, submarines, tanks, guns and (me) people and screaming "That's a willy, that is!!!" earning mum one of G's flounces. If They're holding hands and I take the piss out of him, which happens often, he basically throws her hand away and flounces off.
We walked about 5 miles, or so it seemed. Half way round mum was asking G if he was enjoying himself and he replied, very loudly and in an extremely high-pitched voice, "I AM enjoying myself! I've touched, stroked, poked, talked! I've come out with more than any of you have today!!" We caused us to clutch each other laughing, myself to fall to the floor and us both to dash to the 'latrines' to avoid physically wetting ourselves laughing. Another point that sent me flying to the floor was mum watching G walk down a slope, then immediately following him and falling down it.
We then saw one of the male museum staff members working on a plane wearing a school skirt and with lovely waxed leg and that I made in to G's new bum chum and chased him round the hangar doing 'spanky spank' hand motions ^^ Yup, I ran. G ran straight in to a group of Japanese tourists, and coped by loudly crying out "MANGA!! ANIME!!! LEAH HELP ME!!!"
And mum proved she's about 4 years old - we were discussing how to make fudge.
Leah: It's just sugar and water isn't it?
G: well yeah, and a little vinegar. You can add whatever you want to flavour it. Vanilla, chocolate...
Mum: *completely deadpan* Poo....
Yup, I ended up on the floor again
We nommed Chish and fips in Wisbech on the way back home, during which mum told me we were going to go to KFC. In Lynn. I can't escape!!! and then the car died, about 5 miles from home. We had to walk the rest of the way. Cross country. In the dark. Fuuuuuuun, especially when a van of pikies came hacking down the road but practically stopped to look at us, probably deciding whether or not to attack us. Eventually they moved on. G said it was because I had my boobs out. Thank God I wear slutty clothes, eh? I must say though that my hips began to ache after a few miles, I have a very swingy hip thing when I walk.
I don't hold out much hope for G's car though. If the engine worked I'd doubt it would be there in the morning, although they'd probs find a way to move the damn thing. I'm not being stereotypical about them, but the ones down our way, the ones diving said van are famous down our way. They've nearly run Chris over, practically run me off the road about 4 times and stolen several dogs and burnt out a few cars. Chris ran off when they drove past - Tim had been saying that the Marsh monster was coming to get him and Chris shat himsef (He's 12 ffs!!!) but the thing that sent him over the edge was me saying that the Creeper was hiding in the crops, Chucky and a Leprechaun were hiding in the bushes and Freddy, Jason, Leatherface and Hellraiser were riding around in the van. Twas an interesting end to the day, to be sure to be sure... ^^
He kept testing Tim, which was hilarious. He kept pointing at a certain type of jeep (that had an unfortunate name, tbh) and Tim kept screaming "That's a WILLY!!" by the end of the day, Mum and myself were pointing at anything, submarines, tanks, guns and (me) people and screaming "That's a willy, that is!!!" earning mum one of G's flounces. If They're holding hands and I take the piss out of him, which happens often, he basically throws her hand away and flounces off.
We walked about 5 miles, or so it seemed. Half way round mum was asking G if he was enjoying himself and he replied, very loudly and in an extremely high-pitched voice, "I AM enjoying myself! I've touched, stroked, poked, talked! I've come out with more than any of you have today!!" We caused us to clutch each other laughing, myself to fall to the floor and us both to dash to the 'latrines' to avoid physically wetting ourselves laughing. Another point that sent me flying to the floor was mum watching G walk down a slope, then immediately following him and falling down it.
We then saw one of the male museum staff members working on a plane wearing a school skirt and with lovely waxed leg and that I made in to G's new bum chum and chased him round the hangar doing 'spanky spank' hand motions ^^ Yup, I ran. G ran straight in to a group of Japanese tourists, and coped by loudly crying out "MANGA!! ANIME!!! LEAH HELP ME!!!"
And mum proved she's about 4 years old - we were discussing how to make fudge.
Leah: It's just sugar and water isn't it?
G: well yeah, and a little vinegar. You can add whatever you want to flavour it. Vanilla, chocolate...
Mum: *completely deadpan* Poo....
Yup, I ended up on the floor again
We nommed Chish and fips in Wisbech on the way back home, during which mum told me we were going to go to KFC. In Lynn. I can't escape!!! and then the car died, about 5 miles from home. We had to walk the rest of the way. Cross country. In the dark. Fuuuuuuun, especially when a van of pikies came hacking down the road but practically stopped to look at us, probably deciding whether or not to attack us. Eventually they moved on. G said it was because I had my boobs out. Thank God I wear slutty clothes, eh? I must say though that my hips began to ache after a few miles, I have a very swingy hip thing when I walk.
I don't hold out much hope for G's car though. If the engine worked I'd doubt it would be there in the morning, although they'd probs find a way to move the damn thing. I'm not being stereotypical about them, but the ones down our way, the ones diving said van are famous down our way. They've nearly run Chris over, practically run me off the road about 4 times and stolen several dogs and burnt out a few cars. Chris ran off when they drove past - Tim had been saying that the Marsh monster was coming to get him and Chris shat himsef (He's 12 ffs!!!) but the thing that sent him over the edge was me saying that the Creeper was hiding in the crops, Chucky and a Leprechaun were hiding in the bushes and Freddy, Jason, Leatherface and Hellraiser were riding around in the van. Twas an interesting end to the day, to be sure to be sure... ^^
Monday, 2 August 2010
Evenin', Squire!
Corr, that title was like 'attack of the punctuation, arrrrgh!' But it has a meaning that I will go in to detail about a little later on.
So today was my first official holiday day, as I actually did something with my family. I went to Nottingham again, but this time we weren't going in to the town so it meant that I didn't have to spend any money so all the more for my London trips (yes, plural woooo!) We did some chugging along the canal in our narrow boat, a thing I haven't been able to enjoy in about 3 years thanks to working every free second of my life.
I got to steer again (is that the correct spelling? Or did I just write about getting to 'cow or similar animal' again? Ah well...) And after not doing it for a few years, the first thing I did was direct us in to the nearest bank, which caused me to hysterically scream for G. Once I'd got back in to the swing of it I was fine. I love having a boat ^^ We actually sailed past RiverPuffin, the boat we owned before this one, The Thistle. I had painted a gorgeous puffin for the side of it, which they had removed and allowed the boat to become a rusted wreck, which was heartbreaking. It's a shame that since getting rid of her, puffins have a special meaning for me thanks to an injoke with my besties.
After mooring at a new site, G discovered that the Thistle was infact sinking, and had about 11 inches of water in her along her entire length (about 40ft) so it's lucky we stopped when we did. Instead of helping, the boys buggered off somewhere and me and mum sat on the bank and attempted to take nice pictures of her - fail. They are hilarious pictures though, I hope to get them on here soon. As we were doing so, a blatantly pissed bloke comes bimbling over crying "EVENING SQUIRE!!!" at G. I had to get up and move behind a tree so her wouldn't hear me laughing.
He then proceeded to ask if we knew where 'Hakumata' was (he meant 'Hakuna Matata', a narrow boat moored about 3 ft away) and told G he had a nice arse, then gave him a present of a bunch of leaves. Mum came and joined me behind the tree.
G is now called 'Squire' - I always come up with lovely nicknames for him while on holiday. He's been Betty (as in Boop) for the last 2 years as on a camping trip he was hiding in a bush waiting to scare me, but had his arse sticking out, Boop boop be doop style.
I has hurty feets now though, as we walked the 5 miles back to the car. I'm getting rusty - it took us just over an hour. I can usualy do about 7 miles in less than an hour. Never mind, that's what cars are for. I'm releasing my inner dork tomorrow and expresswing sheer delight at going to a War museum ^^ I am actually so excited!!
Soooo, not only is my mind male, it's also about 23985739875 years old.
So today was my first official holiday day, as I actually did something with my family. I went to Nottingham again, but this time we weren't going in to the town so it meant that I didn't have to spend any money so all the more for my London trips (yes, plural woooo!) We did some chugging along the canal in our narrow boat, a thing I haven't been able to enjoy in about 3 years thanks to working every free second of my life.
I got to steer again (is that the correct spelling? Or did I just write about getting to 'cow or similar animal' again? Ah well...) And after not doing it for a few years, the first thing I did was direct us in to the nearest bank, which caused me to hysterically scream for G. Once I'd got back in to the swing of it I was fine. I love having a boat ^^ We actually sailed past RiverPuffin, the boat we owned before this one, The Thistle. I had painted a gorgeous puffin for the side of it, which they had removed and allowed the boat to become a rusted wreck, which was heartbreaking. It's a shame that since getting rid of her, puffins have a special meaning for me thanks to an injoke with my besties.
After mooring at a new site, G discovered that the Thistle was infact sinking, and had about 11 inches of water in her along her entire length (about 40ft) so it's lucky we stopped when we did. Instead of helping, the boys buggered off somewhere and me and mum sat on the bank and attempted to take nice pictures of her - fail. They are hilarious pictures though, I hope to get them on here soon. As we were doing so, a blatantly pissed bloke comes bimbling over crying "EVENING SQUIRE!!!" at G. I had to get up and move behind a tree so her wouldn't hear me laughing.
He then proceeded to ask if we knew where 'Hakumata' was (he meant 'Hakuna Matata', a narrow boat moored about 3 ft away) and told G he had a nice arse, then gave him a present of a bunch of leaves. Mum came and joined me behind the tree.
G is now called 'Squire' - I always come up with lovely nicknames for him while on holiday. He's been Betty (as in Boop) for the last 2 years as on a camping trip he was hiding in a bush waiting to scare me, but had his arse sticking out, Boop boop be doop style.
I has hurty feets now though, as we walked the 5 miles back to the car. I'm getting rusty - it took us just over an hour. I can usualy do about 7 miles in less than an hour. Never mind, that's what cars are for. I'm releasing my inner dork tomorrow and expresswing sheer delight at going to a War museum ^^ I am actually so excited!!
Soooo, not only is my mind male, it's also about 23985739875 years old.
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Why, Hello There August!
Oh My Life, Where HAS July buggered off to? I got up to so so much! Although it has to be said it was a bit crippling financially. Thank God I worked an awful lot ^^ Gotta have a skinny holiday so I have moneys to give to Mr Tully for our London trip that is only 8 DAYS AWAY!! I'm off to London on Wednesday methinks, so I hope I don't go completely mad in Candem Market so I can go ape shit in Forbidden Planet next Tuesday with David ^^
You know I was saying that I long to have a day when I can write 'had a nice relaxing day doing bugger all etc etc'? Well, today is that day! It's currently 9 in the evening and I am still in my pjs from last night (Well, if you can call them pjs) I spent the day chilling with films about angry people ripping others apart ala 28 Days and Weeks Later, the original Crazies etc and sorting out magazines for uni. When I say sorting out, I mean reading before I throw them away and cutting out interesting pages for future reference.
Listened to the Final Fantasy X soundtrack, which made me want to play it. So I did. Even though I completely bum the final fantasy series, it has literally been years since I've played one of the games. I soon got bored though as all my saves were basically 100% and couldn't be arsed to start a new save so late in the day. The same can be said for Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 and all the crash games on ps1 and all final fantasy and rayman games. Played Sonic but got stuck and then attempted Crash Twinsanity and the game froze, so I threw my controller at the tv and mildly sorted out the weird colour issues I'm currently having with it.
Then tried to watch the extras on 28 Days Later, but that also froze. What the HELL is the matter with all my discs today? It's not like they're dirty or scratched or anything - I wouldn't allow it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And my ipod for that matter - now itunes is not recognising it again ¬_¬ although itunes is opening, so at least I can listen to my music.
Cooked a massive fry up... thing for din dins and showed my mum I'm not totally useless in le kitchen. Ended up only eating a sausage, half a waffle, a mouthful of beans and scrambly eggy respectively and half a piece of eggy bread. Tim ate the rest, which was alot. I have no idea what's wrong with me at the moment, I just cba to eat. Ahwell. Should make days out a lot cheaper for me ^^
Am listening to moooosic from The CAt Returns, a studio Ghibli film and the awesomes. Myself and Tim just had an entire conversation to the tune of the song. All he asked me was whether I wanted a drink. It's odd in my house....
It's SO NICE not to be working! Although, because I was at home all day I had my facebook open for conversations, which meant that Christian's little 'girlfriend' kept talking to me. I actually couldn't understand her - 'ent yhuu happiii wiv wot Cris is doin wiv his liifee' is not English at the very least. I had to get Tim to translate, which made me feel extremely old and uncool. Here come the cats...
You know I was saying that I long to have a day when I can write 'had a nice relaxing day doing bugger all etc etc'? Well, today is that day! It's currently 9 in the evening and I am still in my pjs from last night (Well, if you can call them pjs) I spent the day chilling with films about angry people ripping others apart ala 28 Days and Weeks Later, the original Crazies etc and sorting out magazines for uni. When I say sorting out, I mean reading before I throw them away and cutting out interesting pages for future reference.
Listened to the Final Fantasy X soundtrack, which made me want to play it. So I did. Even though I completely bum the final fantasy series, it has literally been years since I've played one of the games. I soon got bored though as all my saves were basically 100% and couldn't be arsed to start a new save so late in the day. The same can be said for Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 and all the crash games on ps1 and all final fantasy and rayman games. Played Sonic but got stuck and then attempted Crash Twinsanity and the game froze, so I threw my controller at the tv and mildly sorted out the weird colour issues I'm currently having with it.
Then tried to watch the extras on 28 Days Later, but that also froze. What the HELL is the matter with all my discs today? It's not like they're dirty or scratched or anything - I wouldn't allow it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And my ipod for that matter - now itunes is not recognising it again ¬_¬ although itunes is opening, so at least I can listen to my music.
Cooked a massive fry up... thing for din dins and showed my mum I'm not totally useless in le kitchen. Ended up only eating a sausage, half a waffle, a mouthful of beans and scrambly eggy respectively and half a piece of eggy bread. Tim ate the rest, which was alot. I have no idea what's wrong with me at the moment, I just cba to eat. Ahwell. Should make days out a lot cheaper for me ^^
Am listening to moooosic from The CAt Returns, a studio Ghibli film and the awesomes. Myself and Tim just had an entire conversation to the tune of the song. All he asked me was whether I wanted a drink. It's odd in my house....
It's SO NICE not to be working! Although, because I was at home all day I had my facebook open for conversations, which meant that Christian's little 'girlfriend' kept talking to me. I actually couldn't understand her - 'ent yhuu happiii wiv wot Cris is doin wiv his liifee' is not English at the very least. I had to get Tim to translate, which made me feel extremely old and uncool. Here come the cats...
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