Never, in my life has my bed felt soooooo good! Ugh, after spending last night freezing to death in a tent I am feeling a little sorry for myself. And also because of the massive hang over I was nursing earlier...
Yesterday was Sexy's shindig, which was an AMAZING night to say the least! Well, the bits that I can remember were anyways. The day started at 12 for me, with me driving in to Sexy's and attempting to park in the gauntlet of cars already there. Everyone was watching Hot Fuzz, so I had a complete spazz attack as I've been going around work for the last week going 'mr Skinner to the managers Office. Managers Office, Mr Skinnerrrrrr'. We were hungry, so we went to the pub. Although not the one next door to Sexy's house, obviously, because we're not that lazy! Geez...
It was fab to see Claxton again, haven't seen her in ages, and she got me some noms from her holiday, so it was all good. The meal was naturally hilarious, as Sexy Claxton and myself ended up talking about my new toy and Law ended up shouting it out to the entire pub. As the waitress brought my dessert over she cried 'God, it's so runny it's going to go everywhere!' That's what she said. And she heard me... ¬¬
We then settled back at Sexy's for a bit and David arrived and bought booze, which I couldn't enjoy as I had to leave for work. For 3 hours. The store was dead again. Ugh. I could have gone home after an hour, but then it would have been pointless me even going in. I wish I hadn't - I got behind on the drinking.
Arriving back at the pub saw me downing a few drinks, but everyone else had already had much more ad were on the way to being completely trousered. We ended up running from a tractor on the way back. Don't ask me how. Because I don't remember. Law had bought a MASSIVE teepee tent thing that was actually amazing,so we moved the party in to there.
After drinking an entire bottle of pina colada cocktail by myself, we decided to play spin the bottle. That failed, so we played 'I have Never' instead, using shots of apple sourz and then finally moving on to vodka shots. Oh. My. God. I drank to almost every single one! I well and truely caught up - I was completely trampolined! It was a bit unfair though - Law, Stephen and myself had to drink to every one being the little sluts that we are, and with Sexy close behind.
It was here that the night gets a bit weird and hazy also. I sent a series of embarassing text messages, so feel honoured if you recieved one, and sorry for it not being readable. We had a massive grapple for about 10 minutes and Law chased Stephen around the tent. Dan ended up between my boobs somehow. Moose basically fell asleep on my shoulder. Sexy and myself bonded over our typing fails on twitter and facebook. I taught David some japanese, so he spent the night calling Law and idiot over and over again. I called Ghandi a twat. Sexy was sure that Ghandi was Martin Luther King. We had a massive argument about grammar. We all love our mums. Law, Stephen and myself bonded over pokemon, repeatedly crying 'Cock! I choose you!!' and 'singing' the theme song. Law and I also argued about how neither of us had slept with an ex of mine, which was really odd. We had very odd conversations, including religions of the world and how much they suck and about rape. :/
I ended up curled next to Dan as it was SO COLD! David got up so I nicked his duvet, as I physically couldn't fit in my sleeping bag and had stupidly given Becky my blanket. We woke at half 5 and for some reason got up! I was still drunk and so I ate king prawn fried rice. I feel ill just thinking about it. As Stephen,Law and myself were the worst off thanks to that bloody drinking game (I had possibly 30 shots in total O_O) we kipped on the sofa for a bit and woke to watch Angels and Demons, which was awesome AND had Tom Hanks in it!!!
I had to wait until about half 1 or so to leave as I was finally sober enough. I'm not gonna be able to drink water again for a while. I had so much and it was vile. After dropping Stephen and David off I wandered home to be greeted by Tim's music SCREAMING out of the house AND him playing his guitar in my room with his amp on full. Ugh.... I'm gonna nom this shortbread and play Final Fantasy IX! WIN!!!
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