Monday, 26 July 2010


Yeah, it's blatantly my fave 'word' at the mo, so why not? And it really describes my day quite well - it was an exciting ooft! Started off fab, in a way, as my new Genbu novels arrived ^^ So spent about 10 mins reading them before Law arrived ready for me to take her out, despite the fact that I had completely forgotten I was meant to be doing stuff today and blatantly wasn't going anywhere for a while. Naturally, because I am female (despite Law saying that my sex was 'rough' today - don't ask) and also because I spend FOREVER trying to look less horrific to look at, it took me about an hour to get ready and by then we were extremely late picking Stephen up and so had to speed all the way to his then to Lynn in order to get to the cinema on time. It's a good thing David always plans things for ridiculously early times - it makes my life a lot easier.

Shrek Forever After was not as hideous as I thought it would be - after the pile that was Shrek the Third, I wasn't going to hold my breath for another fantastic sequal. I personally hold the opinion that once a film reaches a thrid sequal then it's time to move on (The Saw movies are an obvious exception. I bum them completely and they just keep getting better and better!!!) But it wasn't all that bad - Sexy and myself very much enjoyed the camp cook ogre while eating a bucket of popcorn - I have actually never seen Sexy spazz that much at something before, thanks to a running joke about yours truely that actually cannot be written on here due to high levels of embarassment, yes, even for someone like me! Enjoyed another orgasmic milkshake - A Jack this time. As many have said, I'm sucking my way through the male names choices in more ways then one. God, I love my friends.

Nandos afterwards, which I like to call the Posh KFC. As a vegetarian, I didn't get my hopes up for a sparkling choice so just had a salad without chicken, which got me praise for being healthy. Didn't last long - it soon turned in to a plate of dressing (creamy dressing, much to our delight!) with some salad on it with cheese and chips nom nom. Although I only really ate, like, 4 olives and a tomato to be quite frank. There is something quite wrong with me. It's like my body wants to stay thin, so is denying me hunger. Had to give Sexy half the chips. David looked at me like I was mad. I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING EITHER!!

Naturally, driving home was eventful, what with my delightful road rage rearing its ugly head and Law and Stephen acting like complete prats in the back. Went back to David's for a bit - got there at about 6 and sat in the garden and had to remain there for a while due to the presence of a trampoline for Sexy and Claxton and a guinea pig for me ^^. We just spent hours talking - by the time we checked the time (¬¬)it was half 10!!! Oops.... Good thing he doesn't live far from me. My mum actually jumped out of a room as soon as I walked in to the house and suffocated me - I neglected to tell her I was at David's and she thought I'd died. She didn't think to ring me though. Prat. :)

So yeah, it's been a lovely day to be quite frank, just chilling now with my new books and msning, which I haven't done properly in years but realise I have actually missed. Aaaaaaaaaaaand a MASSIVE beetle just crawled over my foot. I swear it was the size of a small horse. I am NOT going to be able to sleep AT ALL tonight - it's worse than the centipede I saw last night, which was truly terrifying. I think insects are the only thing, apart from obviously my boobs and lack of penis, that reveal my true sex to people. God, can I not go one blog without talking about sex? Even if it is gender and not the act itself. I'd say I need to get out more, but I really think I get out enough haahaa!

Back to reality tomorrow though. Oh, I love my job...

1 comment:

  1. All good things come to an end, time off comes to an end the quickest out of everything...
