My 'job' is one of those jobs that is as close to slavery as you can get in this day and age - We do sooooo much work in such harsh conditions and get bugger all pay tbh. It makes it seem as though I'm working on a plantation on Mount Everest or something, so I know any people will be scoffing and saying 'God, it's only KFC. You just stand there and talk.' Um, NO IT ISN'T! We NEVER stand there. Because about 3 people seem to work at the store, we always end up running around doing EVERYTHING overselves. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand my boss sucks majorly tbh - there I was thinking I started at 12, but I'm woken by a phone call at 10 to 10 (amazing - something woke me up!) saying I was meant to be in at half 9. News to me! I literally ripped my clothes off and slammed a brush through my hair and teeth. No shower and with no make up on, screaming all the way on the half hour drive to work, getting there at 20 mins past, just as the store was about to open. Win.
Kevin, the uber scary inspector was due in. He instantly loved me, according to everyone else, and we passed with flying colours, earning me a krushem. They said I was flirting, whereas I thought I was just being friendly. God, am I that much of a slag that I even flirt subconciously? Although, he can't have loved me that much - we lost 2 points due to my nose stud and tongue bar I can't take out. Ah well. We still passed, and I got 100% on my customer service assessment. Woot! £50 bonussssss!
I'm SO TIRED now! Dropped Tanny home after work (my partner in crime, we are soooo inappropriate and rude when we are together) then headed home and heard the most hideous noise when I pulled on to the drive - it sounded like a baby being murdered by a domestic cat ¬¬. I entered my house and was instantly presented with my mum holding Chelsea, one of the greyhounds, at me and screaming "LOOK! What Pippin did to Chelsea's ear!!!" Pippin, my little lurcher, who is half the size of both of the greyhounds is, lets face it, a bit of a narky bitch. Chelsea's ear basically wasn't there any more - an entire chunk ripped off. She looked so so sorry for herself and was screaming hysterically. The amount of blood all over the floor (and my bed. Ugh.) was ridiculous and Chelsea actually changed colour - my gorgeous white dog became a hideous mottled brown and red.
The worst part? All the dogs are rescue dogs, and are terrified of shouting and raised hands (we have never hit them) and Pippin had taken refuge on my bed when my mum found out what had happened. She'd wet herself in fear all over my bed and pile of ironing resting on it. It's cool, I didn't spent hours ironing it the other day (yet couldn't be arsed to put away, oh, how I wish I had put it away...)
Currently sat on an air bed (double - wooooo!!) watching Alan Carr. I lurve Alan Carr. And looking through pictures from yesterday. A solo shot of your truly, wearing my 'angry wig' on the way home from Lynn - my car is a convertable and my hair always flies around when driving. To all those who have seen Shrek 4 - it really does look like the angry wig! And a lovely shot of Sexy and Myself in Nandos, not ready for picture-taking. Sexy was taking le mickey at Law, and I was having a heated discussion with David about how much spice we can handle (answer - i win. I can handle the extra extra hot peri peri sauce, he can handle lime and mango or whatever, only one step up from plain. See what I mean? I really am manly ^^)
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