David, myself and GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARY COLEMAN! (Or Delroy Atkinson, the actor that played Gaaaaaaaaaaaaary Coleman. KWEEEEEEEEEH!!!)
After bothering Kay for a bit and kicking ass at the Disney game again, but failing epically at the music quiz myself and David headed to LONDON! I wanted to go to the Forbidden Planet Store, which is my idea of Heaven, but we got lost for ages and we were basically stood right next to it the entire time.
I've been bragging a bit lately about growing up a bit "oooh, I've thrown out all me pokemon stuff and loadsa childish things etc etc" but then I literally went "OMG MOOMIN KEYRINGS!!" David bought me Moomin wrapping paper, which was awesome, but then I felt bad so I bought him a meerkat, which defeated the point of me not spending all my money. And Fullmetal Alchemist 23 is now mine nom nom nom ^^
Avenue Q was AMAZING! To put it quite simply. I haven't laughed that hard in a while, and I laugh a lot. I was a bit dubious about Gary Coleman being played by a man, as I am used to him being played by a girl, but he was THE BEST PERFORMER EVER! During the Internet is for Porn I was literally screaming with laughter and was crying so hard due to is v. sexual moves and girating hips. It was the best! I had a picture taken with him and his autograph, so very very happy (and it's an autograph I will beable to keep. The only other autographs I've got have been on my boobs.)
I would have got home 15 earlier after dropping DAivd home were it not for the lonely cop who decided to pull me over. Granted, I had a headlight out but he still breathilised me (100% clear, obviously) as my eyes looked 'slightly red' and I kept not looking at him. I was not looking at him because I am very intimidated by cops, unlike most of the youth of today. All I could think was 'Shit, if only I'd gone the usual way home he wouldn't have been able to find me' but noooooo, I fail. I must admit - I did flirt a bit, because I was petrified he would find something wrong. And because I'm a massive tart, obviously.
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