Friday, 16 July 2010

No, I don't have an addiction.

Today was a good day - I finally had my tattoo coloured! I've had the damn thing for ages in black, and so i finally added a little colour and planned my next tattoo ^^ I dragged Sexy Jexy along to translate, as my lisp is hideous today. I sound like Sean Connery, only not as sexy-sounding. His voice is the ultimate in 'The Sex' if you catch my meaning ;)

Anyways, back to my tattoo. It's a ring of flowers round my right ankle, but the ring does not join together as am not a homosexualist (as Georgia Nicolson would say) so i had the flowers coloured and added a butterfly to the final design. the beauty of it is I can have the design extended down my foot if I want to (and ultimately I will.)

Ponyo is only one week old, but already his wings are losing their fluff and his proper wings are already coming through, and his colouring is just as beautiful. Yes, he is a He now, as research in to the colourings on his feathers points to the chick having a penis. Or so my mum says, so it's probably wrong.

Also a good day in that my new moooovies from amazon arrived for my studio Ghibli collection ^^ - Pom Poko, which I've never seen, and My Neighbour Totoro, one of my absolute faves. Studio Ghibli is like a Japanese Disney, and the films are absolutely fantastic! So beautiful and well drawn and animated, with fantulous moooosic also XD I HAVE to watch them in the original Japanese though, as the English dubs are hideous and ruin the original beauty of the film. Some of them are alright, such as the voice actors used in Howl's Moving Castle and Princess Mononoke, although the main problem i have with the English dubs is the fact that the song lyrics are translated and sometimes even the music.

They do ruin them a bit, but it's wonderful that I get to watch them - Japanese films, both animated and those using live actors are so much better than most films made in America and England, although it has to be said that British films are so much better than American ones.

Life is so good at the moment, got so much to do! Tomorrow is going to be another busy day, although I'll blog about it tomorrow - it's writing I can do at the moment, speaking is rather difficult. Ah well, I did this to myself. And hopefully I'll lose more weight thanks to the fact that I can only swallow liquids - My Special K diet was going quite well before my piercing, in that my (size 12, so not exactly huuuuuge :/) jeans that were previously very fitting on my thighs now feel and look like flares all over and my belt now has to be notched 3 notches tighter to prevent the scarring of small children and old people thanks to baggy jeans and non-sensible underwear. Ahaha, I'm such an appropriate person :)

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