Saturday, 21 August 2010


This morning I woke up with literally no clue where I was and wondering where half my earrings had gone and why there was an earring shoved in my nose. Sign of a good night ^^

Friday brought the day of my bumming in celebration of getting in to uni. After a bit of gaming (Gitaroo Man and Dance Stage) we had some pre drinkies. Jade's friend Josh came to pick us up and made us teeter around asda in clubbing clothes in order to buy more drinkies.

Our first port of call was a pub, where I met more of Jade's friends and made some more of my own. Matty, who is a wonderfully camp man, bought me a load of pitchers, so we were all pretty pissed before we even went to the clubs.

Somehow I got in to Bluenote and enjoyed several zombies and hulks and had a bit of a boogy. All the time wondering where a funny set of steps would lead. Turns out it was the entrance/exit as we soon went down them in an attempt to get in to Mosh. Tit.

Again, I wasn't turned away, even though I was physically being held up by Josh at this point. I had still yet to buy any of my own drinks - Matty kept treating me to ?Jager shots and I knocked back at least 5 of the damn things and spilt another 3 down my top. At that point I was concentrating on watching the Pokemon movie playing. I actually screamed 'This place is FUCKING FANTASTIC!!!!!' When I saw what was playing. They must have played it several times, either that or I was so wasted that when we were leaving later I forgot the rules of time and space.

At this point a blatantly twatty guy dressed in a sailor suit would NOT leave me alone! CONSTANTLY coming over "You alright?" "Yes, though I'd be even better if you FUCKED OFF!" He looked like one of the Village People. He was also gay, so I have no idea why he wouldn't leave me alone. I'm blatantly not male - either that or I haver serious moob issues...

Apparantly we got back at about 5. I spent about 2 hours stood outside talking to Josh and attacking him with my lips ^^ Apparantly, s'all good since I had my tongue pierced. He had to carry me in to the house in the end, so it's a good thing he's about 6" + tall and build like a bull (major woof woof material ^^) when he took me upstairs we found Jade rolling around on the bed shouting 'WTF!? You're NOT Garry?????????????????' down the phone and attempting to brush her teeth too.

Everyone left at about 11 today but I stayed til 1 as I was still drunk when I woke up and was in no fit state to drive. As I was leaving the heavens opened and some random woman approached me and asked if something was mine. I didn't really hear her, but said yes anyway an then she presented me with this Mickey Mouse pillow that don't own. I took it so I didn't look like a complete twat.

I went to my Grandparents' again with the boys to watch old videos of us, which were hilarious. Highlights included naked footage of a 5 year old me dancing manically on the landing, a 5 year old me telling my mum that the hamster had just 'Buggered off and left her children', Tim at 2 screaming hysterically at aforementioned hamster children (The damn thing was pregnant when I got it), My dad zooming in on my mum's arse and boobs. She then pulls her trousers down. It was a lovely end to the video... Chris was surprised to see her tattoo. It's not like it would just wash off!

My new room is here! It's very dirty, Inside and out, so me and mum are gonna do some major cleaning work and renovation. I has a table top thing that I am gonna cover in my Moomin wrapping paper from DAvid and laminate. should be AWESOMES!!!!

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