Friday, 12 November 2010

I Hate Fucking Kids

See? I'm no paedo! Although I genuinely couldn't see when I woke up this morning, ahem, afternoon. First thought? "I'M BLIND I'M BLIND! It's finally happened!!" (My vision has been a little bad these past few days) But no, my mascara had literally sealed my eyes shut. I ripped abou half of my eyelashes off trying to prize the fuckers open again. 'Met' Lissi for some lunch. Supernoodles that I didn't eat (WHAT THE HELL?!?!) then, still as the uber sexy Bedhead edition of Leah, I popped in to Lissi's Zimmer (You know, her rooooom!) to watch hilarious videos. One of which featured what appeared to be a dwarf of undetermined sex miming a song, which both terrified and amused me hugely. Even better was Me plying the Scary Maze game and Lissi filming my reaction. I died (on the maze, obviously) and did a big jump purely cause the screen changed slightly and I was expecting something to pop out at me. It did, whe I eventually got to the final level. ¬¬

Took some picatoorrrrs of my room to demonstrate just how cool it looks and also to distract from the fact that my laptop will not play my Hercules DVD bcause it is a copy. Anyone who wishes to buy the proper DVD for me (it isn't that expensive, but I can't afford it - Hugs and good will for Christmas, remember?) will get my undying love and probably sexual favours, knowing me. I actually cried, as the sheer urge I had to watch it was all-consuming :( :( I bought it on ebay about 6 years ago and wasn't told it would be a copy. Fuckers. It was the same as when I BEGGED my mum to get me Last Order on DVD for christmas one year. She did, but it was also a copy that I could only get to work after 2 HOURS solid of taking it out and wiping it over and over again and for it to work.... Only for there to be a power cut 10 minutes in. I remember that night well. I snapped my beloved DVD (It's a Final Fantasy anime... And I snapped it clean in half!) ¬¬

Ahhhhh... work. After what happened on the way home Wednesday night I wasn't feeling too up for this, to be quite honest and had to leave home early anyway to pick up my implant. The box is MASSIVE! I am scared now... I began to run late as got stuck behind stupid old couple who had to stop every time the wind blew, thanks to the old bat not being able to handle the 'extra pressure'. It was rather windy. FUCK FUCKING OFF!! I have the issue of there never being any veggie pasties left in Greggs when I go in, but tonight my luck changed! As I was queuing some people came in behind me and I heard them say "Oooh! Only one veggie pasty left! Yess!" So how smug was I when I said "I'll have a cream eclair please! Oh, and a VEGGIE PASTY!! Please XD"? Ever so smug. Hahaha up yours other person! Myyy Veggie pasty. I got some evils as I sat on a bench enjoying said pasty, so I played the part a little. "Mmmmm, what a lovely VEGGIE PASTY FROM GREGGS!" Bitchy? Maybe. But it was a bloody good pasty.

Work was it's usual, although got a massive tip from a lovely little (seriously. She was about 1ft tall) old woman. Had to serve a table of 24. O________O My head fell off and my back snapped. And apparantly I'm already on hugging terms with my boss. Noooo, not the touching thing! Stop whispering in my ear and tickling me!!! And the chefs have already started with their sexual comments. Excellent. 3 shifts in. Bugger. Skipped drinking with them tonight, despite my supevisor with a smexy irish accent (yesssss) practically begging me to go.

Minced home v quickly to avoid fainting again as well as to avoid the group of rowdy men following me and yelling stuff. Thank FUCK two cops crossed my path and saw the panic in the speed I was moving and created a barrier between me and them so I could high-tail it out of there. Silly spanish bitches came up behind me as I was opening the door to the block, so I was nice enough to hold the door open for them. I got no thanks, just a snide comment and them high-fiving each other. In return, I walked up the stairs at minus 49879 mph, putting both my feet on each step and walking with my arms out so they couldn't get past. Yeah, I can be rude too, skanks! As I felt them peel off towards their flat I turned and yelled "YOU'RE WELCOME!"

Stormed in to the flat complaing about fucking foreigners, only for our own lovely spanish lot to confirm my complaints. I ran in to the hall, the only thing stopping me from entering the flat being the Spanish door (Yes, the door is also Spanish) that I slammed in to at high speed and thrust my 'Shut the FUCK UP!' note under. Calmed self down by enjoying videos sent to me by Lissi (She could actually hear me laughing from her room) and watching Of Mice and Men. Don't judge me - I love that film! I can still quote my fave line in the book - "He reached in to his pocket and pulled out a small leather thong." ^_____^ Typical me. Speaking of typical me, at the end of Sam's lecture yesterday Lucie and Lisa both cried "It must be LEAH'S!" What was mine? A condom had fallen out of my bag. ¬¬

I am glad to be sitting down, as tomorrow I am doing skating things and will most likely spend most of my time on the floor. I can skate, but it's been a while. I gotta do my sitting for the next few days in advance as I will not be able to do it. After the bruising I got after ice skating for Moosey's buffdee I am not getting my hopes up about a clear leg. It went purple. It looked like it had been hit b a car, which is more than appeared when I actually WAS hit by a car. ¬¬

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