Champers for the gang! Front L-R: Sexy, myself, Becca, Kay, Moose. David and Stephen bringing up the rear (har har)
Up at the hideous time of 6 in order to drive back home to collect my Results. I left at half 6 but got to school at about 10ish despite it only being about 2 hours away, due to hideous amounts of traffic and my needing to pull over about 6 times in order to upchuck. Yeah, I was a little bit nervous.
Got there and wandered unsteadily in to the hall past loads of people on the phone with massive grins on their faces. I'm surprised I didn't throw up on then. A very loooong chat with one of my teachers.
"soooooooooooooo, you're going in for crime and justice in Derby uni, and need BCC, correct?"
"Um yes."
"Does that include General Studies?"
"unfortunately not :("
"Well, you got a B in Psychology" (Same mark as AS) "a C in Biology" (same as AS, which surprised me, as I really thought I would plummet to a U in Blodge ¬¬) "and an A in Drama, so well done!" (I went up, and actually got several 100% modules, so I was on course for an A*)
OMG I AM GOING TO UNI!!!! I actually can't believe it! Went to Kay's for a bit afterwards for a bit of a break from driving and also because Kay has a nack for throwing nice dos. David brought some champers, which was nommy.
I gota bit hacked off when I went on ucas track - I was naturally extremely happy to see 'unconditional offer' next to Derby uni, but I saw that it had been updated on the 15th, which means that for the last 4 days I have been in a complete thrombo whereas if I had been able to get on to track (without my Ucas personal ID, cause I fail) I'd have known in advance and my mum's constant 'whatever you get I will love you' comments wouldn't have worried me so much. I swear she was saying them through gritted teeth anyway haha.
We played Buzz Quiz, and I failed epically, even on a team with Stephen, though I wasn't the worst one. A picture of a dog appeared on the screen, Becca cried 'That's a dog!' and David selected the answer 'ferret'. Becca thinks that Alpacas leave the room when they get angry and Dani, Lucy and Myself all went through times of 'omg noooo I meant the other answer' only for the answer we selected to be correct.
I had the task of phoning GRummar aka The Big Head and my mum's mum to tell her the news, and she ate all my credit because she kept 'letting me go' then going on about her holiday she hasn't been on some more. Having a drinky poo (i.e. a glass) and dad went mad due to me taking tim to le cinema in an hour. A GLASS! Bloody hell, it was like I was attacking his vodka by the way he kept going on about it!
Saw Toy Story 3 again, and it was just as good as the first time. I would like to say that I didn't cry at all this time, but I would be lying - I bawled like a baby yet again. Spanish Buzz's dancing = lol and I still LOVE Tom Hanks' voice!! Ohhhhhh his voice... On problem that I also noticed last time though - why the hell would Andy keep the stupid green aliens that had virtually nothing to do with the rest of the gang and are clearly retarded. I know they were in the film so they could take part in the ending (haha, no spoilers here) but seriously, in reality they would have been the first toys to go. Bo Peep should have been kept... unless she broke.... sniffle...
Bring on tomorrow. I'm getting a bumming from Jadey and a piss up in Derby, all of the bars I will soon be frquenting!!! Yay!
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