That I do, and it is one of the quotes along with 'Well!' that we spent the entire night repeating, and also 'wa-ah'. God it's just too funny! 'll tell you what isn't funny though - Dad's internet 'connection'. It occasionally just fucks off! It's soooooo annoying!
But yes, the gaming was soooo hilarious. We played Soul CAlibur 2 and fell in love with Valdo and his mincy walk and river dance moves, and spent the time just throwing ourselves off the edge of the ring to make for an amusing slow mo replay. Time Splitters was sooo funny - my name was Charbs, so naturally seeing 'First kill by Charbs' or 'Killed by Charbs' was utterly hilarious. Playing virus also made us laugh so hard as we soon got bored and spent the time stampeding in to a rotating fan to kill ourselves. In slow motion.
After a bit of bonding with my aunt over boobs, Jade and myself set off to get our tattoos, and were late, in keeping with family tradition. The albeit lovely tattoo artist was a bit dim - he said he was going to do my tattoo free hand. Um, dude? You don't have to have it for life. I'm not gonna have a tattoo crossed out and with the actual tattoo next to it. It's a good thing I made him draw it out first - I ended up correcting it about 5 times. I now have the symbol for 'Capricorn' on the back of my neck. It wasn't that painful, though Jade pissed herself laughing as she watched my face change from a grin to an expression of extreme pain and mouth 'FUCKING HELL'
The heavens opened in spectacular fashion when we got out, and true to my usual form I was wearing very few clothes, so I was going to get soaked. As we made our way down a sheltered bit, a blatantly drunk bloke comes tripping over and says 'Ello DARLING! You enetering a wet t shirt competition? I bet you'd win :) :) :) :) :) :)' I just replied 'Um, I bet I will' and scuttled off. We had fun in a furniture store, cause we're cool ^^
I took Tim to see Knight and Day, so I had to endure Tom Cruise's smarmy head oozing around the screen. Thank god it wasn't in 3D, or I would have to have killed someone. The film altogether wasn't too bad, although the ending was incredibly SHITE. ^^
My mum informs me that Ponyo has been sent to live with his dad, Brian, and his 'wife' who has 2 new chicks of her own :/ so I had a spazz attack, as last time he was put in there with the others, they played the lovely game of 'let's attack the new boy!' and she also informs me that she's finally bought my new bedroom - my own little caravan. I'm so excited! I hope I can move out though to get use of it - if tomorrow goes all ok. I just threw up. This is going to be sooooo much funs. Ughhhhhhhhhh...
The picture is my new tattoo. Note the hideous redness against the pale skin. And the freezing cold temperature o the day...
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