Wednesday, 15 September 2010


Welcome to my life, if you haven't already been a part of it already. My life specialises in shite timing, although don't get me wrong, even if the timing was bad, what happened was the awesomes ^_^ That it was...

I actually got some packing done today, which was a major achievement. Well, I say I got some done, I did half an hour of taking things off of my walls then went to grab some money from Claxton then went on Frontierville for the rest of the morning, cause I'm blates lazy. Then Jadeles rang to share some fantastic news that most likely caused me to burst her ear drum when I screamed. Mr Scrummy cook likes me too. Which is kinda crap timing, but I'm all for giving things a shot. A lot.

Nipped in to town for the last time (sadness. A bit) to buy Sexy's birthday pressie. From Claxton. I have got her bugger all at this moment in time. Also got mug shot taken for student ID etc, but had the bloody photo booth basically screaming "YOU CAN'T PUT THAT IN A PASSPORT!!!!" at me the entire time. I'm not TRYING to - despite the fact that both my drivers lisence and passport both sport the most hideous picture ever taken of a human in the history of the world. Apart from the Elephant Man. Oooft, that was harsh. I am rather nasty to famous figures - Stephen Hawking has a slanty head and Ghandi is a twat.

Finally purchased a new nose stud to save me from wearing my clear bar the entire time. Discussing thickness with the bloke behind the counter made him so nervous he dropped an entire tray of studs on the floor. O_O Also had to buy a new tongue bar, as the current one I am sporting is waaaay too long and difficult to hide. After spending donkeys discussing the best choice and eventually purchasing it, I put it in my tongue to find that it is exactly the same size as my previous bar. Well, that's money well spent. FML.

Went food shopping with mum and scared her with the lack of biscuits and things that I actually consume that she expected me to buy. Lest she forget that my brother attack the cupboards and eat all new items in it before I'm even aware that they're there. Annoyed the fuck out of her by constantly quoting Borat the entire way round. Well, one quote - "What is this?" "Cheese." "And this?" "Cheese also" and so on. She loved it at first, but I think it got too much when I was putting bags in the car and screaming "IT'S CHEESE!!" for bugger all reason. Not that I had reason to in the first place tbh :/

Then on to work, for my final shift. Meh. Got in and Jadeles had a shit-eating grin on her face. When I asked her what it was about, she replied 'Oh you'll find out in about 20 mins' which both scared and intrigued me. Turns out it was to do with Adam, so my head all but fell off. As he was leaving he wanted to give me a card he'd got me, but took forever in doing so as he was so nervous he had to smoke 2 fags before he'd manned up enough. Even then it took both Patience and Jadeles to give him that extra push. That is just the definition of adorable, in my eyes. I then, true to form, made a COMPLTETE ARSE of myself by physically losing the ability to speak and just stuttered at him for about 5 minutes and had a lovely look at the floor while doing it. He told me it was sweet, later on, but I actually felt like I'd attempted to eat my own face before finding it's impossible and looked a total arse after all my bragging. Despite what many people think, I find it quite difficult to talk to someone I REALLY like while telling them so - I become a dribbling arse (God, that sounds so attractive on so many levels.) And lose any ounce of confidence I may have previously obtained somehow. It just sort of goes "HA! You're on your own now, twat!" and buggers off to down vodka shots.

I really shouldn't have watched Moulin Rouge before work, as ALL I could hear during my entire shift was Kylie dressed as the Green Fairy screeching about the hills being alive with the sound of music, which is blatantly a load of old bollocks anyway, but nevermind. Good shift, although I think I aged about 90 years judging by the huge amount of back pain I was put through. And William walked 2 miles in the rain and dark to give me a card and to wish me luck, which is nice of him despite the fact that he hates me and I find him uberly annoying. I had to laugh when I opened it though, as what he'd written was so true to him I could actually hear him saying it while I read it. Netty and Joycey also found it hilarious when I ran to show them. Sarah topped off the night when trying to get a big bad out of the bin and I asked if she needed help. "No I'm good. It's not so tight, it's just really long!" Day = made so many times over today =3

So that's it- the end of 2 years at KFC. Gonna miss it I must say. The people anyways, not the place itself or the punters. A bit sad - I've had some really good times there and met some amazing people. Last time at that store... well, until Christmas, that is.

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