Saturday, 24 July 2010

Everyday I love it Less and Less....

What would it take to have something different to put in here? A day off work. Which didn't happen today, despite the fact that I woke up feeling (no, not like P Diddy) like a gang of chavs were stamping on my head and pulling my hair out. How much wine did I drink??? Uhhhhhh. Had work, naturally, that wasn't a totally bad day.

Got a call from David just before my shift. (David is, one of my bestest besties ^^) I spent the entire duration of the call squealing down my brick at him - he called to tell me he'd booked the theatre tickets and train tickets for our trippage to Lahhhhdahhhhn to see Avenue Q!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, due to my crippling car insurance due on the same date, he is paying for me! OOFT! I actually ran out of the staffroom and threw myself at my boss crying (while hiding my nose and tongue) 'GIVE ME DIARY! GIVE ME DIARY NOW! NEED! DAY! OFF!' I wish I was joking - it's a good thing I'm good at my job and he likes me. He just tugged my ponytail and patted me on the back. I think he pitys my simple-mindedness.

Got attacked by a wasp again on front counter. This time it sent not only me fleeing to the back yard and abandoning customers, but also Ali, Leanne and Maria, the other tillers and packers on front counter. The men on the shift came running when they heard us screaming, and even they went slightly white - It was a BLOODY ENORMOUS wasp! Maybe we're all just pathetic when it comes to insects that could potentially hurt us.

It was fine there until about 5 o'clock - seeing as I was working the hideous 12-9 shift, with both peak hours I held my breath for a hideous night. Every till in the store crashed at the same time at about half 5, just as I got a huge queue in my drive thru. In the end, I was sending Danny Boy out to the cars with his mobile to take orders and send them to Chris, who told me what they were. I then had to write them down, in order and calculate totals and relay the order to the packers so they would be ready by the time the car got to the window. AND make drinks and add salt etc to orders, take money and calculate change while holding a dazzling smile and wonderful manner. It was hideous. I then had to rapidly put all the orders through my till to make the money match the orders taken. It wasn't exactly something I would like to repeat.

My night was made by the campest bloke I've EVER met that came through my drive thru with his pug called Fifi. He was just sooooo lovely and friendly I just wanted to be his friend and show him to my boss saying 'A satisfied customer! We should frame him!' And while getting in to my car after my shift (literally with my arse half way down towards the seat) I was approached by a bloke saying that his mate wanted my number to meet up. Because he was ugly as sin and dressed like a dork, he got my number - with 2 digits switched ^^ Yes, I am vain. Although I'm sightly desparate since my fuck buddy (yeah, had one briefly) buggered off to visit family in Foreign lands and won't return until I myself have buggered off to uni I really do not want an ugly boyfriend. I know it should be about personality and not appearances etc etc, but I've done well on the goodlooking boyfriend front so far, and my ex was soooo unbelievably gorgeous there are some big shoes to fill (quite literally, if you catch my meaning ;) )

This blog really does paint a picture, doesn't it? I'm a boring, vain, slag with the thought processes of a child and a tendancy to overreact about everything. Ah well, this is me. As my ex said to me today (He came to see me at work for some bizzare reason) 'You look older' It's because I am. Many people reading this have known me for years, or knew me mainly when I was a lot younger than I am now. 5 years can change a person, and a girl becoming a woman is a major change tbh. I like where I am at the moment, I really do. I am growing up - finally, my mind is beginning to catch up with my body. After dealing with certain amounts of shite in my early life, I think I deserve a chance to relax and do what I want. Yeah, so there ^^

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