Like "Oh, FUCK YOU!" Noooo, I didnt say that to a customer today *looks shifty* God damn, it's the days like today that I really won't miss. For one, it was BLOODY FREEZING!! No one else seemed to be cold though, so I looked a bit of a pillock shivering in my hoody the entire shift.
My till crashed literally 5 seconds after I got put on it, so I got majorly stressed out. A car full of chavs started heckling me while I was trying to serve. One said "Can I have a winder?" I just went "No :)" and shut the window. I had a COMPLETE sense of humour failure today. Not helped by the amount of wankers that came through.
We were really quiet, so the shift went soooo slowly! Whilst Emma and myelf were trying to get some cleaning done, the odd car would come through and completely wind us up. Everyone was really stressy, it wasn't just me. Adam was complaining at 2 about having been there since 7 and having not had a break. I told him not to worry - he'd get his later, meaning he'd only have a few hours left. I then said I would get my break really early. Adam got sent on his break at half 2. I did too. FML.
Am also a pillock - for some reason I agreed to cover Daniel's shift on thursday. I'm now working 12-11. Um... Ouch? Joe promised to phone the Derby stores for me today. He left at half 2, having not done it. ¬¬ Jade had to do it in the end, and had good news! They sounded really keen about having me, which is always good.
Things just got worse. For one, The EGO i.e. Lewis started at 5 so I had to contend with him being a complete twat the entire night, but that was nothing big until my till crashed again. Then the others did. All hell broke loose and I shut the drive through by putting a bin in the way. Some complete fucker moved it and a stream of cars poured in. Fuck. Off!
Had a blazing row with some old fucker about the fact that he said he'd been told that he could have all legs in his meal, to which I told him that he'd been told incorrectly. His response? 'Listen, you little madam! I do not wish to be called a liar!" "Sir, I can't hear you. Would you like to drive round to the window and we will discuss it there?" "I'd love to!!!!" I was smart enough to take my name tag off before we started, so he had nothing to go by if he was to complain. Turns out he was wrong, seeing as Jade, Charlie AND Ali, who are all shift runners, informed him too. His son was so embarassed he practically smothered himself in his hoody.
Did you know, that if the fly on your work uniform is undone and you go in to a shop, that a small child will make a beeline for your crotch with their head and car themselves for life? No, I didn't either. Although I do now. Poor Kid O_O Mum made Lemon pie, so all is better in the world. Those people that know me well enough will know that I completely adore citrus fruits!
I'm not working tomorrow. I'M SO HAPPY!
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