Sunday, 29 August 2010


Ok, so today was an epic day of epic epicness to say the least. But first, a little background info:

My mother is the middle child of 3, she has an older sister and a younger brother. My middle name is in remembrance of an aunt who died in her childhood (For all those who are thick/I've never told, My middle name is Rachel)
My mum and aunt haven't spoken properly in years. I've been acting as a sort of 'go between' for about 4 years or so. Time constraints and difference lifestyles made it difficult for them to keep in touch.

My aunt came over today to patch things up, which was wonderful. Jade came with her, but Grace was ill and Ben a knob (not really, he was just busy working :P) and the day truely was epic.

I never laugh harder than when I'm with my family. As I have mentioned before, we all have the same sense of humour and as I rediscovered today, all the women have the same laugh. Although I should say cackle - we did A LOT of cackling today. In jokes between my mum and aunt that Jade and I also know, in jokes between me and Jade, me and my aunt etc etc. The laughs just never stopped. We gossiped, planned and remembered the old times, mine and Jade's funniest moment of the day was a memory from my gret grandmother's funeral, as awful as it sounds.

My great grandmother died about 11 years ago, the day after my birthday. I was just saying to mum the other day how I never really remember her or spending time with her before we visited her in hospital once she became ill, which is so sad. Yet another member of my family gone and whom I never really knew :( At the funeral, my granddad (a very heavy smoker at the time) had a very pronounced cough and retch in which he would attempt to breathe more easily. Even as a young child I remember that cough - it sounded like he was trying to bring his lungs up for a look. The famous cough ended with an 'arrrrrh' at the end. My mother, ever the comedian, turned to my aunt during my great grandmother's funeral after Bub (that's his name. I know...) had finished coughing and simply said "He said 'I'm next'". That was it. Once my aunt told the story again it took us all about 10 minutes to finally stop laughing. The only thing that made us laugh more was watching the penguin fall over in March of the Penguins, which naturally we watched about 385794875 times or so.

The bloke Jade had troubles with while I was visiting, keeps calling her. He (whom I've dubbed 'Prince Ali', as his name is As-if Ali ^^) despite my aunt asking him to stop. He called again while we were chatting and I picked up. As you can imagine, it was an awesome phone conversation. Although when I exploded at him he thought I was my aunt, and I had no choice but to go along with it. The best part that had Jade screaming with laughter was his constant 'You need to calm down' being countered by my 'And you need to fuck off'.

It was a wonderful day, and with promises of more visits and keeping in touch, everyone left on a high ^^. Although for some reason the visit got me thinking about Rachel. It's so sad that she died so young and I can't help but wonder if she would be like the rest of her siblings had she survived to adulthood. I've been thinking about her a lot lately, and I didn't know why. I spoke to my mum about it and it's coming up for the anniversary of her death, which is kinda spooky. I dunno, this is getting a bit deep for me, heheh. I'm not really capable of serious conversation - this, I get from my mother, along with a wonderful talent for randomly stopping a conversation and switching to a completely different topic.

I go back to work tomorrow. Part of me has missed it, but an even bigger part of me thinks 'OMG ONLY 3 MORE WEEKS OF THIS SHIT HOLE AND I CAN FINALLY LEAVE!!!!' although it's like the store has prepared for my return. Nothing says 'Welcome back!' like a busy bank holiday day and bugger all stock. Oh glee.... Be prepared for the usual rantings tomorrow, I guess.


  1. Ah bank holiday Sunday at 'Spoons was grrreat! Especially with no break lol!

  2. I bet it was
    Mine wasn't too bad today, actually
    But you'll be able to read about it soonish anyways ^^
