But I do anyway, so that's an instant fail. I must say, it's a good thing Colonel Saunders it dead, as I would smack him round the face. Ugh. Bloody KFC. Although, it would have stayed in America had it not been for Preston, in Lancashire, so They're to blame for the hell hole!
Having had Tim scream at me for a full 10 minutes last night when I told him I wouldn't get up at 10 to take him in to town, this morning I woke up at half 10. Ha. Had a MASSIVE... urge (haha, I bet you thought I was going to write something else! *slaps wrist*) to use the cookie cutters I got from the party, but a check of the cupboards revealed bugger all ingredients. Nipping to the shops was not as easy as intended seeing as I had to drag Chris along too, although I saw several old friends woring there whom I haven't spoken to since I was in year 10 so I had a nice catch up with them ^^
I baked Ginger bread men! In sexual positions! (The picture is of one of my lovingly decorated cookies. Christians were.... um... interesting, to say the least) G said they looked like they were fighting, which was hilarious. I took a load in to work and they went down a storm! The girls thought they were wonderful and the guys thought they were hilarious. They all also started talking to me loads more and touching me as I walked past. Didn't mean I wanted to do it WITH them ¬¬
Daniel's smack on my arse caused me to drop and break the fry scoop, so I slowed us right down when I got a huge queue that remained with me for the entire duration of my shift. At one point I was on my own, taking orders, packing them and making my own burgers and fries. ETA at the window from the order point was about 5 minutes which wasn't all that bad. One bloke drove up and just went "Where's my discount?" and had a go at me for 5 minutes and slowed the queue up even more. I lost patience completely and just went "Sir, every person who has come through before you didn't complain. It isn't my fault you chose to drive thru and not use the resturant. However, it IS your fault that the customers in the cars behind you now have to wait even longer to be served because you won't shut up about the length of time you have been waiting. If you want to see if you can go any faster, be my guest, but in future don't expect any service from anyone in this store." Yup. I banned him from the store.
I kept doing hysterical laughter at one point cause I physically couldn't believe that the queue would not bugger off! One guy waited about 15 minutes to get TO the order box, only to ask for a latte that we haven't got. He had no choice but to sit in the queue for another 10 minutes before he could get to the front. A woman came through at 10:59:30, so offically I had to serve her ¬¬ She chose complicated stuff, so I was ready to rip her head off but when she came to the window I saw she had brought her 13 week old staffi puppy with her. She let me hold it. All was forgiven ^^
All wasn't well in the piercing front either - I took my tongue bar out and then couldn't get the damn thing back in after 2 hours,so I basically had to repierce it. Do you know what it feels like to shove a blunt metal bar through a tiny hole in your tongue? Not nice. It felt sooo weird not having a bar in my mouth! I shoved it in at an odd angle though, and now it's really stiff (way hey!). And the 3rd piercing on my ear got infected and now I can't get an earring in it due to searing amounts of pain. Great. My ears look odd.
All in all it wasn't a bad shift, until I went to clean the loos. Someone had wiped shit on the wall of the mens. I promptly puked and ran from the room. I seem to puke at most things nowadays, which is pleasant. There must be something wrong with me. Driving home made me nervous as that bloke keeps coming back and just parking on our drive O_O or getting out and coming to the door. G was waiting for me to walk me inside. I have NEVER screamed that loudly before. This morning, the way the cars were parked meant that there would only be room for this weirdo if someone wasn't at home, hence why he has been showig up when G is at work and while I was at Sexy's. Mum and G moved their cars. There's now space for more. It's like we're INVITING him on to our drive...
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