Being woken at 8 in the morning is not fun, especially if you only started sleeping at 3 that same morning and are working an 11 hour shift later that day. I was having a lovely dream.. Dunno what it was about right now, but My name was being chanted by a large crowd ^^. Turns out it was Chris saying it over and fucking over again trying to wake me up. He couldn't get close enough to poke me as my bed is surrounded by boxes and he can't get near it, due to his foot issues. Still. Ugh.
For some reason his plea of 'can you take me to the bus stop in 5 mins' got a bellow of 'FUCK OFF NO!' I wonder why... For some reason I thought it was saturday. If only. That would have meant I wouldn't have had to work the shittest shift ever!
My boss was shift runner and he told me to take my nose stud out, yet again. For once I humoured him. For all of ten minutes, until he went back in to the office and I put it back in again. I don't know how he would react if he actually looked at me while he has conversations with me - the massive tongue bar isn't exactly inconspicuous... It's a good thing he's male and completely oblivious to just about everything. As I was telling David last night, I once watched a customer walk out with a massive carboard Krushems picture and said to him 'Um... Joe? Why is that man leaving with the Krusems thing?' Not 10 minutes later he returned and looked at the lobby, really confused. He then went 'Uhhh.... Leah? Where's the Krushem thing gone?' 'I did infact tell you about it as it was happening'
He actually paid attention to me a little today, telling ANYONE WHO WOULD LISTEN, including me, That 'Poor Leah has such a long day today!' He then sent me on break at 2. Yeah, poor Leah, eh? Lets make her work that hideous shift all in one go! Woo at her! Obviously, it went SOOOOO SLOW! More so than usual. Well, my first shift did. Then The second shift kicked in at 5, after what seemed like about 45 hours.
I had one of those fucking stupid customers, whom I tell to wait at the speaker box, but then choose to drive round anyway after a few minutes. I hate them, as I can't exactly say 'Is there any reason why you just chose to ignore me and drove round even though I told you to wait?' It sucks. So this time I was confronted with this bloke who was actually as thick as 2 short planks. He'd driven round, naturally, so I said 'Oh sir, did you miss my speaker box?' 'Well yeah. I sat there for a bit but no one answered' 'I did several times. I told you I'd be with you in a moment' 'Well, I didn't hear that bit' 'Sir, you answered me. Twice. Have we established that you are impatient yet?' Fabby, as always, I think you'll agree.
The second shift was alright - no cars for hours from 8-9, so myself, both Emmas and C-hole spent a lovely time chatting. Emma giving me uni advice and little Emma enquiring about mine and C-holes various tattoos and piercings each. I got very excited by some of the things Emma mentioned and Ed seconded - I want to get tested for Chlamydia just so I can get a cool pair of pants. I AM a tool.
FINALLY finished at 11, but had a sitdown outside for 5 minutes despite really REALLY wanting to go home, even if I did face the prospect of that fucking bloke being on my drive waiting for me. Or worse - IN my parking space. O_O Although we had so much fun bitching about people that when it came to taking my till off I didn't want to go. Also discovered that when I wear my cap without my hair in a ponytail I look Like a paedo. Great.
Got home and literally faceplanted the bed. I only moved from that position when I realised I physically couldn't breathe. My nose has now become a tap - WHY? I'm not even that cold and my room isn't particularly dusty! FML. Although have no work tomorrow and nice plans, so S'all good in the 'hood. ^___________^
Shoop-da-woop, you survived!