Saturday, 11 September 2010

Distraction of a Simpleton

Many many distractions... Some wanted, some not so wanted, but every one of them is enough to cause me to stop what I'm doing for a stupid amount of time. Called the KFC in Derby, finally, and set up an interview. The same day as my new piercing by my darling Jadey, but thank god not at the same time. It would be tough to choose - New job, or new nipple piercing...

Speaking of amount of time, because of my slight OCD issues, I have a routine in the mornings that I follow to the minute. I give myself an hour to get up and ready, including alarm snooze times naturally. I then have half an hour to travel to work, and 10 minutes to get ready while there. No one enjoys buggering up my routine, because I eat their heads. I was having a chat with mum 5 minutes before leaving, when Tim comes in demanding a lift to Lutton, the OPPOSITE direction to where I work.

He took 10 more minutes to get ready, but it took me getting in the car and pulling out of the drive for him to ACTUALLY GET HIS ARSE OUT OF THE BATHROOM AND STOP POOFING UP HIS HAIR! He had a handful of money "Leah, where can i put my money while I put my socks on?" "Your pocket" "I can't right now, I have to put my socks on." ¬_¬ He then demanded to borrow £3 that I don't have and called me a nasty bitch. Um, fuck off? You made me late for work?

Alex warned me about my shift today, but it wasn't enough. I started at the same time as William AND Lewis. Oh! My life was complete! A wanker and a gormless twat. Woooooo! I was having a chat with Edddddd, Eddddddddd (so called because I heard Mrs R calling his name when a TV fell on her at school once and I died laughing) and naturally Lewis came over and interrupted, telling a wonderful story about one of his teachers being a paedo. His reasons? He did a strange warm up exercise in Drama (that both Ed and I agreed was a legit exercise, having both done said exercise at school) and he read a magazine while teaching. I asked him if he actually knew what a paedophile was. To which he insulted me and then called me 'Mum'. I stormed off to stop myself punching him in the face. I then snapped a tray clean in half. They are tough trays. I don't know my own strength! O_O Ali died laughing and the massive group of SCRUMMY guys on front counter were in hysterics/really frightened.

Then the worst thing EVER happened. Lewis got sent on break. Then William at the same time. Then Ed. Then me. I was horrified at the thought of spending break with the first 2, but then thought that I could blank them if Ed was there. I walked in to the staffroom and sat down, once Lewis got his arse off a chair so I could. I then realised that Ed was smart and sat in his car. I was now stuck there. FML. I had Lewis boring me to tears talking about his 'love life' (as I said to Patience about his MASSIVE love bite - who the hell in their right mind would suck on his neck?) then I had William talking at me about the Government and interest rates, neither of which i give a flying fuck about. He then started saying how Scots are better than the Irish. I shut him up by saying 'Whatever you say, but there is at least a part of my country that is not associated with England.' Yeah, to those of you who are in the dark, my dad is Irish, making me a half. You can tell...

I got thrust on to front counter, much to my dismay, as it was sooooo busy! At one point I was packing for Sarah, when a customer came and asked for a cloth so he could wipe the table. I soaked some paper in a bit of sanitiser, and said 'I've put sanitiser on it, there you go ^^' The arsey twat I was packing for then bellowed 'I HOPE you're going to wash your hands before continuing to pack my meal!' (What, after using a cleaning product? Yeah, cause my hands are dirty and I'm using tongs anyway) I did it to please him of course, but made a point of saying to Sarah 'Oh, I just used the last of the SANITISER on my HANDS!' when I came back. Tosser.

Chris got my hopes up when I asked if I was going to be needed to stay on later on my shift tomorrow, and he told me it was the exact opposite. "What? I get to go early?" "No, can you START early?" I was starting at 9. Oh. My. God! Of course I Said yes though, cause I'm a twat. I was going to do some packing tonight, but I ended up watching Oops TV with mum and G, and now I'm watching one of their odd films. Adrian Brody in nothing but boxers - nice distraction ^__________^ Random man having oral sex with some random woman - not so nice distraction. Did I say not so nice? I meant HIDEOUS DISTRACTION! My eyes are burning!!!

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