It's surprising I'm actually still able to write this tonight, seeing as I actually melted today. More on that story later. Corrrrr...
Anyway, today was the day a group of us had to go to the Wisbech store to cover their workers as they were spending the day at Alton Towers as a reward for being fab at their jobs. What do we get? Hmmm... I dunno... Oh I do - BUGGER ALL! AND we have to cover their shifts at their store. Which is so much nicer and cleaner and smarter than ours, of course.
I got there slightly early, despite going the long way as I had nothing better to do. As soon as I got there I was sent to Maccy Ds to stock up on beef burgers and ice cream sundaes, as the store was dead. As I was walking back towards the store, I saw something sticking out from under the front of my car, thinking 'Uh oh, I hope that isn't something important' and when I got closer I saw it was a birds wing. Awwww. I gently tugged on it to try and pull it out, preparing myself for a hideous bloody, mangled stump. I pulled the wing out, with the rest of the bird still attatched to it. O___________O C-Hole perked me up by giving me a pressie from Netty and Tanny and made me open it - it was full of v. sexual and amusing items, and I absolutely loved it! So much so that I had a little cry.... :(
As nice as the store was, it was so so boring as bugger all customers came in. We were so quiet, and bored out of our brains, so we spent the time arsing around and drawing pictures on bucket lids. I technically didn't get a break on the shift I was working, but as soon as Adam got sent on his, Jade turned to me and said 'Leah, grab 15 minutes.' I actually love her!
Had a lovely chat before he went for some nicotine, in which he told me that he would miss me while I was gone, and that I really made it worth going in to work, which I didn't expect ^_^ but then he managed to lock himself out of the back door. After I let him back in I eventually plucked up the courage to compliment him (While eating my t-shirt, of course) and finally muttered "Ihavetotellyouthat....youhavereallyamazingeyes!" He just turned around, looked me dead in the eyes (causing me to melt. OMG HIS EYES! Seriously! They are just simply amazing!) And said "Ha! You beat me to it!" "What do you mean?" "I was just thinking that about yours out there, and was about to tell you!" I think I died. It then got really serious in the staff room - we got closer together... I was on edge... arms began to move and change position (if that makes sense)....aaaaaaaaaaand then Daniel came slamming in to the room and caused us to jump apart and both promptly leave the staff room... Moment = ruined, I think you'll agree. :( Bugger. Although the rest of the day was really fun.
Honest to God, when he brushed against me I nearly fell over. Peterborough Staff were coming in to do the night shift, and they all blanked me as they arrived. Fuckers. Then as I was leaving I said goodbye and told them to have fun. Ignored again. Fuckers. The heavens opened so C-Hole and I had to sprint to the car. Well, I say sprint, but as everyone would know, I did anything but run. I had to be back in the Lynn store by 4 to do another shift (¬¬) but we got stuck behind every possible thing that could slow us down. Made a tit of myself too - when exiting a roundabout that I use EVERY time I go to Lynn and have done so for 5 years or so, I commented 'OMG it has TREES ON IT?!?!?' I had never noticed before. Do I even have eyes? Amazing or not!
Then had to work at my usual store for hours, along with Adam (kwehhh) and it went so quickly due to a huge queue constantly badgering me. As per always. Last shift with Alex, Little Emma and Charlie, which was very sad. Alex had got me a card, which was lovely ^_^ Enjoying Fawlty Towers now, FTW.
Chatting to some friendies going to Uni with me and arranging FReshers' get togethers - we have also established that none of us really know what's going on vis a vis uni business so we're all just gonna get wasted and hope for the best. Story of my life. :/
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