Tuesday, 30 November 2010

All Night Long ;)

Yeah, this is dedicated to my Mr. My Mr who has not shaved in a while (yummmmmm!!!!) My Mr Who left this morning. :( Aha! The lack of blogging now makes more sense! But wait, there's more. Hang on to your seats, babies, cause this one's a screamer! And quite literally - I did a lot of screaming come Saturday morning (Adam arrived Sunday night, so shut up) no no no, oh ye of dirty minds, Friday was the night of our flat party. Before hand Amy and I took time out from the lots of essay writing (pfft) to make vodka jelly, and Lissi and I wandered to Sainsburys. I purchased a trifle and mince pies. Fat fuck, I think you'll agree. I just REALLY wanted some trifle! But anyways, It was a rather good night tbh - lots of people turned up and towards the end of the night we were all chillaxing in my room watching moooovies and that. Katie was a bit worse for wear, and proved this by sticking her tongue down my throat (Um. GET OFF?!?) followed by Mike's. She then hauled up in my bathroom and attacked the toliet with her vomit, which made me panic hugely and almost break down. No vomit please, Kthanksbye!

So, what was the cause of the saturday morning screaming? Abi told me she had £20 taken from her purse, so I panicked and did a sweep of my room - laptop, DS, Blackberry, Printer, Passport, old 'new' pho- BOLLOCKS! Someone has come in to my home, and searched for something to take. I know this because the phone was partially hidden. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH! I was planning on selling the damn thing for food moneys! That's fine though, I really don't need food moneys. Ugh. I was with Lissi in the kitchen before heading to Hell, sorry, work and decided what to eat - trifle. I made her lol ^^

It's lovely working with Maria and Lee, you have a really good shift,even if you all have to wear Santa hats that make you look like an arse and you have to serve toffs from a big company that have no concept of any kind of human language... Drink champers at the end, finishing at half 11. And then being told you're working the breakfast shift tomorrow. Oh. My. God. And it is snowy and hideous outside. Gee, thanks a bunch. Bastard. When he arrived the next morning (late, and sporting a black eye) he yelled at us loads (for what? Getting the buffet ready 20 minutes early?) and buggered off to his office to do fuck all to help out, leaving me as the Hostess (with the mostest, of course. And with a massive hole in my top, exposing a lovely bright green bra.) This must be why I got a £15 tip. A £15 tip that I split with the other 2 without telling Chris. Why should he get some? All he did was wander in to the room once, make a joke about my chest attracting customers, and bugger off again.

Did some workings stuffs before booting Adam towards the direction of a train so he could get here. I had several hours to wait before I had to pic him up, so I skyped David again. As I have mentioned, I enjoy skyping David. Although he kept buggering off, because he's useless. Honestly, I walk all the way to the train station at half 10, in the dark and snow, to meet Adam off the train, only for him to scare me shitless by walking up behind me when I got there. ¬¬ But yesssss, everything was fabbity fab, lounging around come Monday (By that I mean Adam would NOT GET UP! It took bribes of food and stuff ;) to get him to move) I then had to go to work. Bugger. Leaving the poor git stuck in my room for 6 hours and not able to go and smoke.

I asked if ~I could leave work early (spouting some elaborate lie, obviously) And he FINALLY let me go at almost 11. He sent one of the other girls home at 9. WTF?!?! I was the most senior waitress on the shift, meaning I'd been there longest. Oh sweet Jesus, but I am very good at my job, even conversing with some German men, who were ever so surprised when I started chatting away in German with them. RAN through the streets, which was made easier by a group of about 20 men nipping at my heels most of the time. FUCK FUCKING OFF! Burst through my door complaining about the freezing cold, and watched Adam wake with a start and practically fall off the bed. He then got in to his Mard-mobile for a bit and wouldn't talk to me - he DID nick the rest of my biscuits and some cranberry juice while I was gone. UNIMPRESSED :P :P

He eventually buggered off at 11, much to my dismay :( it's really weird in here now without him - he only stayed over 2 nights! Scuttled to uni as fast as we could in the snow that was falling equally fast. Bit miffed about uni - this was the reason Adam had to leave so early. Slept through Dave's lecture despite DVD on hostage negotiation (nothing happened - the hostage and hostage taker both lived. Boring as hell!) and loitred for 2 hours for Sam's lecture, which was cancelled. I could have left at 2 in that case. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- ahem, be a lady Leah. Please try at least once. Walking back from uni was bloody fun though - snow ball fights with Amy, Alex and Sallie, who all have fantastic aim, whereas I am shit at it.

Went to Sainsburys to buy an advent calender, and then staggered back to the flat to be met by Hayley and Laura who dragged me back in to the snow again. And Sainsburys actually. Haha. Dragged outside again for snowball fights with Liss, Vetty, Seb and Shelley ^^

This will be edited soon - I should be asleep. I have work in 3 hours. Woops!

I left that party early in order to go to bed for a breakfast shift I wasn't actually working. So I would have gone to work for bugger all reason. Oohhhh, would NOT Have been impressed!

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