Sunday, 14 November 2010

Reddee For Your Pennniz!

The Queen of Vagina is truly a magnificant song writer. I can't help but sing her song, and have been singing it all night. What are the lyrics? "My Vagina is ready, ready for your penis. Vagina, Vagina, Penis Penis Penis Penis" and occasionally I'll sing "This is what I do, I sit on you. Right on your lap." We shouldn't be allowed to watch rudetube... It creates these hideous situations when we can't stop quoting them. Well, that and Jackass and Peep Show quotes. Family Guy too. And Bo Selecta. Basically anything hilarious we may come across. Like Johnny Cash. Or we'll just occasionally bum each other. This is the kind of family I come from - every 5 seconds we are laughing about something else or creating new things to laugh about later on.

No alarms todayyyyy as I didn't have a job interview or something equally hideous that I always seem to have when I stay at my aunts (Although was asked to work the brekkie shift. Fuck to the massive off, much.) neither had we made any plans for the day, which we normally do unless we've been boozing it up the night before. so it was jimjams and bed heads for the day! Well, for me anyway. I don't see the point in doing something with my hair or face unless I'm going out - there aren't that many hours in the day and the chances of bumping in to someone I feel the need to impress while sitting in my aunt's living room are very small indeed. That would be weird - sat being extremely sexy (of course) and Johnny Knoxville walks in (he is my imaginary hump at the moment, so have been filling head with Jackass shows and focusing mainly on his sexy bod. That, and Pontius dressed as a Dutch woman and Bam falling flat on his arse) I think I want some Jackass boxsets for Crimby.

Today HAD to be the day I finally got past the Marble level on Sonic and also the day I wasn't playing my own copy of the game and therefore didn't have a naffing memory card with me ¬¬ After Jade woke up on the wrong side of the bed and promptly bit Grace's head off, I made her sit and have a lol at Bella in New Moon. I then for some reason began to read the Twilight books. I have yet to do this, and have finally joined the masses. Bella is still a pillock and is even more of a stupid bint in the book, but I find myself compelled to read on. Bollocks. I don't know what's happening to me at the moment!!!! O__________O

X Factor, was of course a shambles and Katie will be going in my Human Centipede along with Cher Lloyd and Kristen Stewart. Bitches. And Take That pissed me off - Robbie has blatantly only rejoined as they are doing so well and his time as a solo artist has passed. So why did he do all the FUCKING SINGING!??! YOU ARE NO LONGER A SOLO ARTIST! The years have not been kind to you, so let Gary do the singing please and stop having stand offs with Mark Owen - you over shadow him and your mic was blatantly at a louder volume than theirs. Go back in to your drug filled pit! (I was hideous enough to actually do an Xfactor status along with most of the facebook community. Ah well... I'm a celeb was rather good though, it's just a shame that it's the first year I'm not watching it with my mum. Spent the evening lolling at old photos and discussing old memories. We had a serious moment for once!! I'm sure that will pass. But yes. Christmas is deffo coming as the coca cola ad confirmed and so I'd better get my ass in gear sorting that good will out, hadn't I?

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