I didn't actually bring that film with me to uni O_O I must remember to bring it when I next visit home. Not that I know when that will be. Is it wrong that I don't really feel house sick at the moment? I'm sure that will come - at the moment it feels more like a holiday than anything else. Many of my friends are going home this weekend. I can't afford it for one thing, but I figured it would be a better visit if I left it a little longer. ^_^
Anyways, back to last night. Jesus, where do I start? Twas truely a tip top night! I wandered over to Nunnery Court to bother Amy and met her flat mates - who were all equally as lovely as her, although we all locked ourselves in Amy's room so she and Claire could tell me horror stories about one of their roomates - made our horror stories seem like kids' fairy tales O_O I promised to see them later and headed home - Lissi was just heading out so I 'cooked' some soup and had a natter with Hayley before finally beginning to get ready for the 118 party. The only white vest I own is one I wear quite often, so I was just going to write 118 on paper. I used Lissi's pens and set to work. Despite watching her USE said pens just the other day and padding out the shirt she was writing on to prevent it marking the table, with its permanent ink and all, I wrote directly on to one sheet of paper. Adam got very O_O when I didn't reply for 15 mins. It was because I was frantically scrubbing at my desk with cleaner and bleach using a dish brush. Hayley and Laura got very worried when I kept running in to the kitchen for more supplies.
Danielle arrived, followed by Abby with shots (Y). Vetty and Liss FINALLY arrived, and luckily they'd dressed up too! So it wasnt just Lissi and myself looking like tools. After a few piccies, we headed out, with Liss and I both doing a Degree in Crime and Justice and both leaving with a massive bottle of booze in our hands, both knowing that it was illegal to drink in the street. They were both extremely full bottles (both our second) and I've never downed a drink so fast in my life. Lissi ha a panic attack and had to run back to the flat thinking she'd left her straighteners on. Vetty and I were gobsmacked about how fast she can run - she genuinely looked like a 118 guy, albeit minus the hideous moustache and afro combo. And also because she's female.
The piccy is Vetty, Myself, Liss, Danielle and Lissi, taken by some more girlies from our block heading over to the Walkabout also. And who were also pretty pissed. Our little group soon became a huge mass of people as the entire lot of people living in Peak Court (where I live. Obvs.) headed over together. It was immense ^_^ Our wristbands enabled us to queue jump, although that meant we instantly lost the new girl. Meh. Shit happens.
Inside was IMMENSE! A dancefloor, a stage, Podiums... Bar was the first port of call,of course, and Vetty and i did 6 shots, plus 2 free ones. Set us up for the night methinks. Spent most of the time dancing on the podium, leading the crowd in Grease Lightning, Mr Brightside and, le piace de resissance, Don't Stop Me Know! Immenseness! I had 'What's YOUR number ;)' written on my back, and some guy instantly grabbed a pen and wrote his number on my arm. Um. No. Can't get the bastard thing off now...
Headed over to the rollerdisco at about 12, only to find it was shut and we had to wait until half 1 until the disco opened. The normal disco, that is ¬_¬. I was so drunk I couldn't be arsed to move, so Vetty, Danielle and I stayed and had a chat and made friends with the security guards. By this stage I was even more drunk - We got given tickets on the way in for free shots. Of Apple Smirnoff. UGHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOO-oh, ok then ^_________________^ It was hideous though. We got let in early, and were the only people on the dance floor for about an hour. Immense and completely hardcore. Eventually some more people wandered in, much to my delight. I remember running at this girl and screaming "PERSON! YOU'RE A PERSON!" to which she replied "You too! I LOVE PEOPLE!!!" And spent most of the night dancing with her.
Did i say just her? I meant her and my random stalker bloke who would not FUCK OFF! He could not dance, AT ALL and spent the entire time dribbling on my neck. I moved, he followed. Whenever I turned around, he was THERE IN MY FACE! Do the fucking off thing, PLEASE! And also - spent a while dancing with James. Who told me he'd had a massive argument with his girlfriend, and then promptly stuck his tongue down my throat. Huh. Eventually the reason we went there in the first place occcured - a balloon drop, with balloons filled with moneys. Someone nicked my fiver. Heartbreaking.
Eventually bimbled home at 3 in the morning - according to a text I found this morning this guy was meant to walk me home. Woops. He didn't do a very good job - we fell through the doors to our flats respectively and both instantly went on facebook. Of course. Without him walking us home. I had to be at uni for half 9. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooo. And I must apologise - I sarted writing this blog before going out. Andnow I am back, after doing random shots/playing I have never. Again.... I seem to love that game. But yes - typosetca re to be expected - but I am trying so hard here! So I can get this postedtonight - ihas literally taken me 4 hours or so thus far. And Jack Black singnig on The Holiday is vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv distracting - he's another one of those blokey things with a really goood voice ^_^ H?aaaaa, I;m still drinking now - I stcked up on my essentials earlier - glow sticks, fruit and alcohol wooo! Don't try pineapple bacardi breezer. It's hideous and doesn't taste as if it even knows what a pineapple apple (lolz =3) is.
Up again to get in to uni for half 9. up at half 7 texting people to find out i theywere actually coming on the tour of the librus (from the latin: meaning 'shhhh!') which i genuinely fell asleep during. After working on project work (which was shite - my group is kinda naff. It's made up of older students that all know each other.) I buggered off as soon as I could, by that I mean when Lisa came over to rescue me. We decided to go in to town, and literally 5 minutes after a conversation about walking everywhere in an attempt to stay healthy, we decided we were soooo tired and lazy that we got the bus in.
My student loan came in today, so to celebrate i bought a whole new outfit to wear on friday when I go to the comedy club with Hayley on saturday. Although it took the saleswoman about 90 years to find the price of my shoes. On sale, of course. And Lisa and I stocked up on stuff for the uv party tomorrow (which is now today) tee hee.
We all had dinner together today, which I loved. I actually love my flatmates - they are so awesomes and we all get on so well! My day was officially made by Lissi - after the girls demanded (lolz =3) that I tell them the details of the whole James thing (Lissi's jaw had to be scraped off the floor when I told her haha) I used the phrase 'He came, he groped, he buggered off' and Lissi, completely deadpan, said 'maybe he felt like shit'. Heads turned, conversation stopped and we all just looked at her as she continued to enjoy her pasta. Eventually, she realised how what she'd said had come across and we actually died there and then. We all laughed for a full 5 minutes.
Eventually Laura headed over to Abby's for her birthday - Lissi was tired and Hayley and I went a little later on. I went wit every intention of not drinking and just popping in to say hi. A few dinks turned in to many, and eventually when I went to leave with Hayley, Katy, Am, Phill, Abby and Laura all screamed at me not to leave, which was the awesomes. Abby and I made Laura sit through the intro to Fushigi Yuugi (Abby has the box set. I officially love her, and may spend a lot of time at their flat!) And we all had an amazing time just chatting (and shotting, obviously) and we all got birthday cake and I GOT A BALLOON! Wooooo!
Another amazing night - and as I was telling my mum earlier, I do miss her, of course. But I seriously having the time of my life here!
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