Sunday, 5 September 2010

Walk Like A Man, Talk Like A Man

Mmmmm... Men :3 I do like men overall, even though most of them are complete twats. Anyways, the title is the theme of today's post - I spent a lot of time with men today ^^

When I woke up I was meant to do some painting in the caravan aka my new room with my mum before work. We ended up watching the Xtra Factor instead, despite the fact that neither of us are watching X Factor this year, due to it being shite. Although I must say, the part when a fat bitch hits her friend, another fat bitch, was quite frankly hilarious. Knowing me I will end up watching the live shows. ¬_¬ No Oly Murs thought this year (corrrr!) so am sad. Pfft - just thinking of the fat bitches... rofl!

Work was GREAT today! It really really was! Cause I'm a total whore, I loved being surrounded by men all day - it was just Joyce, Netty and myself batting for the girls, whereas there was Alex, Daniel, Martin, Lewis, Ryan, Adam and William (ughhhhhhhhh........) for the boys. As the only woman under 20, I got lots of attention ^^ Because I've known him years and he has a thing for long hair, I often let Alex just fiddle with my ponytail if we have nothing to do. We're really close, so we often have a cuddle and Danny just likes any oppotunity to touch me. Whenever they did it today, though, William stared daggers at them. A lot. This just made them do it more to piss him off. I'm not complaining - I like attention :3

Although Martin seeing me in nothing but my undies as I started my shift (¬¬) was a slight downer, seeing as he told EVERYONE about it and they all talked about it loads, and Lewis discovered I have boobs so he wouldn't stop staring at me (damn my lack of height!) He is a total twat. He is basically an ego on legs. He told me I have an attitude problem. Joe and Netty ripped his head off - as I've said before, it pays to be good at your job in the long run.

Alex is well and truely in my good books at the moment - David has organised a final meal/get together thing on friday night, but I was working 5-10. Alex swapped his 6-11 shift on thursday with me. I actually love him! We did share a little... er.... 'moment' in the staff room as he was leaving. You know when you scratch a dogs ear or rub its belly in just the right spot and its leg does that funny kicking thing? That's kinda like what happens to me when people touch my neck. A lot. ^^ I like neck touching.

I did think that the night shift would get kinda shit, as we hadn't been that busy all day and it was bound to perk up. It did, but every single customer was lovely bar one, who had NO MANNERS AT ALL! My mutter of 'would you like some manners with your meal?' went unheard, thank god. He was a shouter - it was that FUCKING BBQ SAUCE BLOKE!! And I finally got to talk to Joe, my boss, about transferring to Derby. I have to find the number online. It isn't online. :/

Ali's cry of 'Joe? Will you take Leah in to the office and get her off?' caused hysterical laughter for all staff and even customers, but not William as he is as dense as wood. And I caused Joe to fall off his chair laughing when William came in to the office saying he couldn't find any boxes of pepsi post mix. I said "It's because you're looking like a man. You go in to the fridge and expect it to tap you on the leg and cry 'I'm here! I'm Post mix!!'" But yarse, it was a very good shift.

I watched the Emperor's New Groove and laughed very loudly at "It is no concern of mine whether your family has- what was it again?" "Um. Food?" and woke Chris up (they go back to school tomorrow. WIN!) and am currently re-enjoying Yakitate Japan. An Anime about baking bread. I'm.... cool?

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