Wednesday, 21 July 2010

So Now We've Gone Past the Point Of No Return

This is actually going to be really boring. But I like blogging every day and so am going to try and make this slightly amusing, despite the huge amount of pain I'm in :( - Thanks to work, I can't actually bend over due to hideous pain of unknown origin coming from the base of my back. I have an idea as to why this is (And if my cousin is reading this, and I know she is - No, he is in Spain. There's is no way that is the reason for the pain. And plus, it isn't a good pain ;) )

So work was hideous, as per always. Busy, although wasn't on drive through, which was terrifying yet refreshing. Aaaaaaaaaaand the Big Boss Man was in. I am his fave worker, yet he didn't notice the lisp (which is improving ^^) or massive tongue bar. Several customers did though - scared the hell out of one bloke when he asked if it hurt. No, not really. Just like having a small screwdriver thrust (hehe thrust) through one of the most sensitive parts of your body. I hope I regain the sensation in my tongue again once the swelling goes down. I remember doing a victory dance when nipple sensation returned (I got VERY strange looks from the person I was with at the time, if you catch my meaning, seeing as I got out of bed to do a little Funky Chicken :P)

We got bored during a quiet period so we played dares, which is never a wise thing to do - last thing we played I ate an ice cream with sour cream sauce on it and instantly threw up. This one was similar. I've been vegetarian for about 12 years, and get ill when I eat meat. I forced down some mini fillet covered in the gravy and got sent home early due to almost fainting in shock haha - been in bed most of the night, apart from a mind expanding gaming session on Okami ^^

This bloody Staffi is getting on my nerves and I am getting zilch sleep. It's funny yet irritating at the same time - when I turn the lights off and get under the covers, the dog gets in with me! She sleeps by my feet, which is nice seeing as I don't exactly wear a lot in bed. Although last night she had a vivid dream did some manic running, scraping my legs to bits and practically removing my tattoo.

Tomorrow is more work, yet something a little more exciting in the morrow - driving Sexy Jexy to get her tattoo and some ICE CREAM nom nom nom nom (my new love at the mo ^^) should have some more hilarious tales from tomorrow.
I hope this was interesting enough :)

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