Saturday, 6 November 2010

Barry's Got Some CRISPS!!!!!

I don't know who Barry is, but the good news is, he has some crisps. Well, that's a weight off my mind then!! I'm sure I'll probably write about this fat old sow later on in the blog. But for now I have some catching up to do - I've been sooo busy! So here comes a lot to write about.

I was mega wiped out after work, so imagine my surprise when Bonamana started screaming from my phone - that isn't my alarm! Turns out it was Amy, calling to find out where I was. What time was it? 10'oclock. OMFG I SLEPT THOUGH MY ALARM! Well, thanks to Amy I was soon moving around at high speed - think Benny Hill but sped up about 100 times. I only took 20 minutes to get ready, which was fine, but goodbye packing time ¬¬ ah well, I'm sure there will be enough time after my tutorial tonight? Oh bugger, I'm in the 5-6 group, but my train is at 20 past 6! This won't do! I know, I'll just ask Sam if I can be in the earlier group! So after what seemed like 27 years of negociations, all the while with Amy and Lisa trying to get him to say 'no' the entire time I eventually swung it in my favour. I love him ^^ Although not enough to fuck him, for obvious reasons, so no Lisa, I will not :P

After handing in the essay and feeling ever so free, we settled down for yet another snore-filled lecture, although it was made entertaining by the constant frapes and photorapes that went on. And Angie's speaker wasn't all that bad - I actually took in what she was saying! I can't remember it now, typically, but I did for all of about 10 minutes afterwards. Group work in the now earlier tutorial saw me doing all the work, so much so that Sam is bringing me a prize XD Upon leaving Alex and I saw a MASSIVE queue for the bus I really needed to get - it stretched from the uni doors all the way down the steps and further down the road and it was several people thick. Fuck this - so risking it, we walked.

I had enough time to pack and that, but it wasn't enough to be able to do it at leisure. And so in my haste (as I was yet to buy my tickets and feared a huge queue follwed by a dash to the wrong platform) I only managed to pick up my toothbrush and some pants. I left my phone charger, but managed to grab a pile of dvds to swap. ¬¬ Ah well. So after grappling with the trains for 2 and a half hours (and naturally getting the platforms wrong EVERY BLOODY TIME!!! Why can't I do trains?!?! As Mazi would tell you, and who reminded me on Friday, I just fail at trains. A lot.) My mum did some failings of her own when I eventually reached Slapding - she has a new car, and could not reverse. At all. It took no less then 10 attempts to get it in to reverse. O________O

OMG Tim has ruined what was once my room :( It's so bare in here (I'm on the shitty old desktop as I type this. Approx date of manufacture = 39857987 BC judging by how fast it is moving. It is the definition of painful on this thing) there is nothing on the walls, like, at all. Virtually nothing on the desk or window sils and everything in here is either broken, ugly, or broken and ugly. I don't like being in here that much. Although my little room is bloody fantastic! It's so cosy in there! I finally get tv channels in there (much to my delight as I have recently found myself watching and enjoying house and cooking programmes) and mum and G have put a load of different coloured scarves/my picture boards up to cover my window and fairy lights etc. I feel like I'm in an Austin Powers movie. Although I bet Austin Powers doesn't get woken by a dog screaming hysterically at heavy rain that sounds like it is entering the caravan at 4 in the morning. Neither does he suddenly get the boniest (that sounds wrong) greyhound in the known universe leaping on to his back when there is a particularly lous clap of thunder.

I woke up tangled in one of the scarves - it was actually wrapped around the whole of my head, which was slightly terrifying to be quite honest. And Brian was screaming - Ponyo had taken a particaularly nice bit of food that Bri had his eyes on and run off with it. Ponyo is so big now! And Ronnie too! I have missed my chucks ^_^ Although Bri looks like he's on his way out - he isn't being Bri anymore. He hasn't shagged one of the hens in weeks and barely struts around :( And I'm literally waiting for Sid not to be able to stand up anymore - his leg is really giving him gyp at the mo. As I said to Mazi when I saw her in town - I'm surprised the dogs have lasted as long as they have. They're all 10, and ex racers don't live long past 7, as we found with Cassie but Chelsea and Sid are really hanging in there. Don't need to worry about Pippin though. She's a lurcher and so she will probably live until she is in her mid to late 40s.

Mum had terrified me as we were driving home thursday night - my car apparantly didn't work :( :( Nooo! So this weekend I would have gone from complete and utter freedom, back to "mummeeeeeeeeeee can I have a lift to place please?" Turns out it was fine *victory dance* but the inside was actually MOULDY!!! O____________O Ewwwww! So, as mum and I were cleaning it out, G decided to be hilarious by pretending to be a chav when he pulled off from the drive, you know, tire spinning and generally being loud. He then began weaving up the road, lost control and almost ended up in the dyke. I instantly fell to the floor laughing - luckily I'd dropped the sponge I'd been holding so I had something nice to sit on. Goddamn, he had outdone himself - this was even funnier then when he tried to walk on water and fell in the pond, or when he went 'skiing' down a massive hill on his arse crying a young Christian, causing me to pick up the dog (A hefty german shepherd. Not an easy feat at 11) and leap to one side. He gets so much funnier as he gets older.

Ahhh Mazi. I have missed her SO MUCH! Although it's a sign of a fantastic friendship is you can be apart for weeks on end and feel like you haven't even left when you finally see each other again. It was odd in a sense that it felt like I hadn't even left! It was just like old times! :) Even down to me being really late as I'd popped in to KFC to bother everyone before meeting her. Aw, I've never had a warmer welcome in my life! Everyone was so happy to see me and I'd managed to keep it a secret, only telling Adam who had the BIGGEST smile on his face I've ever seen! I'm so loved there - Conrad had a mild spazz attack, Charlie, Jade, Tanny, Demitris and Martin all screamed in delight and Chris did his usual - looked v. deadpan, of course ^_^ I also met Jason, who was delighted to finally meet me having heard so much about me. I definitely have a job to come back to outside term time, so UP YOURS STUPID DERBY KFC BITCH! Although I didn't make the best impression as I was leaving and reversed on to the pavement. Ah well - the first impression stage was over, and he got a snap shot of what Leah is really like. A massive Arse, obviously.

Mazi finally got rid of my hideous roots so now I have my sexy red hair back (this isn't just me saying that, it is universally known that I get my sex on majorly when my hair is properly red. And also Adam told me ^_^ despite never seeing my hair as I like it - NOT ginger with hideous mousey brown roots about 5 inches long) although it looked like she'd killed me during the dying process. I also had phases of being an Indian/Rudolph at several points during my 'murder'. Bwahaha. Also got to bother Justin for a bit (it still scares me how much Conrad looks and acts like him!) and #Mazi's parents and sister before having to bugger off to get ready to see Adam XD XD XD XD All I have to say is - "I don't want to fuck him! He needs to be local for a shag!!!" ahahaha I love visits with Mazi (I was the one that said this, naturally, in keeping with my usual sexual ness ^_^ The person it is about cannot be revealed until the end of the weekend, all part of a cunning plan you see! Mwahaha!)

Saw 3D, so naturally I was going to look hugely sexy in my 3D glasses. As we got there Adam tried to pay, but I managed to slip past him before he could. Let me just say that I like to pay my way. Even if I hadn't have paid, I'd have slipped the money in to his pocket at some point anyway. I'm the perfect date in that sense, though it was nice that he got annoyed about not being able to pay for me. Haha, he's so easy to wind up and it's sooo much more fun doing it face to face. The film itself was rather good, despite a part that sent me flying in to Adam's shoulder, practically eating it - the bloke had to pull out several of his own teeth. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! NOT TEETH! Ugh, I don;t like teeth that just sit in someone's mouth not doing anything, but them being ripped unceremoniously from someone's mouth is even worse!! And it sucked that the film was left open AGAIN so I am judging that there will be yet another film (fab twist at the end though, that made me kwehhhh!!! XD)

Ended up sitting in Adam's car for about 2 hours afterwards. He FINALLY kissed me, in a manner that caught me completely off-guard and was not in keeping with his usual shyness (He is the definition of Shy. So much) though nothing more (sorry to dissapoint you, dear readers and friends, but the sexual conversations are going to continue as Leah STILL has not had sex!!!) But it was a lovely night, and I drove home on cloud 9, my thoughts only stopped when I went to grab Pippin to take her in to my room with me. She thought I was leading her to her death or something jusging on her reluctantness to go, and Chelsea did too. As I was lying in my room, all I could hear was the owls a-hootin' occassionally ruined by the odd ear-splitting whine coming from Chelsea.

Ever woken up with a lurcher sitting on your face? It's lovely. Slogged in my pjs all day before heading off to a firework display on the A17 in possibly the worse venue in the world. A hideous roadside diner. Yum. Which is where I saw the moose that LOVED Barry and his crisps. There was a huge amount of people, so many that the second display saw us standing at the back of the crowd just waiting to turn and leave. At one point there was a gap in the display and G went to leave in a v OTT fashion, which sent me flying to the floor laughing again. When the display DID stop several hundreds (or so it seemed) had the same idea as us, so we were battling with them, but the display started up again. This caused them all to apply the brakes and we just slipped past them, myself doing a big wayhey on a particularly muddy bit.

Am now about to attempt to grab Chelsea to take her in to my room with me. Wish me luck with this - she WILL kick up a fuss about it all. I can see it now - I will eventually get her in to my room, calm her down and get her settled, only for her to forget where she is a mere 10 minutes later and start herself up again. I feel I'll be in for a sleepness night, but have Claxton and Joe coming over in the morning, so I need to look vaguely human so as not to scare them off as I emerge.

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