Sunday, 21 November 2010

Ooooh! I Thought I Went Blind There!

This was not me. Infact, this is possibly from one of women from the nicest group of cstomers I've ever met. I actually said to them as they left that I wish I could tip customers. It was at this point that she handed me a tenner. I wanted to throw her across their littered table and sex her up. Also, this is dedicated to David who is a complete tit who (albeit didn't know) I was working the night shift last night followed by breakfastANDlunch today and was bitching at me to blog stuffs. Here is your blog, bitch! :P It's his fault I was up until the early hours friday chatting his head off - not that I minded though, as he is infact my bestie (male edition. tm haha) and I aime him muchlies ^^

On Friday I woke up at about half 3 or so. This was WITH the aid of an alarm. Thank God, I don't want to be late for work! Turns out that I was late anyway, as for some reason I now started at 5 instead of half past. Fuckbags. As punishment I was made to polish, I kid you not, as I counted, 348 knives forks spoons etc. Slight lie though, as 80% of them were knives. Why the hell are so many knives needed? There are not enough forks to match! Do people EAT the forks?!? It wasn't a bad night shift - customers were ok, some were FAB as I said at the start, I got to work with Sammy, who I love and is wonderful - she is SUCH a sweetie!!! And my line manager (My boss's boss) was very impressed with how good I've become so quickly. Did get in to a leeetel bit of trouble as Arnold came in and I got distracted talking to him for about 20 minutes. He is the sweetest little man (little being the correct word here - he held a door open for me and even after bending right over, I still headbutted him in the arm ¬¬) I have ever met!

Also had to contend with Creepy Adam tonight. No, that is not my Adam. Creepy Adam is one of the chefs (a collection of complete perverts, of course, who neglect to remember that I have a face. Damn you tight shirt!) and is soooooo hideous to look at and be around (unlike my Adam who is, it has to be said, absolutely yummy and fab to be around. ^^ Anyways moving on) who was once again creepy and completely inappropriate (No, I don't believe that my breasts should be used for a plaster of paris mould. Fuck off please) and Kieran who, when told that Matt had accidentally brushed against one of my boobs on the way past, basically just trust his head on my chest ¬¬ Goddamn, I hate being female sometimes. To avoid the constant "Want me to take you out for a good time?" comments, I mentioned Adam as often as I could. It's not like I need an excuse to do this. What fnally got them to fuck off slightly was blaming my 'suddenly miffed mood' on the fact that Adam was in hospital. This did not happen, but it got them to back off a bit. Sorry sweetie! Luckily they didnt ask questions or I'd have been fucked and my lie exposed - knowing me I'd have probably said he was giving birth or something... ¬¬ And no, I am not going to complain about it. It's just banter, probably completely harmless but just ever-so-slihtly annoying, that is all. Plus, I've only been there 3 weeks and I'd be getting a bit high and mighty if I complained already.

EVENTUALLY managed to bugger off at HALF 11 meaning I would get in at 12 and to sleep at 12, ready to be awake again a quarter to 6. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH go and crawl in to a pit and die somewhere. Don't mind if I do. Breakfast was slow and hideous - no bugger came in til 9, then they all swarmed in and didn't fuck off til HALF 11 LEAVING ME HALF AN HOUR TO SET UP LUNCH WITH SODDING TABLECLOTHS AND EVERYTHING! The only thing that mae this bareable was working with the adorable Arnold and wonderful Maria (it pays to have a cousin with connections and also who has invited her friends on nights outs with you so you can meet them.) and Lee with his scrummy Irish accent, and Mel being as awesome as ever. I died during lunch - 2 people came in. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG it was so slow, I was close to crying at one point and I left my feet in the Mirror Room they were that sore.

Was stood chatting to Mel as the shift slithere by at a slower pace than maple syrup on a cold day, when she told me that Josh, the cook with a gammy eye, was still drunk. This, I had to see. I used to feel sorry for him and his gammy eye (and also a bit awkward. It was like Michael Mcintyre said about people with lazy eyes - you don' know how to look at them. This is completely true) but after what he did next, I am not in that place. It's a glass eye. How do I know this? He took it out and THRUST IT IN MY FACE! This in itself didn't cause me to drop the tray of glasses I was holding (results = no breakages. Total triumph) it was when I was so startled I looked at his face and happened to see an empty eye socket. This sight will never leave me. Mel couldn't stop laughing when I came back shivering and rocking myself slightly. Ughhhhhh I still shudder at the thought. He's lucky I didn't upchuck at the sight of it.

Was working til 3, but there waqs a meeting at 4 so who got to stay on for ANOTHER extra hour? yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay meeeeeeee! Folding napkins and organising some drawers and cupboards. The thrills just didn't stop. Actually that's true - the meeting was hilarious! Although Chris, my boss, seemed to be suffering from 'I Am A Dick' Syndrome toniht. These meetings occur monthly. This is something I am not used to. In good old KFC I'm used to waiting a year if Im lucky before a manager eventually goes "Ooooh, A meeting might be a good idea at some point." Wandering home I saw they EXACT same couple walking the exact same dog having another blazing row I'd seen the night before. This was coupled with another drunk guy walking towards me, followed by 2 cops. At this point I got a bit scared and thought I'd gone through some sort of time warp nd would have to do the whole horror shifts all over again.

Hayley and Laura eventually came home and we did some memory tests for Laura's work. I have an ace memory XD also made an ORGASMIC tuna melt toasty sandwich. Settled down to watch Scott Pilgrim with the sandwich (I showed that sandwich a good time ;) )and chatted to Adam a little bit morrrre. He makes me smile. I could fall in lesbians with him ^^ (Oh Scott Pilgrim, you are a babe!)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for dedication!
    And being your best friend (Male edition)

    Ace blog xxx
