Tuesday, 6 July 2010

The opposite to relaxation

This blog is really boring thus far tbh - it always reads 'I went to work. It was awful' or something along those lines. Well today was a bit different - Yeah, I went to work and yeah it was awful, but it was also quite fun today so it wasn't all bad.

I watched the sex education show with my mum, which I know most people would find hideous but it was actually one of the funniest things I have ever experienced and I just couldn't take it seriously. I am so close to my mum, so I'm very lucky. I was her first born and am her only daughter and we're so similar, apparantly in appearance but I personally just think in character and mannerisms. She's actually mad and always does completely random things just to make me laugh - her sense of humour is fantastic!

Tonight we had a mass debate (say it out loud, quickly haha) about the news report about terror suspects being tortured for info. I dunno, maybe I'm too opinionated to be a criminal psychologist or whatever the hell I want to be (I don't actually know myself) and I'll probably get slammed for writing this but I don't think that a terrorist, who obviously has no concept for human rights and is happy to kill hundreds of innocent people, should be allowed even basic human rights as they deprive others of theirs. I know they're only suspects and may not have done anything (yet) but do they really have the right to be treated as equals when they see many people as far below them? I'm the kind of person who strongly believes in life sentences meaning an entire lifetime, bringing back the death penalty and the naming and shaming of sex offenders and paedophiles in society.

I'm beginning to surprise myself about all this sort of stuff, I always believed myself to be a person who was selfish to an extent and only really cared about the people I was close to or personally knew. Maybe I'm maturing (bloody hell!!) I guess that's a part of growing up.

Speaking of growing up, my brother really should do some of that soon. I was happily talking to mum in the kitchen, trying to tell her my story about nearly running over 2 pheasants that decided to have a fight in the middle of the road, when Tim runs in, screaming blue murder and punching things. I swear that if the dogs had been there he'd have punched Chelsea in her stupid mug. Turns out some little twat has been slagging him off on FB. I was trying to be a supportive sister and all that, but then I saw that he'd not only wiped my desk clean of ALL my most precious belongings, he'd also put his fist through my wardrobe door. Cue an EXPLOSION from me and now my throat really hurts. :( and I woke up the neighour haha.

I now have to drive him to my old school where he is doing work experience as if he gets on the bus he will hit the boy involved. Spalding is about a 40 minute drive away from home, and Lynn where I work is about a 40 minute drive from home. I start at 9. I'm doing about 70 FRIGGING MILES of driving before 9 in the morning. F.M.L!

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