Sunday, 26 September 2010


Despite what you may think, this was not aimed at someone 'getting with' (whatever that means) a girl at a nightclub or something. Or a guy telling his mates a particularly thrilling story about getting some the night before. Nope, this was the guy from the chippy, trying to get people to buy some chips. £1 a portion I'll have you know. Nothing says 'eat at my joint' better than bellowing at poor shoppers trying to make their way quietly down a street.

I woke up at 1, half 1 maybe? Yet again, my sheet had come off. Why do I thrash around in my sleep? Am I literally like a dog in that when I run in a dream I do some actual comic running? No wait, scrap that. Me? Run? You've got to be kidding. Wandered in to Lissis room to chat, looking incredibly sexy for her poor friend whom she was skyping at the time. Woops. I'm sure it was a sight to behold O_O

Had a v productive day as far as household tasks are concerned - eventually gave room a bit of a tidy and booverd around. I say eventually, as every 5 minutes or so I would find something interesting to read or I'd stop altogether to watch a bit of WallE. Lissi, Laura and I also washed a load of clothings, so I now have them drying in various places all over my room and bathroom. Things to invest in - an airer, for obvious reasons, and a printer so I don't have to keep bothering Lissi and using up all her ink. Cause I suck, like that (oooh 'ey up!)

Slumped at the laptop for a few hours. I ate a lot today cause I had nothing better to do - it was apples and pears, but it was still baaaaaaaaaaad. I'm gonna have to lock my food away, not only from a certain someones certain friends who are most certainly gonna steal it cause they are certainly trouble-makers. Certain. *twack* Ahem, but also from myself. Cause I'm a fat fuck, to put it bluntly. As soon as freshers is over my new health stance will begin. By new health stance, I mean walking everywhere. Sometimes. and joining the pole dancing society. That is for many reasons - 1. it's good for you and keeps you trim. 2. it looks like bloody good fun. 3. As Dave, the head of my course always stresses (not about pole dancing in particular, I may add) it's a TRANSFERABLE SKILL, and lord knows we all need a lot of them. 4. It's sexual. I'm sexual. The pair go hand in hand. The ability to SPELL would also be a good skill to have.

The boredom cycle of eating/playing bejeweled blitz was broken by myself getting up to put money in my panda and glancing out of the window. In the flat directly opposite me was a girl sat at her desk, typing away at her laptop. Stood directly behind her was a topless bloke. Thrusting. A lot. O_O Uh... When I had scraped my jaw off the floor, naturally the first thing I did was post a facebook status about it. I swear I'll end up being one of those people who would see someone collapse then post about it on facebook before calling an ambulance. ¬¬ saddo...

Ughhhhhhh then Lissi DRAGGED me kicking and screaming in to town to look at some pictures. I kid, of course. It was loads of fun - she'd entered a photography competition where she was given a word or phrase and had to take a pic interpreting that phrase. Her word was 'beautiful' and she took this lovely shot of Luke handing a note with 'you're beautiful' written on it to Alicia. Then the organisers had taken everyone's pics together to tell a story. Some of the pictures were lol. It was really nice stood in the square with the pics being projected on a big screen. When Lissis pic came up I did this sort of gruff 'woo' thing, which was just embarassing.

We then went to the chippy I mentioned before. Purely cause Maccy Ds was shut, much to our dismay. The nommest chips in the world were served to us by one of the friendlist guys on the planet (despite still having to be there at 1, having started at 3 or something hideous.) Lissi has never had chips and gravy before. My jaw had a close encounter with the floor at that loool. Headed out to a beach themed foam party for a little while, me yet again wearing those naffing pj bottoms from the uv party having AGAIN left the choice item of clothing at home. "Nooooo, mum, I won't need to take my shorts! pfft! That's stuuuupid!" ¬¬ Utter pillock - oh, you called?

Now, I am not a fan of foam parties. Granted, they are fun, but when I get surrounded by the stuff I completely spazz out. Not exactly the best thing to go in (water-based foam) when you have a fear of deep water, being underwater, and drowning. Even being right on the edge was not enough distance from the LARGEST FOAM CANNON IN THE COUNTRYYYYYYY!!!! Um, no. It was rather tiny. If it was the largest foam cannon in the country, it would have been able to fill an entire football stadium or the like. This one couldn't really top an entire tiny nightclub. Still spazzed a little, like most of the people in there. Once outside, we had to look for Becki who had wandered off to get a burger. Lissi asked a guy if he had seen 'a pretty blonde girl with hair this long' (a bob) to which he replied "well, I've seen a pretty girl with hair this long" and grabbed for her hair. I just went "Oh, well she's with me though" and crushed her in my chest. He looked startled for a moment before stuttering "Oh. Uh. Well, no I haven't seen her then" That's the way I roll - stupid berk.

Got in at 12 or so. Cause we are uber hardcore? Yes, let's go with that one haha. Got up the courage to sniff the 'Horror Flatmate's random box in the fridge - it looks like she has shat in the box. It smelt of gone-off meat... stuff... She had put it next to MY LETTUCE! UM, NO! We're not doing that! Said flatmate was once again on the phone. Ughhhhh... Lissi was complaining of hunger but had no foods. I told her I had nepolitan cup cake things. I can tell when Lissi likes something I've said - she goes dead quiet, stops what she's doing, widens her eyes and turns around really slowly haha. I didn't even need to ask and grabbed them from my room... Hidden in there due to a certain flatmates certain fri- NO! I am NOT doing this again!

You get it about the hideous flatmate though, right? It's got to the point when Lissi was worried about leaving a bag of dirty clothes in the kitchen through fear of theft. It really shouldn't be like that. Nuh Uh. Even my soy sauce is in here with me. O_O Ah well - I love everyone else, and that's enough ^______^ Up early (ish) tomorrow. Most people for lectures - we're off to Ann Summers! God, how I love it in there..... Might have to stop talking to Adam at some point then... Noooo, I don't wanna! Ahaha, what a tool :)

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