Ok - so, I went home, had an absolutely wonderful weekend with my man (he made me a lemon cheesecake. Holy Hell, was it ever good!) and was lovely til I had to leave again. I was feeling positive. We found a house eventually, which made me even more positive.
I then discovered I had no money and no means to make money. I have never fallen that low before. I cried in the bank. To the manager. Ugh.
Buhuuuuut things are moving on up again ^^ I had a job interview at Pride Park football stadium on tuesday, and while at the cinema with Jade and co I got an email telling me I got the job :) Still looking for more work though ahaha.
My Mr is gonna come and visit soon, and my room and clothes are tidy and fresh. 've lost about 10lbs and am firming up nicely. Yeah. Things are good.
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Would You Like Some Cock Porn?
To answer bluntly: Yes. Right. Moving on now.
I find myself very much looking forward to stampeding through endless train stations tomorrow, carrying an A3 acrylic portrait of Simba from The Lion King (that I painted myself of course. I'm gonna have to put a picture of it on here at some point. The only thing I've ever painted that's better than this was my demon March Hare. Which I'm also going to put a picture of on here. Anyways) and yet again grappling with timetables and possibly homeless men. Why is this? It is, of course, because I get to spend the weekend with my Mr :). I have found myself getting more and more open (ooer) and confident. This is because Adam is by far the sexiest man I've ever slept with - I know this because a) it is obvious and b) as Mazi loves to constantly remind me, my line up of ex-boyfriends, stemming from clumsy 15 year old fumbles to what a 16 year old would call 'the real thing', wouldn't look at all out of place in the cast list of another Wrong Turn or Hills Have Eyes movie.
That is probably something I should find depressing, and yes, the thoughts of some of them make me want to shove a double-barreled shotgun in to my mouth and pull the trigger, and as cheesy and crap as the saying is: 'You've gotta kiss a few frogs to find your prince.' Of course, in my case it was kissing a few hogs, snakes, hippos and rats. Yummeh. But yeah - I just hope the bruising on my cheek goes down before I get home. A bruised cheek? Well, a drunken, rejected man has a wide swing. Poor bloke chose the wrong victim - there's a likelihood he also won't be able to have children anymore. The entertaining exchange went as follows:
*Leah is dancing with Abi, Laura and Hayley in a club to celebrate Laura's birthday. Leah downed an entire bottle of jager and schnapps just before exiting the flat and having not eaten all day, she was a little drunk*
*A man, tall, weedy with glasses and a fat face comes over, and begins to attempt to grind dance with Leah*
*Leah moves her arse out of the way of Anus's (the man) 'crotch'*
*Man puts 'crotch' back*
*Leah moves again*
*repeat several times*
*Leah eventually gets pissed off and turns to face Anus*
Leah: Dude! Can you NOT take a hint!? Get the fuck away from me!
Anus: Mmmmm! You're wearing a green bra! Nice!
Leah: Face is up here, where my angry words are currently exiting. Stop staring at what you can't have
Anus: And why the hell can I not have it? Look, let me get you a drink and we can discuss this further
Leah: Or not. For one, you are hideous, 2, I have a long-term boyfriend and 3, you are hideous
Anus: How the hell can a slut like you have a boyfriend? Stop bullshitting and get your arse over here.
Leah: NO! Fuck off! I don't answer to anyone! Get the hell away from me - I've said no, so go dribble on someone else's shoulder!
*Anus smacks Leah round the face*
Leah: ahaha. Nice. By the way - you picked the wrong person to punch tonight
*Leah brings her knee up in to the Anus's 'crotch' with all the force she has*
*Anus doubles over, and the bouncers swiftly come over and eject him from the club*
The End.
The combined stress of house hunting, the random (technically) attack, money issues, job hunting and back problems saw me take another trip to the doctor - the stress having caused a hideous amount of what look like hives to break out all over my arms, hands, face and neck. So, having been put on yet more medication and having physically broken down in to a sobbing wreck in the middle of a lecture, I fled to Jade's. A night of laughs and a few cheeky texts with Adam and I've perked up so much.
I need to go home though. I'm ready to forget everything here, even just for a weekend. And I need sleep - I've been working out double time in the last 2 weeks and it's beginning to show. But it also means I need to keep on top of my sleep. So this is goodbye for a few days - when I come back, I no doubt will feel even better ^____________________^
I find myself very much looking forward to stampeding through endless train stations tomorrow, carrying an A3 acrylic portrait of Simba from The Lion King (that I painted myself of course. I'm gonna have to put a picture of it on here at some point. The only thing I've ever painted that's better than this was my demon March Hare. Which I'm also going to put a picture of on here. Anyways) and yet again grappling with timetables and possibly homeless men. Why is this? It is, of course, because I get to spend the weekend with my Mr :). I have found myself getting more and more open (ooer) and confident. This is because Adam is by far the sexiest man I've ever slept with - I know this because a) it is obvious and b) as Mazi loves to constantly remind me, my line up of ex-boyfriends, stemming from clumsy 15 year old fumbles to what a 16 year old would call 'the real thing', wouldn't look at all out of place in the cast list of another Wrong Turn or Hills Have Eyes movie.
That is probably something I should find depressing, and yes, the thoughts of some of them make me want to shove a double-barreled shotgun in to my mouth and pull the trigger, and as cheesy and crap as the saying is: 'You've gotta kiss a few frogs to find your prince.' Of course, in my case it was kissing a few hogs, snakes, hippos and rats. Yummeh. But yeah - I just hope the bruising on my cheek goes down before I get home. A bruised cheek? Well, a drunken, rejected man has a wide swing. Poor bloke chose the wrong victim - there's a likelihood he also won't be able to have children anymore. The entertaining exchange went as follows:
*Leah is dancing with Abi, Laura and Hayley in a club to celebrate Laura's birthday. Leah downed an entire bottle of jager and schnapps just before exiting the flat and having not eaten all day, she was a little drunk*
*A man, tall, weedy with glasses and a fat face comes over, and begins to attempt to grind dance with Leah*
*Leah moves her arse out of the way of Anus's (the man) 'crotch'*
*Man puts 'crotch' back*
*Leah moves again*
*repeat several times*
*Leah eventually gets pissed off and turns to face Anus*
Leah: Dude! Can you NOT take a hint!? Get the fuck away from me!
Anus: Mmmmm! You're wearing a green bra! Nice!
Leah: Face is up here, where my angry words are currently exiting. Stop staring at what you can't have
Anus: And why the hell can I not have it? Look, let me get you a drink and we can discuss this further
Leah: Or not. For one, you are hideous, 2, I have a long-term boyfriend and 3, you are hideous
Anus: How the hell can a slut like you have a boyfriend? Stop bullshitting and get your arse over here.
Leah: NO! Fuck off! I don't answer to anyone! Get the hell away from me - I've said no, so go dribble on someone else's shoulder!
*Anus smacks Leah round the face*
Leah: ahaha. Nice. By the way - you picked the wrong person to punch tonight
*Leah brings her knee up in to the Anus's 'crotch' with all the force she has*
*Anus doubles over, and the bouncers swiftly come over and eject him from the club*
The End.
The combined stress of house hunting, the random (technically) attack, money issues, job hunting and back problems saw me take another trip to the doctor - the stress having caused a hideous amount of what look like hives to break out all over my arms, hands, face and neck. So, having been put on yet more medication and having physically broken down in to a sobbing wreck in the middle of a lecture, I fled to Jade's. A night of laughs and a few cheeky texts with Adam and I've perked up so much.
I need to go home though. I'm ready to forget everything here, even just for a weekend. And I need sleep - I've been working out double time in the last 2 weeks and it's beginning to show. But it also means I need to keep on top of my sleep. So this is goodbye for a few days - when I come back, I no doubt will feel even better ^____________________^
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Sooooo I couldn't wait, and so I set up an entirely different blog for movie reviews. Hopefully this blog will cater to more people (though I do love you all for reading this one). This blog WILL be continued, so if you enjoy reading about me cocking up all the time then you won't be disappointed.
Please, tell all your friends! You can find it here, at:
Thanks guys and Enjoy!
Please, tell all your friends! You can find it here, at:
Thanks guys and Enjoy!
Dwing Dwing Dwing DWING DWING DWING Etc
If you can guess the uber famous horror film that is from, I will give you much praise and such. Let's just say, that this horror film is a classic, and although it doesn't measure up to horror films today as far as visual effects and "ARGH!" factor, this film, and this famous scene in particular really puts me on edge. Remember, horror films don't scare me. I can't do it - of course, I'm talking about Psycho, the 1960 Hitchcock masterpiece containing one of the most famous scenes in cinema history. A younger, less wise me would have said 'oh, but this film is shit, because you can't see anything blah blah blah' much as I did with the Exorcist (and still do. That film really is just plain awful). Now I can really see the film for what it is - it's imagery, especially in the shower scene, is amazing and makes us believe that a murder is taking place without actualy showing knife-to-skin contact. You really feel for the vitim, as she is in a position that makes her much more vulnerable than if she was just walking down the street. That scene really does put you on edge, and I must admit to looking over my shoulder occassionally wle showering now. It is, quite simply, a masterpiece, and will remain so for many more years to come - come on, it's already lasted over 50 and still ranks as one of the publics scariest horror films of all time, falling 3rd to The Exorcist in 2nd place, with The Shining taking the lead.
Those stats at the end are things I just know. Please don't ask me how. I have not researched these films or anything at all. I am a horror junkie, and as Sallie said today, I need to watch chick flicks. They have no appeal to me - so predictable and mushy. This is more ammo in the 'I was born the wrong sex' argument. Don't get me wrong, I don't WANT to be a man, I just act very boyish all the time and I always have. Plus, if I ever changed sex (god forbid) Adam is the most un-gay man ever so I'd be single again and that would suck.
Maybe that isn't because of Psycho though,the whole looking over the shoulder thing, maybe it's because friday morning I was sound asleep, it was about 10 when I heard a smash IN MY BATHROOM. I lock my door at night. So, I scream and alert the maintainence man that had let himself in my room to take my shower head, which he took. Smashing a glass and leaving the light on and my bedroom door unlocked in the process. Dude, if the door is locked and I am in here, then I LOCK MYSELF IN AT NIGHT! This isn't really a safety thing. It's more so Amani doesn't sneak in and steal everything I own of value (amount = not a lot). I spent the weekend working out, and watching horror movies. He then came crashing back in 2 hours later, waking me up AGAIN and complaining that I was still in bed. Um, fuck off. Thanks.
Another mini film review now (The Psycho one was waaay too fun) and we move on to REsident Evil Extinction, the 3rd in the Resident Evil 'films' that I have put off watching for ages simply because I don't like the casting for Claire Redfield. Ali Larter - fuck off. You are not Claire. I love resident Evil, as you well know, and I am not a fan of the movies because, even though they attempt to stay true to the original series, they don't quite hit all the buttons and so their attempts seem pathetic and wasted. ALthough, overall, as a plain zombie film, they wouldn't be too bad. They stay true to many of the unwritten rules for film zombies and provide some gripping action sequences with amazing effects. The only real flaw is that it has the Resident Evil label attached to it. Take it away and you have a watchable zombie film. I felt this until they killed off my fave character played by the yummy Oded Fehr in a REALLY shit way that I turned off and refused to watch the rest for 2 hours.
I'm going to watch REC. now, the Spanish original to the English film 'Quarentine'. I may start doing some mini film reviews every so often, they're fun ^^ If you think this is a bad idea, please comment in the box. I will probably do it anyway even if you said it was a bad idea, but feel free to feedback none the less XD
Those stats at the end are things I just know. Please don't ask me how. I have not researched these films or anything at all. I am a horror junkie, and as Sallie said today, I need to watch chick flicks. They have no appeal to me - so predictable and mushy. This is more ammo in the 'I was born the wrong sex' argument. Don't get me wrong, I don't WANT to be a man, I just act very boyish all the time and I always have. Plus, if I ever changed sex (god forbid) Adam is the most un-gay man ever so I'd be single again and that would suck.
Maybe that isn't because of Psycho though,the whole looking over the shoulder thing, maybe it's because friday morning I was sound asleep, it was about 10 when I heard a smash IN MY BATHROOM. I lock my door at night. So, I scream and alert the maintainence man that had let himself in my room to take my shower head, which he took. Smashing a glass and leaving the light on and my bedroom door unlocked in the process. Dude, if the door is locked and I am in here, then I LOCK MYSELF IN AT NIGHT! This isn't really a safety thing. It's more so Amani doesn't sneak in and steal everything I own of value (amount = not a lot). I spent the weekend working out, and watching horror movies. He then came crashing back in 2 hours later, waking me up AGAIN and complaining that I was still in bed. Um, fuck off. Thanks.
Another mini film review now (The Psycho one was waaay too fun) and we move on to REsident Evil Extinction, the 3rd in the Resident Evil 'films' that I have put off watching for ages simply because I don't like the casting for Claire Redfield. Ali Larter - fuck off. You are not Claire. I love resident Evil, as you well know, and I am not a fan of the movies because, even though they attempt to stay true to the original series, they don't quite hit all the buttons and so their attempts seem pathetic and wasted. ALthough, overall, as a plain zombie film, they wouldn't be too bad. They stay true to many of the unwritten rules for film zombies and provide some gripping action sequences with amazing effects. The only real flaw is that it has the Resident Evil label attached to it. Take it away and you have a watchable zombie film. I felt this until they killed off my fave character played by the yummy Oded Fehr in a REALLY shit way that I turned off and refused to watch the rest for 2 hours.
I'm going to watch REC. now, the Spanish original to the English film 'Quarentine'. I may start doing some mini film reviews every so often, they're fun ^^ If you think this is a bad idea, please comment in the box. I will probably do it anyway even if you said it was a bad idea, but feel free to feedback none the less XD
Thursday, 3 February 2011
The Hills Are Alive, With The Sounds Of 'AAAAAAAAARGHHHHHH!!!!!!'

Well, here he is in all his glory! My 3rd tattoo! I love this one the most. And so - I had to trekk PAST Salamander in order to get some cash, battling Big Issue bokes left right and centre. Jade rang arranging to meet in a different place, but unfotunately that call wasn't long enough to take me past him. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Scrooge. I usually buy the Big Issue, but on this particular day I would rather spend all the money that I haven't got on having an owl forever drawn on my skin than help a homeless man buy food. Hush. Its quite unnerving when you arrive for your tattoo appointment and have to loitre out in the rain for 10 minutes because your tattooist is having a good ol' chin wag with the old Bill O_O.
I want my naffing tattoo! But as you can see, it is there and the line work is perfect ^_^ He'd been going for half an hour (corrrr!) and I was sat there thinking, and wincing of course, 'Oooh, he must be almost done by now XD' ...."Right, I'll start on the actual owl now!" What the hell?!? And Jesus, did his head hurt (bahahaha! I'm full of it today. Ooops, there's another one and no- *SMACK*) the closer he got to my neck, the more I wanted to scream. The owl is ever so sexy though. Pottered around town at high speed after getting chips at Wetherspoons to get our strength up (Jade had a cheeky one done too) to get crisps, cock porn and sweeties and a cheap horror film for a girly night in. This is the title.
We LOVE the remake of The Hills Have Eyes. I bought the original, which is possibly one of the funniest horror movies ever made - at one point, one of the blokes that we were meant to like (you know, one of the family the weirdos were trying to eat) was running dramatically over rocks and desert. This was made in to a hysterical image when I listened closely to the music. It was basically the theme to Captain Planet. RETROOOOOOOOOOOOO :)
Mega enjoyed uni - youth crime appears to be my fortay, so I don't know if I should be worried about that or not. Wandered in to town at about 9 to hand in CVs to clubs. Yay at possible night shifts ¬¬. I got in only to instantly receive a text from my Daddy, who was stood outside my door ^^ I love my Daddy. He lives in Scottland now, having officially sold his Derbyshire home (bastard :P) but popped down to go to the dentist (poor bloke) and stopped by. Spent most of the time discussing Christian, my youngest brother and who is the only one of the 3 of us who is not on the straight and narrow. I managed to tell him many things that had been bothering me. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him that I've found Kevin, but yet again, I couldn't do it. Adam will be pissed off with me ahaha. I can't do it. I'm not strong enough.
God, that bit was depressing. Now, to end on a high... Hmmm... While handing in a CV at th cinema, I turned, gave my thanks, and promptly tripped over my boots and fell on my arse. Yes, I am hirable. PLEASE!
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Bitch Tits
I gain more credibility in the lesbian stakes every day don't I? Fucking retard... Speaking of fucking retards, as I staggered to Nunnery Court this morning, practically holding my head under my arm I was that hungover, I saw what became the best hangover cure ever. A man in a red ford escort (possibly one of the only car types I know) straightened himself up infront of a CLOSED garage door. He then proceeded to reverse in to said closed door. 3 Times. At no point did he attempt to OPEN the fucking closed door. Who does that?
But yes - last night was Phil's night of birthday celebrations. I was smashed before we left the flat (I have Never. Fucking game...) but carried on drinking. Found Alex in Mosh and had a big of a boogie, before leaving at half 2 (I have never Mosh before it's closed before. I'm losing my touch a little). I also discovered why I only wore my prom shoes at prom. The bastards ripped my feet open. I practically orgasmed when I finally took them off when we got outside. Orgasm ever so quickly subsided when I trod on broken glass.
I got in with black feet, to be swiftly joined by Lissi, who was also pissed ad began rolling on the floor yelling about chinese food and 'whipping her hair back and forth'. LOL just doesn't quite cover it. I got it all lovingly on video. I didn't sleep - I passed out. I woke up in exactly the same position I'd fallen asleep in. Normally, I thrash around (obviously whipping my hair back and forth, of course) but no, Eventually pulled my head from the pillow, late, and literally scraped hair back and wiped off last nights makeup. Obviously I put clothes on. Alex had time to preen himself to perfection, and seemed fine until we got to uni - it was then that the lack of sleep hit us both. He became a grumpy asshole (:P) and I became hysterical, repeating 'Then she put her hand around me waist' in a Jamacian accent (just go and listen to Tae Armo or whatever the fuck it is by Rhianna) and 'Mr Boombastic, SEMI FANTASTIC!' in a raggae accent - it was then that Emily roared with laughter and told me that my 9 year old self got the lyrics wrong.
Today was fun. We were all shattered, but we were still laughing hysterically every5 minutes or so. I'm getting back in to the swing of things again and have got over my little angsty moment. This may be because I'm going home on the 11th to celebrate my first ever Valentine's Day WITH someone! I know, right? How has someone like ME been single all this time? PFFT. Get real. I'm soooo happy though XD XD
But yes - last night was Phil's night of birthday celebrations. I was smashed before we left the flat (I have Never. Fucking game...) but carried on drinking. Found Alex in Mosh and had a big of a boogie, before leaving at half 2 (I have never Mosh before it's closed before. I'm losing my touch a little). I also discovered why I only wore my prom shoes at prom. The bastards ripped my feet open. I practically orgasmed when I finally took them off when we got outside. Orgasm ever so quickly subsided when I trod on broken glass.
I got in with black feet, to be swiftly joined by Lissi, who was also pissed ad began rolling on the floor yelling about chinese food and 'whipping her hair back and forth'. LOL just doesn't quite cover it. I got it all lovingly on video. I didn't sleep - I passed out. I woke up in exactly the same position I'd fallen asleep in. Normally, I thrash around (obviously whipping my hair back and forth, of course) but no, Eventually pulled my head from the pillow, late, and literally scraped hair back and wiped off last nights makeup. Obviously I put clothes on. Alex had time to preen himself to perfection, and seemed fine until we got to uni - it was then that the lack of sleep hit us both. He became a grumpy asshole (:P) and I became hysterical, repeating 'Then she put her hand around me waist' in a Jamacian accent (just go and listen to Tae Armo or whatever the fuck it is by Rhianna) and 'Mr Boombastic, SEMI FANTASTIC!' in a raggae accent - it was then that Emily roared with laughter and told me that my 9 year old self got the lyrics wrong.
Today was fun. We were all shattered, but we were still laughing hysterically every5 minutes or so. I'm getting back in to the swing of things again and have got over my little angsty moment. This may be because I'm going home on the 11th to celebrate my first ever Valentine's Day WITH someone! I know, right? How has someone like ME been single all this time? PFFT. Get real. I'm soooo happy though XD XD
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