Friday, 17 September 2010

I Close My Eyes.. And See A Sperm (Ahahahhhhh!)

No blog yesterday, purely cause I wasn't at home and it would have been antisocial to ignore the bitching and take time to write things down, so sorry to dissappoint you (Who the hell am I talking to?) But yeah, as you read, I wasn't at home yesterday. That's an utter lie - I woke up/started moving at about 2, which was bliss. Naturally facebook was my first port of call...

Did more packing and moved some boxes in to my new room. When mum came home and walked in to my room, the first thing she did was burst in to tears because 'my mark on the room had gone' by that she means all the stuff I had on every wall and available surface was gone. It's sad looking at my empty room now - I say empty, I still have my essentials in here. Tv and DVD player obviously, laptop, bed and a massive box of DVDs... I don't want to have a new room, but ah well, no point leaving it empty.

Went to NANDOS of course, which was naturally a hilarious affair. Ever discussed fave sex positions over dinner with your parents? I have. That really is just the kind of family I have. Ohhh I don't want to leave home now haha. As we were leaving the restaurant mum grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go, which made me wet around the eyes. Her leaving pressies for me made me cry too - although one of them with laughter. A penis hot water bottle cover? Why not ^_^

After the meal I instantly ran inside to grab shizzle to stay over at Claxton's. G was milling around outside (in the dark) and I knew he would jump out and scare me shitless, so I was in the process of making mum walk me to my car, as I knew he wouldn't scare her as she would actually wet herself. No joke. She's no good with things making her jump. As we were attempting to sort her shoes out (don't ask) something crashed in to the front door and alerted me to the hand that was now grabbing my leg. G is a complete tosser sometimes. Speaking of complete tossers - Christian now has to walk witout crutches, but he stil has a limp. Watching him attempt a chavvy swagger is one of the funniest things ever.

Everyone was rather sedate at Claxton's, watching some hideous programme about people with these SHIT SCARY DOLLS pretending they were their kids. It was creepy, weird, terrifying and expensive for them. If you can't have kids, why not fucking adopt a real child!?!?! Although I could see why one woman wouldn't be allowed to adopt - after 2 days of 'bonding' with her 'daughter' she noticed that it had a crack on its head where it had been dropped. What a wonderful mother you actually are. I laughed so hard at that! After that depressed me for a bit, we watched mock the Week, and even though it was Russel Howard-less it was still bloody hilarious. 'Lines you wouldn't hear in a Kids' Film' "ET, I'm pregnant" and one of my faves: "Garfield? What are you doing in that bin?"

Family Guy followed that, and Claxton and Joes' actions on the other sofa caused me and Sexy to cry "WINE! GIVE ME WINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and myself to stare blankly at the tv for 5 minutes. It was only midnight, but we were all shattered, although we stayed up bitching, as usual, for hours. Being woken by Joe and Georgia leaving for school at half 7 was anything but fun. I literally went 'Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh seeyouatchristmas!' rolled over, and went back to sleep.

I was conscious, but not altogether awake when Kay and David came crashing in to the room 2 hours later. Kay tripped on my leg and fell on me. I was certainly awake after that! More bitching, then Shrek. You wouldn't think we were all 18/19 from the amount of the film we knew word for word (Answer - all of the bugger!) Claxton cooked a fry up, which was nom, then we watched Bride Wars, more tv (¬¬) and then came the hard part - saying goodbye.

Altogether I was sad, though for once I didn't show it (I.e. I wasn't sobbing, though Claxton was bless her) It's not forever - I'll see them all soon. Am attempting last minute packing, I.e. my clothes, but because I have so many it will take forever. And I have nothing to put them in. Cleaning out my bathroom box was also hideous, as an old shampoo bottle had exploded in the basket and gone hardish. I say hardish because I got it all over my hands and had a major spazz attack.

It's my last day in Lincolnshire today, so am going to have a bond with my mummy, before a final drink with my Jadeles later on tonight. I'm not that sad yet - it still hasn't hit me, I think. I dread to think what Tim is going to do to my room while I'm gone. It'll be odd coming home, for one, but I wouldn't change this for the world. I am happy and proud of myself for getting in to uni, for one, as there were so many in the country that didn't. And in to my first choice, which was a bonus. But all in all, because I'm not a fan of Lincolnshire as a county, I'm just glad to be going back to somewhere where I feel more comfortable. Home is where your Mum is though (Not YOURS, mine... ah, you must know what I mean!) and I really will miss this. It isn't forever, but these changes will take some getting used to!

So, here's Leah, signing off from Lincolnshire for the last time! God, this is odd! Goodbye all! I will see you soon - you'd have a job getting rid of me completely anyway ^____________^

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