Wednesday, 8 September 2010

I'm In Lesbians With You!

That I am, that I am. I lesbians you very much indeed ^^ I'm just such a nice person. I have lesbians for everyone in the world. Apart from rapists.

Today was my first open at work in aaaaaaaaaages, so it was SO WEIRD! Charlie was shift running, so she did everything that needed to be done, hours in advance, so I had bugger all to do, so I was bored before the store even opened. I had a list of things. That I completed half an hour quicker than expected. Being quick = fail (That's what she said lolz)

Poor Patience. Some twat came in and started kicking up about the lack of fries at half 10 in the morning, when they are cooked to order. As he was leaving he insulted her hugely and got banned and chased from the store. It isn't fair, the way we're treated. We're only doing our jobs, and people rip the shit out of us constantly and take the piss and just generally have no manners. I wouldn't dream of treating someone in the same way I've been treated sometimes! Ah well, you've gotta do it.
I was only meant to be working til half 2, but because I'm so nice I swapped with Patience and stayed til 6 so she could go instead. She said she really would miss more. I hope for more than the fact that I often cover her shifts :)

The Staffi puppy from the other day was overtaken in the cuteness scale by a 3 month old Tea Cup Chihwahwah (yeah, obviously the literal spelling. I can't bloody spell it! But you know what I mean. Surely... ¬¬. I hope so anyway.) I don't normally like them, as they are so bloody small, but I squealed so highpitched when the woman came to the window I wear only the dog could hear me! With its terrified little face and shakey body. Even the German Shepherd that came through soon afterwards didn't make me squeal as much. Someone heard me screaming and shouted out a comment so I went out front to give my 2 pennies worth - Mum and G came in just as I was going on break, so I went out to sit with them and had a lovely little chat! G made my day without even realising it - he grabbed my bag of rubbish and turned to move to put it in the bin, just as mum stood up, and ended up smacking her round the face with it. I laughed so hard and spat my drink out. Her reaction was hilarious! It brightened up the afternoon, which went sooooo slooooowly as we were dead. Of course. ugh...

Got in the staffroom on time after having my till taken off (!!!) and got my bag out of my locker. Literally 5 seconds later David rang asking if I wanted to see Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. Omfg YES! I'm always up for a little cinema trip. ^_^ As I was leaving work, I was having a little chat with my Hayleycakes, who was up a ladder for some reason and she suddenly went 'Ooooh, look at that crash!' and low and behold, a massive array of carnage spread itself over the road outside the store. They hit so hard the entire front came off one of them. I almost crashed myself as I drove past, as I was too busy looking at the carnage. And there was a bomb in the bus station today. I miss all the drama! :( :(

God damn, the film was AMAZING! It was so so funny! I was in stitches for almost the entire film! Final fantasy reference ftw! And FF2 no less - I love that one! The best bit was similar to the abbot part in Robin Hood - A girl came to the door and asked for Scott. While someone opened the door, Scott very obviously jumped out of the window, Then reached back inside for a coat. It was uber rofl material. Edgar Wright is awesome - I love him again ^____________^ The title of this post is also to do with the film - 'Lesbians' is the most important 'L' word. Obviously. Men....

Came back to another massive group convo, which was amazing as always. This was a little shorter this time - only 3 hours or so. We must be losing our touch haha. Also had a very touching conversation with Alex, which made me look like a lobster the entire time due to blushing so much. It's a bit of a shock when someone tells you they've fancied the arse off of you for over 2 years. And nice, obviously. God I have a massive ego now tee hee. David said it's like guys form an orderly queue and make themselves known when the slot becomes available (that sounded so much better in my head O_O) Maybe he's right.

I might sleep at some point. Even though I complain about the 3 hour shifts I sometimes have to work, that is nothing compared to tomorrow. 11 hours, and I'm not even agreeing to stay on during my actual shift. It is pre planned. Dear God, why do I do this to myself? Ultimate Tit!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's chihuahuah, coz I had it in a spelling test once upon a time.
    Will non-FF playing folk 'get' Scott Pilgrim do you think? I'm wondering if I'd enjoy it.
    Touchy feely
